Doble Porcion - Curt Kovein - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Doble Porcion - Curt Kovein

Curt Kovein
Curt Kovein
Tirao' en la cama
Tirao' on the bed
Mi primo en la cana
My cousin in La Cana
Mi mamá se llena de canas
My mom is full of gray hairs
De papá solo quedan el cañas
From Dad there are only the reeds
La vida me daña
Life hurts me
No tocan mis ñañas
They don't touch my nuts
Yo los tengo de hijos desde que salió mi rap de la montaña
I have them as children since my rap came out of the mountain
Yo no queria y tengo
I didn't want to and I have
Tu no tienes
You don't have
Solo quieres y eres
You just want and you are
Eres solo verbos y nos gusta el rosa
You're just verbs and we like pink
Si bailamos ñejo no me saquen la piedra
If we dance ñejo don't take the stone out of me
Que la exploto como el tejo
That I exploit her like the yew tree
Vuelve al futuro
Back to the future
Te toca el orgullo yo te agarro el culo
You get the pride I grab your ass
Después del odio y todos viven en julio
After the hate and everyone lives in July
Que después no llamen
That later they do not call
Que nunca aqui estuvo
That he was never here
Dije no a los tubos
I said no to the tubes
Mis neas mantienen allá como búhos
My neas keep there like owls
El micro es mi arma
The microphone is my weapon
(El micro es mi arma)
(The microphone is my weapon)
Tu busca un escudo
You are looking for a shield
Quiso y no pudo
He wanted and could not
Mas palabras tienen los mudos
The dumb have more words
Que le den un premio y le pinten un muro
Let them give him an award and paint him a wall
De frente me ve y se caga seguro
From the front he sees me and shits for sure
Yo no me hago el duro
I don't play hard to get
Menos el charro
Minus the charro
Los mato de piernas cruzadas, gordo
I kill them cross-legged, fat
Fumando cigarro
Smoking a cigar
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Ninguno de los míos tomando lean
None of us are taking lean.
Vasos con agua y cuarzo de md
MD quartz glasses with water
Me encanta el olor de lo que prendí
I love the smell of what I turned on
Usted no aprendió lo copio de
You didn't learn it copy it from me
No ponga esa cara que se
Don't make that face that you do
No venga de malo que no es tan G
Don't get me wrong it's not so G...
El those sin tabaco repleto with D
The those without tobacco packed with D
Mis ojos en el culo de ella mi B
My eyes in her ass my B
Se que la pongo a cuartiar
I know that I put her to quartiar
Se que los pongo a rapear
I know I get them to rap
Se que los pongo a saltar
I know I make them jump
Se que las hago sudar
I know I make them sweat
Los conciertos se llenan
The concerts are full
Y el dinero me ciega
And the money blinds me
Y no me olvido ma' nigga
And I don't forget ma' nigga
De dónde viene mi liga
Where does my league come from
Si esos perros preguntan por mi
If those dogs ask about me
Que su boca nunca me mencione
May his mouth never mention me
Hice filtro soporta los rollings
I made filter supports the rollings
Maduré todas mis depresiones
I've matured all my depressions
No tome su camino
Don't take your way
Me quede con los mios
I stayed with mine
Maté las traiciones eso me hizo más fuerte
I killed the betrayals that made me stronger
Seguro más frío
Colder insurance
Y sin emociones
And without emotions
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses
Borracho con gafas de Kurt Cobain
Drunk with Kurt Cobain glasses

Авторы: Julian Canas Molina, Santiago Marin Villa, Andres Madrigal Escobar

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