Doc - Vecinii Mei - перевод текста песни на английский

Vecinii Mei - Docперевод на английский

Vecinii Mei
My Neighbors
Am o babă exact sub mine, nu-s gerontofil
I have an old lady right below me, I'm not a gerontophile
Băi, fine, femeia-i babă de când eram copil
My, oh, my, the woman has been old since I was a child
E cea mai retro-trendy babă, încă poartă corset
She's the most retro-trendy old lady, she still wears a corset
Și singura ei treabă e să-mi bată-n țeavă-n codu' Morse
And her only job is to tap on my pipe in Morse code
Cand o văd, emite-un miros de rom și Cherry
When I see her, she smells like rum and Cherry
Prost gust, de la gât în jos, parcă-i aia din Tom și Jerry
Bad taste, from the neck down, she looks like that one from Tom and Jerry
Mi-a văzut clipu', mi-a zis că-i place de Deli
She saw my clip, she told me she likes Deli
Și de Vlad, da' de mine nu-i place, că-ncep a cheli
And Vlad, but she doesn't like me, because I'm starting to go bald
Am un vecin cu-n Benz din '80, praf Mertzanu'
I have a neighbor with a Benz from '80, a low-class Mertzanu'
O repară zilnic, e stricată toată Oana Zavoranu
He repairs it daily, it's all broken - Oana Zavoranu
Altu' are-un Benz mare! Grav Mertzanu'!
The other one has a big Benz! A serious Mertzanu'!
Care costă cam cat are la-ntreținere bălanu'
Which costs about as much as he pays for his glans maintenance
La 5 stă Ionel, 25 de ani, aproape chel
Ionel, 25 years old, almost bald, lives on the 5th floor
Nu știu ce face el, da-i mereu la geam, ce porumbel!
I don't know what he does, but he's always at the window, what a pigeon!
Fel de fel de caractere, si nu refer la fonturi
All sorts of characters, and I don't mean fonts
D-aia, când plec de-acasă, îmi vine plec cu totul
That's why when I leave home, I feel like leaving for good
Poți vii stai cu ei
You can come and stay with them
ăștia sunt vecinii mei
'Cause these are my neighbors
Dacă vrei stai cu ei
If you want to stay with them
Ăștia sunt vecinii mei
These are my neighbors
Poți vii stai cu ei
You can come and stay with them
ăștia sunt vecinii mei
'Cause these are my neighbors
Da' facem schimb
But we'll swap
Zi-mi dacă vrei
Tell me if you want to
Stau eu cu ai tăi
I'll stay with yours
Stai tu cu ai mei
You stay with mine
Am deasupra un copil, nu, nu sunt pedofil
I have a kid above me, no, I'm not a pedophile
Când ești mai chill, îți fute filmul Titus Steel
When you're most relaxed, he'll ruin your film - Titus Steel
Țipă, sare prin casă, de zici c-a luat un pill
He screams, jumps around the house, you'd think he took a pill
L-am abordat ieri pe ta-su, şi-ăla alt debil...
I approached his father yesterday, and he's another idiot...
L-am întrebat care-i faza. Că, dacă fi-su e cu nervii
I asked him what's the deal. That if his kid is nervous
Îi dau foc! Arde, uite-l cum arde! Mr. Levy
I'll set him on fire! Burn him, watch him burn! - Mr. Levy
A belit ochii. I-am zis belește cariciu'
He rolled his eyes. I told him he'd roll his eyes out
Dacă nu-şi potolește piciu', iau gaz de la Patriciu
If he doesn't calm his little boy down, I'll get gas from Patriciu
Și fac un gratar canibal, bag și-un dans tribal
And I'll make a cannibal barbecue, I'll even do a tribal dance
doare la ştoacă, dacă m-aleg c-un caz penal!
I don't give a damn if I end up with a criminal case!
Ori la grătar, ori la spital, că-mi cade-n cap tavanu'
Either a barbecue, or a hospital, 'cause the ceiling is falling on my head
Îmi tremură și geamu'. Sper c-a-nțeles balanu'
My window is even shaking. I hope he understood the hint
Cam ăștia sunt vecinii mei
These are my neighbors
N-am niciunu' gay
I don't have any gays
Știu doi sunt pești
I know that two of them are fish
Da' moară peștii mei
But to hell with my fish
Dac-ai treabă cu ei
If you have any business with them
Dacă vreunu' te deranjează
If any of them bother you
Facem schimb, dacă vrei
We'll swap, if you want
Și crezi te coafează
And believe me, you'll love it
Poți vii stai cu ei
You can come and stay with them
ăștia sunt vecinii mei
'Cause these are my neighbors
Dacă vrei stai cu ei
If you want to stay with them
Ăștia sunt vecinii mei
These are my neighbors
Poți vii stai cu ei
You can come and stay with them
ăștia sunt vecinii mei
'Cause these are my neighbors
Da' facem schimb
But we'll swap
Zi-mi dacă vrei
Tell me if you want to
Stau eu cu ai tăi
I'll stay with yours
Stai tu cu ai mei
You stay with mine
Vrei stai?
Do you want to stay?
Vrei stai?
Do you want to stay?
Îți zic eu, nu vrei stai.
I'm telling you, you don't want to stay.
Vrei stai?
Do you want to stay?
Vrei stai?
Do you want to stay?
Îți zic eu, nu vrei stai.
I'm telling you, you don't want to stay.
Hai, hai dacă vrei
Come on, come on if you want to
Da' poți vii stai cu ei
But you can come and stay with them
Ăștia sunt vecinii mei
These are my neighbors
Ți dau gratis, sunt ai tăi
I'll give them to you for free, they're yours

Авторы: Munteanu Vlad

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