Doctore - Lo Que Nos Honra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Doctore - Lo Que Nos Honra

Lo Que Nos Honra
What Honors Us
Pocos hacen ya este tipo de musica
Few people make this kind of music anymore
Musica que os cura a los demas cuando permito hacerla publica
Music that heals you others when I allow it to be made public
Tu ni ca'h a esos payasos y mas si vienen con esa postura estudpida
Don't you fall for those clowns, especially if they come with that stupid attitude
Es tu mira'h la que me vuelve paranoico, estoy con,
It's your look that makes me paranoid, I'm with a
Un hermano que no es de madre pero como si lo fuera
Brother who's not from my mother, but it's as if he were
Si tienes problemas recorreria la tierra entera
If you had problems, I would travel the whole world
Pero no quiero decirte mas
But I don't want to tell you any more
Quiero que lo haga el tiempo
I want time to do it
Por eso vuelvo con vosotros a daros
That's why I'm back with you to give you
Lo que cada dia me intento dar a mi
What I try to give myself every day
Estar aqui es sinonimo de sufrimiento,
Being here is synonymous with suffering,
Antonimo al mismo tiempo, e ironico
Antonym at the same time, and ironic
Pero me alegro de que mi amor platonico sea el blanco y el negro
But I'm glad my platonic love is black and white
Siempre he necesitao odio y amor pa'h sentirme completo
I've always needed hate and love to feel complete
Un angel enamorao del infierno
An angel in love with hell
Otro soldao del reino cantera un simple campesino
Another soldier of the kingdom quarries a simple peasant
Odiao y ahumao por el mismo motivo
Hated and smoked for the same reason
Mi primo no te rias del mal del vecino
Cuz, don't laugh at your neighbor's misfortune
Que el tuyo puede que te de camino
Because yours may give you a way
He dicstuio mas veces conmigo que con los demas
I've argued with myself more times than I have with others
Pero he aprendido y he podido reflexionar
But I've learned and been able to reflect
Que estar vivo y sentirse vivo no es lo mismo aahhh
That being alive and feeling alive are not the same aahhh
Y que sino me cuido yo quien lo haraaa?
And that if I don't take care of myself, who will?
Dibujamos promesas en la arena del mar
We drew promises in the sand of the sea
A sabiendas de que si subia la marea se iban a borrar
Knowing that if the tide came in they would be erased
Pero aun asi lo hicimos, somos cabezones
But we still did it, we're stubborn
Olvidarte de alex o doctore
Forget about Alex or Doctore
Centrate que almenos propone soluciones a problemas en cadena
Focus, at least he proposes solutions to chain problems
Que encadenan a generaciosnes
That chain generations
Soy el que faltaba a clase y contestaba a los profesores
I'm the one who skipped class and answered the teachers
Nunca he sido mucho de pauta y patrones
I've never been much for guidelines and patterns
No quiero ni un cochazo ni un chalet
I don't want a fancy car or a mansion
Me conformo con que a los mios no les falte de comer
I'm happy as long as my family doesn't lack food to eat
Un techo donde dormir un lugar donde crecer
A roof over their heads, a place to grow
Una escuela a la que ir i alli que puedan aprender
A school to go to and there they can learn
Pero este sistema no te quiere potenciar
But this system doesn't want to empower you
Si eso antes no le potencia a el
If it doesn't empower him first
Nose si nuestras huellas duran como una estrella fugaz
I don't know if our footprints last like a shooting star
Pero me he metio en medio de la guerra y he gritao PAZ.
But I've gone into the middle of war and shouted PEACE.
Y aun asi muchos me han venido a atacar
And even so, many have come to attack me
Pero cuando plantas cara las cosas empiezan a cambiar
But when you stand up for yourself, things start to change
Mi planes han cambio desde que me puse a caminar
My plans have changed since I started walking
He planeao hasta en el ojo del huracan
I've planned even in the eye of the hurricane
Donde esta el que decia que no valia ni un duro
Where is the one who said I wasn't worth a penny
El que se reia a carcajadas cuando me daba contra ese muro
The one who laughed his ass off when I hit that wall
Dudo, que estes ahora, estoy seguro
I doubt you're here now, I'm sure
Mas que na porque este resultado le jode a mas de uno
Mostly because this result pisses off more than one
No me hago el chulo ni saco culos en mis videoclips
I don't act tough or show off my ass in my music videos
Me estoy labrando un futuro, un futuro que a nadie pedí
I'm building a future, a future I didn't ask anyone for
Dond estabas cuando empece a escribir
Where were you when I started writing?
Poeqe nadie me escuchaba y tenia tantas cosas que decir
Because nobody listened to me and I had so many things to say
Donde estabas, tu, no estabas aqui
Where were you, you weren't here
Cuando de niño en varios problemas me metí
When I got into trouble as a child
Tuve que aprender por mi
I had to learn on my own
Hay muchos que te enseñan a entrar
There are many who teach you how to get in
Pocos son los que te enseñan a salir
Few are those who teach you how to get out
Es la hora de ponernos serios
It's time to get serious
Dejarnos de broma
Stop kidding
Picha que a ti on te han puesto una pistola
Dude, they haven't pointed a gun at you
Tu papa te paga el mobil, tienes comida, hasta un diploma
Your daddy pays for your cell phone, you have food, even a diploma
No me jodas
Don't fuck with me
No-no mejora
No-no improvement
La situacion de esa madre que cria a sus hijos sola
The situation of that mother who raises her children alone
Y el gobierno en vez de ayudarle la estorsiona
And the government instead of helping her blackmails her
Ya no es por la leyes
It's not about the laws anymore
Es por las formas
It's about the ways
Gente viviendo debajo puentes
People living under bridges
Donde esta lo que nos honra
Where is what honors us

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