Diferente Nivel - El Zurdo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Diferente Nivel - El Zurdo

El Zurdo
The Left-Handed Man
Fui parte de una mafia italiana
I was part of an Italian mafia
Zurdo como me apodaban
They called me "The Left-Handed Man"
Era el más certero si se trataba de tirar balas
I was the most accurate when it came to shooting
Les daba piso en caliente
I followed them closely
De la muerte ya era cliente
I was already a client of death
En New York se rumoraba que andaba un hombre valiente
In New York, it was rumored that there was a brave man around
De esos que no andan con juegos
One of those who don't play games
Hombres finos de cerebro
Smart men
Qué no le temen a nada y que nunca les tiembla el dedo
Who are not afraid of anything and who never tremble
Más de 20 años me respaldaban
More than 20 years were behind me
No cualquiera los duraba
Not everyone could last that long
Pero como todo lo que empieza un día se acaba
But like everything that begins, one day it ends
Fue un federal encubierto
He was a federal agent
Qué se ganó mi respeto
Who earned my respect
Y lo llevé a las misiones para que perdiera el miedo
And I took him on missions so he would lose his fear
Era una sombra a espalda
He was a shadow behind me
Yo por el la vida daba,
For him I would give up my life
Lo propuse a la familia y fue el error que me mataba
I proposed him to the family and it was the mistake that killed me
Y aquí todo sigue siendo diferente, ea!
And here everything is still different
La madrugada se avecinaba
The morning approached
Mi final lo confirmaba
My end confirmed it
Contestando la llamada supe que estaba contada
Answering the call, I knew my life was over
Las horas que me restaban
The hours I had left
Me pasaban de volada
Were passing by quickly
No me despedí de aquel amor tan grande que amaba
I didn't say goodbye to my great love
La luna nos alumbraba
The moon was shining on us
Cuando los jefes miraban
When the bosses looked on
Al llegar a aquella junta de la que no regresara
As I arrived at that meeting from which I would not return
Aquí no se aceptan los errores
Mistakes are not accepted here
Me dijeron los señores
The bosses told me
Si la fallas la pagas ya sabes los pormenores
If you fail, you pay the price, you know the consequences
Nos serviste mucho tiempo
You served us well
Fuiste muy buen elemento
You were a good element
Pero aquí se te termina por completo tus momentos
But your time is over
Una bala me desploma
A bullet sends me down
En mi cabeza memorias
In my head, memories
No olviden soy el Zurdo ya les relaté mi historia
Don't forget me, I'm the Left-Handed Man, I've told you my story

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