Dick Annegarn - Attila Joszef - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dick Annegarn - Attila Joszef

Attila Joszef
Attila Joseph
Qu′est-ce que je sais de ce po? te-l?
What do I know about this poet?
Sauf qu'il avait le verbe bref
Except that he was brief
Et qu′il s'appelait Attila, Attila Joszef
And that his name was Attila, Attila Joseph
En ancienne Transylvanie
In ancient Transylvania
Un pauvre jour il naquit
One poor day he was born
Son p? re? tait d? j? parti, l'amour? tait bref
His father had already left, love was brief
Pauvre magyar, t′aurais voulu valider ton histoire
Poor Hungarian, you would have liked to validate your story
Tu n′aurais pas mieux fait
You couldn't have done better
Ses deux petites s? urs et sa m? re
His two little sisters and his mother
Vivaient dans le m? me deux pi? ces
Lived in the same two rooms
Avec d'autres locataires peu avares de leurs fesses
With other tenants who were not stingy with their buttocks
Ils l′ont chang? de famille
They changed his family
Qui l'ont chang? de pr? nom
Who changed his name
Ami en terre ennemi, enfant sans ballon
Friend on earth enemy, child without a ball
Pauvre magyar, t′aurais voulu valider ton histoire
Poor Hungarian, you would have liked to validate your story
Tu n'aurais pas mieux fait
You couldn't have done better
Il a grandi puis vieilli
He grew up and then grew old
Lisant tout ce qui se lit
Reading everything that can be read
Vivant du peu de r? pit que lui laisse sa chance
Living on the little respite that his luck leaves him
On lui refuse son dipl? me
He is refused his diploma
Pour une fausse ind? cence
For a false innocence
Et sans d? tour il nous pr? ne le d? lit d′innocence
And without detour he preaches to us the crime of innocence
Pauvre magyar, t'aurais voulu valider ton histoire
Poor Hungarian, you would have liked to validate your story
Tu n'aurais pas mieux fait
You couldn't have done better
Il a quitt? le Parti,
He left the Party,
Qui ne l′a pas accept?
Who did not accept him?
Il a pris part et parti pour l′? ternit?
He took part and left for eternity?
Il a quitt? la maison
He left the house
Pour faire un tour pour toujours
To take a tour forever
Il a quitt? le perron aller sans retour
He left the porch to go without return
Pauvre magyar, t'aurais voulu valider ton histoire
Poor Hungarian, you would have liked to validate your story
Tu n′aurais pas mieux fait
You couldn't have done better

Авторы: Dick Annegarn

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