Djordje Balasevic - Mirka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Djordje Balasevic - Mirka

Čuli ste za Zlatni Bokal
Have you heard of Zlatni Bokal?
To je jedan sumnjiv lokal
It's a questionable bar, local
Al′ je kuvar pravi as
But the chef is a true ace
Sedeo sam sam za stolom
I sat alone at the table
Pio viski s koka kolom
Drinking whiskey with Coca-Cola
Kada začuh neki glas
When I heard a voice
Znam vas, pardon, s televizije
I know you, pardon me, from television
Vi ste ponos naše nizije
You are the pride of our lowlands
Moja kči od devet godina
My nine-year-old daughter
Sve vaše pesme zna, baš svaki stih
Knows all your songs, every verse
Na te reći izvanredne
To these extraordinary words
Ponudih da sa mnom sedne
I offered for her to sit with me
Čekao je samo to
That's all she had been waiting for
Reče, hm, ja sam iz orkestra
She said, um, I'm from the orchestra
Ta što peva mi je sestra
The one that sings is my sister
Tu smo več mesec i po
We've been here for over a month
Mi vas ne bi maltretirali
We wouldn't pester you
Al' bi nešto sad odsvirali
But we'd like to play something now
To je jedan šlager lično naš
It's a personal hit song of ours
Želimo čuti vas cenjeni sud
We'd like to hear your esteemed opinion
Pa reče
So she said
Mirka, ljubavi jedina moja ti
Mirka, my one and only love
Ko te sada dirka i ko ti
Who's chasing you now, and who
Pod prozore dolazi da ti svirka
Comes under your window to play for you
Mirka, možda bi i sretno živeli
Mirka, maybe we could live happily
Samo da si ti našla pravi put
Only if you find the right way
Do mog tužnog srca
To my sad heart
Rekoh da ču im pomoći
I said I'd help them
Kol′ko je u mojoj moči
As much as I was able
Ali, ja sam pevać tek
But I'm just a singer
Reče, svi su producenti
She said, all producers
Promašeni dirigenti
Are failed conductors
Niko od njih nema šmek
None of them have the magic touch
Mi več godinama sviramo
We've been playing for years
Al' strašno slabo prosperiramo
But we've had very poor success
Poslušajte još jedanput bar
Listen to this one more time at least
Ovo je prava stvar, veliki hit
This is the real thing, a huge hit
Mirka, ljubavi jedina moja ti
Mirka, my one and only love
Ko te sada dirka i ko ti
Who's chasing you now, and who
Pod prozore dolazi da ti svirka
Comes under your window to play for you
Mirka, možda bi i sretno živeli
Mirka, maybe we could live happily
Samo da si ti našla pravi put
Only if you find the right way
Do mog tužnog srca
To my sad heart
Pričali smo posle dugo
We talked for a long time afterward
O muzici, šta bi drugo
About music, what else
Popili smo oho-ho
We had a few drinks
Ja od tada slabo radim
I haven't been working much since then
Stvarno, nije da se vadim
Really, I'm not making excuses
Al' je razlog tačno to
But that's exactly the reason
Ta mi se interpretacija
That interpretation of hers
Javlja k′o halucinacija
Appears to me like a hallucination
Proganja me, muči, vraća se
It haunts me, tortures me, comes back
Uvek, k′o bumerang
Always, like a boomerang
Taj smešni, divni refren
That funny, wonderful refrain
Mirka, ljubavi jedina moja ti
Mirka, my one and only love
Ko te sada dirka i ko ti
Who's chasing you now, and who
Pod prozore dolazi da ti svirka
Comes under your window to play for you
Mirka, možda bi i sretno živeli
Mirka, maybe we could live happily
Samo da si ti našla pravi put
Only if you find the right way
Do mog tužnog srca
To my sad heart
Mirka, ljubavi jedina moja ti
Mirka, my one and only love
Ko te sada dirka i ko ti
Who's chasing you now, and who
Pod prozore dolazi da ti svirka
Comes under your window to play for you
Mirka, možda bi i sretno živeli
Mirka, maybe we could live happily
Samo da si ti našla pravi put
Only if you find the right way
Do mog tužnog srca
To my sad heart
O, mila moja
Oh, my darling
Mirka, ljubavi jedina moja ti
Mirka, my one and only love
Ko te sada dirka i ko ti
Who's chasing you now, and who
Pod prozore dolazi da ti svirka
Comes under your window to play for you
Mirka, možda bi i sretno živeli
Mirka, maybe we could live happily
Samo da si ti našla pravi put
Only if you find the right way

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