Wenn ich es Alien wer und uf dere welt wür lande würi denke,
If I were an alien and landed on this world, I would think,
Was sind das für wese wo so komish handlet,
What kind of beings are these that act so strangely,
Wo eres ein und alles eifach so zerstöret, usbütet, verbrennet abholzet und ushölet
Who simply destroy, exploit, burn, deforest, and hollow out everything,
Wo eri artgenosse bis ufs bluet bekämpfet mit waffe und folter und gsetzt bedränget,
Who fight their own kind to the blood with weapons and torture and oppress them,
Wo sich selber am meiste verletzet so eitel so gierig und süchtig nach Macht und Ruhm und Erfolg. ÄÄH
Who hurt themselves the most, so vain, so greedy, and addicted to power, fame, and success. AAHH
Es ish ziit für de Plan Plan B well es shiint mer hend ke Plan Plan mee,
It's time for Plan B because it seems to me we have no more Plan A,
Es gaht alles de Bach ab ohni Sheiss ez was gaht ab.? UUOOUUH
Everything is going down the drain, no kidding, what's going on? UUOOUUH
Mer hends ide eigne Händ.
We have it in our own hands.
Strophe 1:
Verse 1:
Das Lied han nööd ich gshriibe ich hans köre singe uf denne Lippe am Strasserand,
I didn't write this song, I heard it sung on the lips of the street,
Uf de Fälder ide Büros, ide S-Bahn überall woni halt i mim läbe so anegang.
In the fields, in the offices, on the S-Bahn, everywhere I go in my life.
Ich has gläse ide askapitis(odr so xD) uf de chalte graue muuhre ide Citis, WOOUUW
I read it in the graffiti on the cold gray walls of the cities, WOOUUW
Soo farbefrooh, so gruusig shöön, so rebellish und glich so Melodiös,
So colorful, so gruesomely beautiful, so rebellious yet so melodious,
Ich hans gsee ide stei wo gfloge sind, gsee ide trääne wo gflosse send, gsee im bluuet wo vergosse wird, Damit e riichi weste im troochne bliibt, WOOHIOO
I saw it in the stones that were thrown, saw it in the tears that were shed, saw it in the blood that was spilled, So that a rich West can stay dry, WOOHIOO
Und hinder grosse muure überlegets, wies no mee menshe chöntet beteige (kA xD),
And behind big walls they ponder how they could involve even more people,
Doch de Plan wird nüme funktioniere, wenn sech vor de muure alli menshe vereineet
But the plan will no longer work, if all the people unite in front of the walls
2x Refrain:
2x Chorus:
Es ish ziit für de Plan Plan B well es shiint mer hend ke Plan Plan mee,
It's time for Plan B because it seems to me we have no more Plan A,
Es gaht alles de Bach ab ohni Sheiss ez was gaht ab.? UUOOUUH
Everything is going down the drain, no kidding, what's going on? UUOOUUH
Mer hends ide eigne Händ.
We have it in our own hands.
Free: Blablabla xD
Free: Blablabla xD
Strophe 2:
Verse 2:
Das ish ke hilfeshreii und sicher au kes Klagelied "naai" das ish (s'ziil für e unghorsam),
This is not a cry for help and certainly not a lament "naai" this is (the goal for disobedience),
Well solang er sini fetti gasche verdient, indem me s'intresse vo de firma übers wort fo de menshe stellt ja de stöörts mi sho,
Because as long as he earns his fat money by putting the company's interests above the word of the people, yes that bothers me,
Villicht tönts radikal aber wenn me epis verändere wett ja de tönts eso,
Maybe it sounds radical but if you want to change something, yes that's how it sounds,
Well gwünn maximierig ish nöd shöön eso, lueg züri ich erlaubs mer, well es störrt mi so.
Because profit maximization is not beautiful like that, look at Zurich, I allow myself, because it bothers me so much.
Und ich hoffe TTO ghörrts eso, und handlet be eimmal nöd blöd eso, will shüsh gits brännends öl eso, so wie PP, Shell oder ESSO, SOS.
And I hope TTO hears it like that, and acts for once not stupid like that, because otherwise there is burning oil like that, like PP, Shell or ESSO, SOS.
Message in a bottle, und die füert denn wedr mol zum tro trotell.
Message in a bottle, and it leads then again to the tro trotell.
2x Refrain:
2x Chorus:
Es ish ziit für de Plan Plan B well es shiint mer hend ke Plan Plan mee,
It's time for Plan B because it seems to me we have no more Plan A,
Es gaht alles de Bach ab ohni Sheiss ez was gaht ab.? UUOOUUH
Everything is going down the drain, no kidding, what's going on? UUOOUUH
Mer hends ide eigne Händ.
We have it in our own hands.
Und söttet dr wörkli mal emene alien begegne, de machet doch zersh mal es Peace zeiche, und wenn mer grad debi sind singet doch es lied für das vremde wese, well Music vereint
And if you really meet an alien, first make a peace sign, and when we're at it, sing a song for the strange being, because Music unites
Jaa maaan.!
Jaa maaan.!
Wänn nöd jetz? Wänn dänn?
If not now? When then?
Wänn nöd ich? Wer dänn?
If not me? Who then?
Wänn nöd das? Was dänn?
If not this? What then?
Wänn nöd so? Wie dänn?
If not like this? How then?
Wänn nöd jetz? Wänn dänn?
If not now? When then?
Wänn nöd ich? Wer dänn?
If not me? Who then?
Wänn nöd das? Was dänn?
If not this? What then?
Wänn nöd so? Wie dänn?
If not like this? How then?
Wänn nöd jetz? Wänn dänn?
If not now? When then?
Wänn nöd ich? Wer dänn?
If not me? Who then?
Wänn nöd das? Was dänn?
If not this? What then?
Wänn nöd so? Wie dänn?
If not like this? How then?
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