Diferente Nivel - La Emboscada - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Diferente Nivel - La Emboscada

La Emboscada
Bastaron segundos
It all started in seconds
Para toparme a la muerte
When I came face to face with death
A penas era muy joven
When I was just a young man
Y ya viva cosas fuertes
And already facing such harsh things
Fue en un atentado
It was during an attack
El cual no me lo esperaba
Which I never expected
Sicarios encapuchados
Masked gunmen
La troca nos rafagiaban
Were shooting up our car
Los balazos llegan por la espalda
Bullets were flying from behind
De la troca
The truck
Mi instinto no se equivoca
My instinct was right
Toda mi vida paso en mi mente
My whole life flashed before my eyes
Consejos de mi madre presentes
My mother's advice came to mind
Vieran que orible se siente
It was terrible
El fuego empezaba
The flames were starting
En el suelo me ocultaba
I hid on the floor
Pizele le dije a mi tío
I told my uncle to run
Pero el muerto ya estaba
But he was already dead
Mire acia el frente
I glanced ahead
Que los malos se paraba
And saw the bad guys stopping
Muy despacio y con cuidado
Very slowly and carefully
Por la puerta me escapaba
I escaped through the door
Agachando con miedo
Crouching down in fear
Llegué asta la cajuela
I reached the trunk
Pensando que no me vieran
Hoping I wouldn't be seen
que remataban a mi tío
I saw them finishing off my uncle
Corriendo sin esperar auxilio
I ran without waiting for help
Me tiraron varios tiros
They fired several shots at me
Corriendo varias cuadras
I ran for several blocks
Dejando un rastro de sangre
Leaving a trail of blood
Asta que llegue a una casa
Until I reached a house
Supe que lograron darme
I knew I had been shot
Mi brazo sangraba
My arm was bleeding
La bala me atravesaba
The bullet had gone through me
Estaba con mucho miedo
I was scared
Pensando en lo que pasaba
Thinking about what was happening
Empeze a lavar con una llave
I started washing it with water
Que está afuera
That was outside
Trucha por si me sugieran
Just in case they were watching me
En esos momentos no sentía
At that moment I didn't feel
Que mi sangre se disminuía
That I was losing too much blood
No miraba una salida
I didn't see a way out
Y así suena
And this is how it sounds
Diferente nível
Diferente nivel
Llegaron los plebes
The guys arrived
Rápido me subí al carro
I quickly got into the car
Con una de mis playera
With one of my t-shirts
Me hice presión en el brazo
I put pressure on my arm
Lleve me al seguro
Take me to the hospital
Que la sangre se me agota
I'm losing too much blood
Mis amigos asustados
My friends were scared
En su rostro se les nota
You can see it on their faces
Los minutos se me hacían eternos
The minutes felt like hours
Aquél día la muerte me perseguía
That day, death was following me
En la sala de urgencias me internaban
They admitted me to the emergency room
Unos policías me preguntaban
Some police officers asked me
Que si a que me dedicaba
What I did for a living
Les daré un consejo
I'll give you a piece of advice
A todos los de la bola
To all of you out there
Que si no andan en lo chueco
If you're not involved in anything illegal
No andén buscando la bronca
Don't go looking for trouble
Por la confusión
Because of a mix-up
Mi vida casi perdía
I almost lost my life
Sin deberla ni temerla
I didn't deserve it
Se me perdian mis días
I almost lost my life
Mi tío no tuvo suerte
My uncle wasn't as lucky
A él si lo alcanzó la muerte
He didn't make it
Hay le va el adiós la despedida
Here's a farewell, a goodbye
Piensen en como quieren vivirla
Think about how you want to live your life
Tengan cuidado en sus días
Be careful out there

Авторы: Arturo Lugo Balderas

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