Djogani - Idemo Na Mars - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Djogani - Idemo Na Mars

Idemo Na Mars
Idemo Na Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars (kada?)
Let's Go to Mars (when?)
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Mi smo kosmonauti iz zvezdanog grada.
We're astronauts from the celestial city.
Idemo na Mars jer tamo nema rada.
We're going to Mars because there's no work there.
Tamo žive neki mali, zeleni i plavi
There live some small, green, and blue beings
Desiće se brzo neke promene u glavi.
And there'll soon be some changes in the minds.
Idemo na Mars jer tamo neke druge
We're going to Mars because some other beings
Traže na ljubicastoj plaži.
Are looking for us on the purple beach.
Da se lišimo gnjavaže.
To rid ourselves of the nag.
To je novo mesto gde se nešto novo zbiva
It's a new place where there's something new happening
Odlazim ja, a ti si kriva.
I'm leaving, but you're wrong.
Nisam htela nikad ljubav da ti dam
I never wanted to give you love
Naterala sam te da odes na Mars.
I forced you to go to Mars.
Rakija je kriva što si sada tu.
The cognac is to blame for you being here now.
Ti sad voliš neku ženu zelenu.
Now you love a green woman.
A sada krivim, krivim sudbinu
And now I blame, I blame fate
Što ja volim ženu zelenu.
That I love a green woman.
A sada krivim, krivim sudbinu
And now I blame, I blame fate
Što ja volim ženu zelenu.
That I love a green woman.
Evo nas na Marsu, žene su im iste.
Here we are on Mars, the women are the same.
Nijanse ih dele a u glavi nisu čiste.
Shades separate them, but their minds aren't pure.
Zelene su boje mršave i krupne.
The green ones are skinny and plump.
Malo gore, malo dole, odma srce pukne.
A little too much, a little too little, and then your heart breaks.
Jedino im smetaju kocka, duvan, pića.
The only thing they dislike is ice cream, tobacco, and drinks.
Bilo da smo crna, bela ili zelena bića.
Whether we're black, white, or green creatures.
Ostacemo zato u svojoj raketi
That's why we'll stay in our rockets
Jer su žene proklete na svakoj planeti.
Because women are cursed on every planet.
Šta da radim da se nadam ne mogu.
What can I do if I don't have hope?
Tako si visoko, a tako na dnu.
You're so high up, yet so low.
A za tebe više nema povratka.
And there's no turning back for you.
Šta uradi ova kurva zelena.
What did this green whore do?
A sada krivim, krivim sudbinu
And now I blame, I blame fate
Što ja volim ženu zelenu.
That I love a green woman.
A sada krivim, krivim sudbinu
And now I blame, I blame fate
Što ja volim ženu zelenu.
That I love a green woman.
A sada krivim, krivim sudbinu
And now I blame, I blame fate
Što ja volim ženu zelenu.
That I love a green woman.
A sada krivim, krivim sudbinu
And now I blame, I blame fate
Što ja volim ženu zelenu.
That I love a green woman.
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars (kada?)
Let's Go to Mars (when?)
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars
Let's Go to Mars
Idemo na Mars ...
Let's Go to Mars ...
Kraj (Ćoffi 45)
The End (Ćoffi 45)

Авторы: Aleksandar Milanovic, Djordje Djogani

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