Divokej Bill - Kvuli holkam - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Divokej Bill - Kvuli holkam

Kvuli holkam
Because of the Girls
Kam zase táhnou vyspat se na bodláčí,
Where are you running to sleep on the thorns,
Spálit mosty je prostý stačí začít
To burn bridges is simple, just start
Cejtěj, že slábnou nikdo je tady neudrží co na tom záleží,
You can feel that you are getting weaker, no one here can hold you, what does that matter,
Co na tom záleží a vo to tu neběží
What does that matter and that's not what we're talking about
Nehledej ráj zůstanem tady jiný hledaj
Don't look for paradise, let's stay here, let others search
Ostatní věci jsou jenom kecy
Other things are just talk
A ty si přeci no řekni to sám,
And you after all, tell me yourself,
A řekni to sám!!!!!!
And tell me yourself!!!!!!
Smějou se a taky pláčou,
They laugh and also cry,
Mlčej a taky řvou
They are silent and also scream
Válej se po zemi skáčou,
They roll on the ground, they jump,
Plazej se po kolenou
They crawl on their knees
Od ucha k uchu si brečí a hrozně dojatý jsou lítaji ve vzduchu klečí,
From ear to ear they cry and are terribly touched, they fly in the air, they kneel,
Lítaji ve vzduchu klečí
They fly in the air, they kneel
A pak se vzpamatujou
And then they come to their senses
A pak se vzpamatujou v křeči.
And then they come to their senses in spasms.
Pudeme nohy nás nesou,
We will go our legs carry us,
Lepší to bude osude kde sou
It will be better fate where are
Kde sou ty hrady a nebo zůstaneme tady,
Where are those castles or will we stay here,
Kvůli holkám a nebo zůstaneme tady,
For the sake of the girls or will we stay here,
Kvůli holkám, který pláčou,
For the sake of the girls, who cry,
Který mlčej který řvou,
Who are silent, who scream,
Co válej se po zemi skáčou,
Who roll on the ground, jump,
Plazej se po kolenou
Crawling on their knees
Od ucha k uchu si brečí
They cry from ear to ear
A hrozně dojatý jsou
And they are terribly touched
A každej večír jsou,
And every night they are,
Hepčík lítaj ve vzduchu klečí
Achoo, they fly in the air, they kneel
A pak se vzpamatujou
And then they come to their senses
A pak se vzpamatujou
And then they come to their senses
A zase se vzpamatujou
And then they come to their senses again
Voni se vzpamatujou v křeči.
They will come to their senses in spasms.
potom přesvědčí o tom,
They will then convince you,
že nejhezčí co nás potkalo na světě
That the most beautiful thing we have ever met in the world
Jsou ty bez řečí
Are those without words
A tak tady asi zůstaneme kvůli holkám,
And so we will probably stay here because of the girls,
Potají pláčou a hledají,
They cry in secret and search,
Komu dají děti a pustí ho domů
To whom they will give their children and let him go home
To je ti takovej zvyk
That's such a habit
Nenajdu klid dokud ho nebudu mít v holkách,
I will find no peace until I have it in the girls,
Který čekají a lítají ve vzduchu klečí
Who wait and fly in the air, kneel
A pak se vzpamatujou a pak se vpamatujou
And then they come to their senses and then they come to their senses
Zase se vzpamatujou a pak se vzpamatujou,
They come to their senses again and then they come to their senses,
A zase se vzpamatujou a pak se vzpamatujou,
And then they come to their senses again and then they come to their senses,
A zase se vzpamatujou a pak se vzpamatujou,
And then they come to their senses again and then they come to their senses,
They come to their senses,
V křeči či či či či či.
In convulsions, chi, chi, chi, chi.

Авторы: václav bláha

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