Djecaci - Dalmacija - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Djecaci - Dalmacija

Svaka pisma o dalmaciji
Every song about Dalmatia
Postane hit barem u dalmaciji
Becomes a hit, at least in Dalmatia
I cili je split rascvala grana,
And all of Split is a blossoming branch,
Od tehno betona cvit mediterana
From techno concrete, a Mediterranean flower
Di skupljaci boca nedaju pit.
Where bottle collectors won't let you drink.
Na mateušci cujes samo momak jel prazno
On Matejuška you only hear "Hey man, is it empty?"
Pogledaj gradonacelnika bit ce ti jasno,
Look at the mayor, it will be clear to you,
Grad blagajnika i skladištara
A city of cashiers and warehouse workers
40 iljada bez posla soping centar se otvara.
40 thousand unemployed, a shopping center is opening.
JJa san iz mista di duše izlaze, bura puše
I'm from a place where souls depart, the bora wind blows
Nosim te prozirne prikaze prema moru
I carry those transparent apparitions towards the sea
Kuca u babinom polju odrat lica u lavoru
A house in Babino Polje, washing my face in a basin
Slike morskom solju poskropljeni cvrčci
Pictures sprinkled with sea salt, crickets
Ritmove proizvode koji smanjuju najvece nitkove
Producing rhythms that diminish even the biggest scoundrels
I izrode u nešto što presitno je
And degenerates into something so tiny
Odjednom nebitno je polako dišem.
Suddenly insignificant, I breathe slowly.
Sad okom smiren s protokom misli kroz mozak
Now with a calm eye, thoughts flow through my brain
Normalne brzine kroz gužve i buke
At normal speed, through crowds and noise
Bez želućane kiseline daleko od
Without stomach acid, far from
Prašine splita od je more prozirnije nego vitar.
The dust of Split, the sea is more transparent than the wind.
Dalmacijo dalmacijo
Dalmatia, Dalmatia
Digidigi di digidi
Digidigi di digidi
Dalmacijo dalmacijo
Dalmatia, Dalmatia
Digidigi di digidi
Digidigi di digidi
9 manje 5 cekam topli smotom kasetom
9 minus 5, I wait with a warm cassette tape
Kolovoz faca mi se topi i kapa po betonu
August, my face is melting, my cap on the concrete
Kapa ti na japanku nadi me u firmi na sastanku.
Your flip-flop cap, meet me at the company meeting.
Gledaj kako diskurtirano poslovnom planu
Watch how we discuss the business plan
Sine sidi na parking za 10 minuta
Son, sit in the parking lot for 10 minutes
Baba je poslala hranu svinjetina je u foliji
Grandma sent food, the pork is in foil
Suđe mi ima sidu mravi na zidu
My dishes have AIDS, ants on the wall
Nose mrvice čevapa i krpe
Carrying crumbs of ćevapi and rags
Seljacine mi prde po kaucu
Peasants farting on my couch
Kupija san plasticnih casa
I bought plastic cups in bulk
Na hrpe opet si pija iz staklene
You drank from a glass again
Operije likovi su gutali slike
Washed-up characters were swallowing pictures
Sada gutaju galerije propali odlikaši
Now they swallow galleries, failed top students
Nosevi su nasukani na bjeloj plaži
Noses are stranded on the white beach
Kad sunce zade izad dnevnika i dode sve do filtera
When the sun hits, I come out of the newspaper and reach the filters
šugaman zamiriše na lavandu
The towel smells of lavender
Kazeta od sajbresa pucketa na maganu
The cassette from Šajbres crackles on the magana
I smijemo se vanimo svakom lapanu
And we laugh, calling out every fool
Na prokurativama kad je splitski
On the Prokurative, when it's the Split
Festival splitska tuga.
Festival, Split sadness.
Sili smo na mul da se možemo rugati
We force ourselves onto the pier so we can make fun
Svakom liku šta piva
Of every guy who sings
Kad ode nema niceg osim srdele šta pliva
When he leaves, there's nothing left but the sardine that swims
I ljubavi ća boli i sunca sta sija
And love that hurts, and the sun that shines
Još galeb i palma i evo dalmacija pivaj.
Just a seagull and a palm tree, and here's Dalmatia, sing.
Dalmacijo dalmacijo
Dalmatia, Dalmatia
Digidigi di digidi
Digidigi di digidi
Dalmacijo dalmacijo
Dalmatia, Dalmatia
Digidigi di digidi
Digidigi di digidi
Brate ne seri drago mi je kad hajduk pobjedi
Brother, don't bullshit, I'm glad when Hajduk wins
Drago mi je ljeti i vjetar osjetit
I'm glad to feel the summer and the wind
Pa i bit ovdje da mi možete prijetit
And to be here so you can threaten me
Ja ču bit ovdje i gubit apetit
I'll be here and lose my appetite
7 godina este vina je u mojoj jetri
7 years of this wine is in my liver
I samo želim da svi oko mene budu sretni
And I just want everyone around me to be happy
Jer s njima želim vrijeme podijelit
Because I want to share time with them
I mogu ih uvjek pozvat kad cu se selit
And I can always call them when I move.
7 godina este dima je u mojim plucima
7 years of this smoke is in my lungs
Neznan kakav mi ostavija ucinak
I don't know what effect it left on me
Znam kako je to plutat na pucini i
I know what it's like to float on the open sea and
Spremit ribu kako su me naucili
Prepare fish the way they taught me
7 godina este žena je u mojim ocima
7 years of women are in my eyes
I opet trebam s 27 ponovno pocinjati
And again at 27 I have to start over
Ko ce me pomladit novih 7 godina
Who will rejuvenate me for another 7 years
Ako ne boginja cija prica tek pocinje.
If not the goddess whose story is just beginning.
7 godina mi sjena liže ovaj beton
7 years my shadow licks this concrete
Ja sam samo lutak a ovaj grad je đepeto
I'm just a puppet and this city is Geppetto
A ovi ljudi su vdio mene cak i ako vole
And these people, even if they love me, they've seen
Mislit da ja nisam dijo njih
To think that I'm not a part of them
Stavljam istinu u stih i to mi nemožeš oduzet
I put the truth into verse and you can't take that away from me
Kroner sa bocom obucen u baloner
A drunkard with a bottle, dressed in a raincoat
Kao đon hjuzen setam sretno centrom po kiši
Like John Cusack, I walk happily through the center in the rain
I mislim kako više nikad necu biti isti
And I think how I will never be the same again
Slusaj ca ti kantam slusaj ca ti pivam
Listen to what I sing, listen to what I chant
Ova por u ca plovi i srdeli ca pliva
About this boat that sails and the sardine that swims
I jubavi ca boli jer te moje srce voli
And the love that hurts because my heart loves you
Tvoje tilo ca je slano ka zrno morske soli
Your body that is salty like a grain of sea salt
Kad je vrime svetog duje ja grem se prošetat
When it's the time of Saint Duje, I go for a walk
Na mateušku i špeun i kada dojden kuci
To Matejuška and Špeun, and when I come home
Ja zaboscu svoj perun u kilo lešeg mesa
I'll stick my lightning bolt into a kilo of rotten meat
I popit cu bevandu i cilu noc cu plesat
And I'll drink bevanda and dance all night
I pivat cu samo dalmacijo,dalmacijo
And I'll sing only Dalmatia, Dalmatia

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