Doddy - Haz De Necaz - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Doddy - Haz De Necaz

Haz De Necaz
Making Light Of The Trouble
Poate tu, poate tu te-ai schimbat sau eu
Maybe you, maybe you have changed or I have
Poate-i doar in capul meu
Maybe it's just in my head
Nu mai e cum era mereu
It's not the way it used to be
No no no no
No no no no
Stii ca mintea mea e ocupata cu probleme,
You know my mind is occupied with problems,
Si tu dai semne ca ai vrea sa gandesti pentru amandoi
And you're giving signs that you want to think for both of us
Faci gesturi mai mereu predestinate sa ma-ndemne
You make gestures almost always destined to encourage me
La a face pe surdul cand te plangi mereu ca noi,
To play deaf when you complain constantly about us,
Nu ne intelegem ca la inceput, dar ne stim de mult
We don't understand each other like we did at the beginning, but we've known each other for a long time
S-au schimbat cateva chestii, stii timpul a trecut
A few things have changed, you know time has passed
Altii o ard asa ca s-au cunoscut poate nu de mult
Others do it like they just met, maybe not long ago
Poate-s deabea la primul salut, hello
Maybe they're just at their first greeting, hello
Si eu te simt, te inteleg, n-o sa te mint
And I feel you, I understand you, I won't lie
Inca sunt aici indiferent de anotimp
I'm still here regardless of the season
Inca imi face placere sa te reprezint
I still enjoy representing you
Si n-o sa ma las pana nu te vad zambind
And I won't give up until I see you smile
Dar te las sa vorbesti intruna
But I let you talk nonstop
Oricum una spui alta faci si nu ramane niciuna
Anyway, you say one thing, you do another, and none of it remains
Stiu ca dupa ce trece furtuna
I know that after the storm passes
Iese soarele si in urma noastra ramane doar lumea
The sun comes out and only the world remains behind us
Poate tu, poate tu te-ai schimbat sau eu
Maybe you, maybe you have changed or I have
Poate-i doar in capul meu
Maybe it's just in my head
Nu mai e cum era mereu
It's not the way it used to be
No no no no
No no no no
Fac haz iar de necaz
I make light of the trouble again
Fiindca esti singurul lucru care mi-a mai ramas
Because you're the only thing I have left
Poate tu, poate tu te-ai schimbat sau eu
Maybe you, maybe you have changed or I have
No no no no
No no no no
Roata se-ntoarce, sta nemiscata cat o fi de patrata
The wheel turns, it stands still as long as it's square
Dar nu stiu cum se face ca esti castigata de fiecare data
But I don't know how it happens that you win every time
Se zice ca barbatul care te va face sa plangi
They say the man who will make you cry
Nu rade nici el si eu n-as vrea s-ajungi
Doesn't laugh either, and I wouldn't want you to end up
Sa faci din iubire ura iar apoi sa m-alungi
Turning love into hate and then pushing me away
Sunt crema cu care la suflet te ungi
I'm the cream you use to anoint your soul
Si poti sa te bucuri ca toti acei fluturi
And you can enjoy like all those butterflies
Sunt inca acolo-n stomac
They're still there in my stomach
Iar le dai suturi, mereu ii scuturi, cand imi dai batai mari de cap
You kick them, you always shake them, when you give me big headaches
Dar te las sa vorbesti intruna, oricum una spui alta faci
But I let you talk nonstop, anyway, you say one thing, you do another
Si nu ramane nici una, stiu ca dupa ce trece furtuna
And none of it remains, I know that after the storm passes
Iese soarele si in urma noastra ramane doar lumea
The sun comes out and only the world remains behind us
Poate tu, poate tu te-ai schimbat sau eu
Maybe you, maybe you have changed or I have
Poate-i doar in capul meu
Maybe it's just in my head
Nu mai e cum era mereu
It's not the way it used to be
No no no no
No no no no
Fac haz iar de necaz
I make light of the trouble again
Fiindca esti singurul lucru care mi-a mai ramas
Because you're the only thing I have left
Poate tu, poate tu te-ai schimbat sau eu
Maybe you, maybe you have changed or I have
No no no no.
No no no no.

Авторы: Radu Gabriel Baisan, Nicolae Stan, Petru Birlandeanu, Dumitru Claudiu Polk

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