Dino Merlin - Kad sve ovo bude juce - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dino Merlin - Kad sve ovo bude juce

Kad sve ovo bude juce
When All This Becomes Yesterday
Dan bez svijetla, zora bez pijetla
A day without light, a dawn without a rooster
Noc bez zvijezda, ptica bez gnijezda
A night without stars, a bird without a nest
Nit' se neba plave nit' mirisu trave
Neither the skies are blue nor the grass smells
Sta to tamo rade nase lude glave
What are our crazy minds doing there?
Sve sto zelim reci da
All I want to say is that
Kucnuo je posljednji cas 2x
The final hour has struck 2x
Viza, kriza, duldung ofental
Visas, crisis, residence permits
Berlin, Bec, malme vupertal
Berlin, Vienna, Malmo, Wuppertal
Gore, dolje, svuda pusto polje
Up, down, everywhere a desolate field
Da li smo zasluzili da nam bude bolje
Do we deserve to be better off?
Sve sto zelim reci
All I want to say is
Da kucnuo je posljednji cas
That the final hour has struck
Ne bude li Bosne
If there's no Bosnia
Tada nece biti ni nas
Then there will be no us
Mi smo samo krvava mrlja
We're just a bloody stain
Na bijelosvjetskom TV-ekranu
On a global TV screen
Oni koji treba u tisini da nestanu
Those who should disappear in silence
Sta njima znace nasi zivoti
What do our lives mean to them?
Sta to oni znaju o ljepoti
What do they know about beauty?
Nek zauvijek u blatu lazi ostanu
Let them forever wallow in the mud
Jednom kad sve ovo bude juce
One day when all this becomes yesterday
Kad zora svane, a svanuce
When the dawn breaks, and it will
Nemoj da ti bol grudi steze
Don't let pain grip your chest
Sto nisi bio tu kad je bilo najteze
That you weren't there when it was the hardest
Daj mi dan u kom si sretan
Give me a day when you're happy
Daj mi samo mrvu toplog ljeta
Give me just a crumb of warm summer
Daj mi snove koji
Give me dreams that
Nocna mora ne postanu
Don't become nightmares
Budi ruka koja Bosnu brani
Be the hand that protects Bosnia
Budi ruka koja Bosnu hrani
Be the hand that feeds Bosnia
Da vec sutra nasi snovi java postanu
So that tomorrow our dreams come true
Dan bez svijetla, zora bez pijetla
A day without light, a dawn without a rooster
Noc bez zvijezda, ptica bez gnijezda
A night without stars, a bird without a nest
Nit' se neba plave nit' mirisu trave
Neither the skies are blue nor the grass smells
Sta to tamo rade nase lude glave
What are our crazy minds doing there?
Sve sto zelim reci
All I want to say is
Da kucnuo je posljednji cas
That the final hour has struck
Ne bude li Bosne
If there's no Bosnia
Tada nece biti ni nas 2x
Then there will be no us 2x
Jednom kad sve ovo bude juce
One day when all this becomes yesterday
Stavit ces na krilo unuce
You'll put it on your grandchild's lap
Kad bosanske zime zasnijeze
When the Bosnian winter snows
Reci, ja sam bio tu
Say, I was there
Kad je bilo najteze
When it was the hardest
Ja sam bio s Bosnom
I was with Bosnia
Kad je bilo najteze
When it was the hardest
Sve sto zelim reci
All I want to say is
Da kucnuo je posljednji cas
That the final hour has struck
Ne bude li Bosne
If there's no Bosnia
Tada nece biti ni nas 4x
Then there will be no us 4x

Авторы: Dino Merlin

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