En la vena y esque si me faltaría esto no podría respirar
In my veins and if I were to lose it, I couldn't breathe
Aun recuerdo cuando sali a la calle en busca de identidad
I still remember when I went out into the streets in search of identity
Aya en esa cuneta sucia, adrenalina en la esquina absorbiendo puro Hip Hop riker the rapers tomando control el luco concreto se nace esta pasion aguante callao Aulfao soy del clan que no aborta alqaeda
2 58 se reporta
Back when this dirty gutter, buzzing with adrenaline at the street corner, imbibed the pure Hip Hop, riker the rappers, taking control, this concrete jungle gave birth to this passion, hold on, Calão, Aulfao, I'm from that clan that doesn't give up, alqaeda
2 58 reporting in
La posta nadie dijo que era facil asumir el costo y el eje caminito mas difícil de pie cuando el paronama se puso hostil donde la jerarquía se hacia sentir de los antiguos y los nuevos sin pistola, sin dinero, pero con huevos me subestimaban se burlaban cuando el roka coche
The truth is no one said it was easy to accept the cost and take the most difficult path on foot when the panorama turned hostile, where the hierarchy made itself felt, of the old and the new, without a gun or money, but with balls they underestimated me, they made fun of me when they used the roka coke
Por primera vez freestaleava
For the first time, I freestyled
Entendí cuando cuesta año 99 y estudio de grabación me cerraban la puerta Vivencia que me dijeron Ponte Entrenar Ponte entrenar
I understood when it was hard, in'99 and recording studios were closed to me I lived through experiences that I was told to learn, practice, practice
Obstáculos, riñas, problemas y eso que no existía yutu yotu en donde la papa queman, valio la pena la paciencia y su bosquejo, nadie me la conto la vivi desde pendejo
Obstacles, brawls, problems, and that was before the existence of YouTube, where rumors spread like wildfire, it was worth the wait and his sketch, nobody told me about it, I lived it from the day I was born
Nunca fue casualidad encontrar
It was never a coincidence to find
Identidad esto es lo que llevo en la vena y
Identity is what I bear in my veins and
Esque sin esto no podría respirar
Without it, I couldn't even breathe
De pendejo me deje llevar por el corazón
As a kid, I let my heart take me away
Nunca pude evitarlo a caparaba mi atención le cogi el gusto al internastack en parte lisa el aroma montana y acapar las balizas le da que no volverá jamas la infancia que con nostalgia se recuerda rimver va
I could never avoid it, it caught my attention, I took a liking to the Internet, partly in the Lisa plain, the scent of the mountain and taking over the trails, he says he'll never come back, the childhood that is remembered with nostalgia, it goes by
Rapers la instancia la primera entrada para una convers infinita y valla como pasa el tiempo desechando insecto y
Rappers, the instance, the first step towards an infinite conversation, and watch how time passes by, discarding insects and
Conociendo a buenos elemento y porque no desir lo que hoy soy como el mc se lo devo al grupo al cual pertenesco
And meeting good guys and why not say what I am today, as an MC, I owe it to the group I belong to
Ruiz pek al proceso y su huella en vida humana lo alejo de la fama, de las estrellas si supiera cuanto amanecer en viller en el mucho cuaderno con tinta
Ruiz pek to the process and his mark on human life, kept him away from fame, from the stars, if he only knew how many dawns in the slums, in the many notebooks, with ink
Y aun quiero seguir machacando el abecedario estrujando el alma y cada escrito se cual sea el esenario shh sentaito en la cuneta
And I still want to keep on pounding the alphabet, wringing out my soul, and each writing, whatever the scenario, shh, sitting on the curb
Contando mi secreto a una libreta repleta de desiciones concreta grabando inmortalizando cada letra con echos callando al bocon con flow Amor al Hip Hop blow boh boh boohohohohhohoo
Telling my secrets to a notebook, full of concrete decisions, engraving, immortalizing each letter with facts, silencing the big mouth with flow Love for Hip Hop blow boh boh boohohohohhohoo
Nunca fue casualidad encontrar identidad
It was never a coincidence to find identity
Es lo que llevo en la vena y
It is what I carry in my veins and
Esque si me faltaría esto no podría ni respirar
If I were to lose it, I couldn't even breathe
Vez... Que no es fácil Aca nada regalado será porque nunca fue casualidad desde el Texas
You see... It's not easy Nothing is given for free here because it was never a coincidence from Texas
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