DINDIN - Chronicle (feat.BASIC) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DINDIN - Chronicle (feat.BASIC)

Chronicle (feat.BASIC)
Chronicle (feat.BASIC)
DinDin 또래 놈들에 비해 머리 하나 작던
My height was a head shorter than that of my peers
그렇게 하늘 위만 바라보다 finally
That's how I finally always looked up at the sky
이제는 아무도 업신여길 없지
No one can look down on me now
지금 친구 놈들의 자랑거리
Now I am the pride of my friends
넘쳐흐른 끼는 나의 주무기
My overflowing talent is my main weapon
여기저기든 두면 혼자 해냈지 밥벌이
I've always made ends meet by myself, whether through odd jobs here and there
이게 내가 버틴 이윤가
I guess this is my earned income
I'm the one and only
I'm the one and only
대체 누가 나를 메꿔
Who else can replace me?
나의 경험치는 매번, 시간이 갈수록 better
My experience gets better every time, as time goes by
나는 사실만을 뱉어, 가짜들은 better run
I only spit facts, so the fakers better run
I'm higher than ever son 내려갈 모르고
I'm higher than ever, son, and I don't know how to descend
오르기만 주가는 멈출 모르고선
I just keep going up, my stock price doesn't know how to stop
그려 상식 곡선
I always draw the normal curve
이걸 듣는 순간 너는 멈춰 나는 오져
The moment you hear this, you stop, I'm about to vomit
I told ya, I'm higher than ever son
I told ya, I'm higher than ever, son
나의 성장엔 마침표는 없어 never done never
There's no period in my growth, never done, never
I'm just a normal guy just like everyone else
I'm just a normal guy just like everyone else
I ain't no special 'cause I'm a rapper 유명해서
I ain't no special 'cause I'm a rapper or famous
부모님 말씀 듣고 곱게 자랐던 아이
I'm a kid who listened to his parents and grew up well
약간의 재능과 유명세 yeah, that made me high
A little talent and fame, yeah, that made me high
주변에 래퍼들은 자체가 힙합인데
Rappers around me, their lives are hip-hop itself
뻔뻔하거나 맞서 싸우거나 I've never been there
Being brazen or fighting back, I've never been there
단지 랩이 좋아서 시작했던 취민데
I just started rapping because I liked it
순수하게 좋아해서 하는 그런 느낌인데
I do it because I genuinely like it
죄다 핑계 아직 못다
It's all excuses, I haven't bloomed yet
많아 아직 가야 곳은 하늘 높인데
There are still many places I have to go, the sky is high
With a mic in my hand 앞을 막기만
With a mic in my hand, just block me
I'ma crush everything 계속 가기만
I'ma crush everything, I'll just keep going
So with my brothers on my side
So with my brothers on my side
두려울 없지 계속 올라가
There’s nothing to fear, I'll keep going up
세상이 다시 한번 놀란 다음
Once this world is surprised again
I'ma just stay on top, yeah
I'ma just stay on top, yeah
I'm fresh, D to the I N
I'm fresh, D to the I N
You feel me
You feel me
Uh, you can dive in
Uh, you can dive in
We fresh, still fresh, Basicka sicka
We fresh, still fresh, Basicka sicka
I'm fresh, D to the I N
I'm fresh, D to the I N
You feel me
You feel me
Uh, you can dive in
Uh, you can dive in
We fresh, still fresh, Basicka sicka
We fresh, still fresh, Basicka sicka
한낱 점으로 시작해 선을 이어 면을 그려가
Starting with a mere dot, connecting lines to form a surface
이차원에서 담으로 격을 올려가
From two dimensions, I raise my rank to a cube
가격은 올라가 어제와 달라
The price goes up, different from yesterday
가려는 이제는 보여 나의 미래가
The place I aim for now shows, my future
호빗처럼 현명해 거인처럼 진격해
I'm as wise as a hobbit and advance like a giant
요원처럼 치밀해 마린처럼 돌격해
I'm as meticulous as an agent and as aggressive as a marine
매년이 나의 전성기를 맞이하는
Every year is the year of my prime
가능성의 한계 아무도 가늠해
No one can fathom the limits of my potential
Enjoying my life, livin' it right
Enjoying my life, livin' it right
Beileve my rhyme, prime time
Beileve my rhyme, prime time
You can't killin' my vibe, success is on my side
You can't killin' my vibe, success is on my side
All right, yeah 돌아
All right, yeah, I can't go back
오늘도 잠들지 않아 꿈을 좇아
I won't fall asleep today, chasing my dreams
Whatever you do 남들이 뭐라 해도
Whatever you do, whatever others say
언제나 대답은 똑같아, 어쩌라고 so what
My answer is always the same, what can you do, so what?
신념만을 손에 쥐고
Clutching only my beliefs in my hand
걸어가 아무도 가지 않는 길로
I walk a path no one else takes.

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