Doddy feat. What's Up - Singur - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Doddy feat. What's Up - Singur

Inca maἰ am multe de facut
I still have a lot of things to do
Sἰ daca-s multe de facut, le mai si uit
And if there are many things to do, I forget them too
Da' n-am abandonat ce-am inceput
But I haven't given up on what I started
Cand eram doar un copil inima nebuna parca dicta
When I was just a child, my foolish heart seemed to dictate
Mana scria, pixul curgea pe coala mea se ingramadea poezia
My hand wrote, my pen flowed and poetry piled up on my notebook
Si bagam rap, mai si iesea, lumea zicea nu te lasa
And I rapped, and sometimes it worked out, people said don't give up
Da, si am ajuns sus
Yes, and I've made it to the top
Da, nu cred ca inca pot avea rau de inaltime
Yes, I don't think I can get altitude sickness anymore
Si ca va trebui sa ma sprijim mereu de mine
And that I will always have to lean on myself
Cand nimeni nu e cu tine toti te vor
When no one is with you, everyone wants you
Toti te vor bine doar cand esti la mana lor
Everyone wants you well only when you're in their hands
O zi buna, una rea, una mai comme ci comme ca
One good day, one bad day, one more just so-so
Indiferent de cum e ea, se va schimba
No matter how it is, it will change
O zi buna, una rea, una mai comme ci comme ca
One good day, one bad day, one more just so-so
Indiferent de cum e ea, vor tot urma
No matter how it is, more will follow
Oricum sunt singur, singur, singur, de capul meu, incercand sa fac un leu
Anyway, I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own, trying to make a buck
Sunt singur, singur, singur, de capul meu, fie ca-i usor sau greu
I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own, whether it's easy or hard
Mama uite-ma, tata uite-ma, sora uite-ma, frate uite-ma
Mom, look at me, Dad, look at me, sister, look at me, brother, look at me
Sunt singur, singur, sἰngur, de capul meu
I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own
O sa ajung unde vreau eu
I'll get where I want to be
Sa ma prezint, doamnelor si domnilor
Let me introduce myself, ladies and gentlemen
Singur, nu prea mi-a fost usor
Alone, it hasn't been easy
Sa mut muntii din locul lor
To move mountains from their place
Ca sa-mi fie bine si mie in viitor
So that I can be well in the future
Le aratam tuturor cum pot sa zbor
We showed everyone how I can fly
Multi ma vroiau la mana lor
Many wanted me in their hands
Imi ziceau ca am sa cobor
They told me I would come down
Si ca am nevoie de ajutor
And that I needed help
Dar acum zbor si zbor si zbor
But now I fly and fly and fly
Si nu mai sunt deloc la mana lor
And I'm not in their hands anymore
Deasupra tuturor, nu mai cobor
Above everyone, I'm not going down anymore
Am crezut ca se poate si-acum sunt departe
I believed it was possible, and now I'm far away
Oricum sunt singur, singur, singur, de capul meu, incercand sa fac un leu
Anyway, I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own, trying to make a buck
Sunt singur, singur, singur, de capul meu, fie ca-i usor sau greu
I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own, whether it's easy or hard
Mama uite-ma, tata uite-ma, sora uite-ma, frate uite-ma
Mom, look at me, Dad, look at me, sister, look at me, brother, look at me
Sunt singur, singur, sἰngur, de capul meu
I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own
O sa ajung unde vreau eu
I'm going to get where I want to be
Mama uite-ma, tata uite-ma, sora uite-ma, frate uite-ma
Mom, look at me, Dad, look at me, sister, look at me, brother, look at me
Sunt singur, singur, sἰngur, de capul meu
I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own
O sa ajung unde vreau eu
I'm going to get where I want to be
Singur sunt pe drum dar sunt mare acum
I'm alone on the road, but I'm grown up now
Ma lovesc din plin de probleme multe
I get hit hard by many problems
Nimeni n-are cum, nimeni n-are cand
Nobody can, nobody has time
Nimeni n-are timp sau motiv s-ajute
No one has the time or reason to help
Unde sa ma pun, ce sa le mai zic, de cine depind, sunt hiene, sute
Where to put myself, what to tell them, who do I depend on, they are hyenas, hundreds
Ce sa le compun, poate fac ce simt, o sa ma ridic si o sa ma muste
What to compose for them, maybe I'll do what I feel, I'll get up and it will bite me
Da nu-i problema ca mereu exista antidot
But it doesn't matter because there is always an antidote
Si cand esti jos esti motivat sa te ridici la loc
And when you're down, you're motivated to get back up
Sa tragi cu dintii fie soare sau fie potop
To fight tooth and nail whether it's sunshine or a flood
Pe-acolo au trecut toti care au ajuns in top
That's what everyone who's made it to the top has gone through
O zi buna, una rea, una mai comme ci comme ca
One good day, one bad day, one more just so-so
Indiferent de cum e ea, se va schimba
No matter how it is, it will change
O zi buna, una rea, una mai comme ci comme ca
One good day, one bad day, one more just so-so
Indiferent de cum e ea, vor tot urma
No matter how it is, more will follow
Oricum sunt singur, singur, singur, de capul meu, incercand sa fac un leu
Anyway, I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own, trying to make a buck
Sunt singur, singur, singur, de capul meu, fie ca-i usor sau greu
I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own, whether it's easy or hard
Mama uite-ma, tata uite-ma, sora uite-ma, frate uite-ma
Mom, look at me, Dad, look at me, sister, look at me, brother, look at me
Sunt singur, singur, sἰngur, de capul meu
I'm alone, alone, alone, on my own
O sa ajung unde vreau
I'm going to get where I want to

Авторы: Birladeanu Petru, Ivancea Marius, Polk Dumitru Claudiu

Doddy feat. What's Up - De La Zero
De La Zero
дата релиза

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