Ich wett eifach nume ufgäh nüme witermache anesitze aneligge und aifacht iischlaafä
I just want to give up, stop going on, settle down, lie down, and simply fall asleep
Wegg träume ines irgendwo ane wo alles besser isch ohni de druck uf de bruscht dasich muess de beschti si ich hans so satt das spili das game würd gern alles anderscht mache han kai chraft meh
To dream away, somewhere where everything is better, without the pressure on my chest to be the best. I'm so tired of playing this game, I'd like to do everything differently, I have no strength left
Luege lieber in himmel anstatt de mönsche id auge hoffe ufes zeiche hoffe uf de glaube
I'd rather look at the sky than into people's eyes, hope for a sign, hope for faith
Während dem rännt mer d'ziit defo mit ihrne zeiger laht mi ellei mini wunde heile
Meanwhile, time runs away with its hands, leaving me alone to heal my wounds
Nai das chas nöd si immer wider di glich stell wiene platte wo zerchratzt esch
No, this can't be, the same situation again and again, like a scratched record
Verlüüre bode under de füess ben ned truurig well de bode woni druff gah de esch chüehl
I'm losing ground under my feet, I'm not sad because the ground I walk on is cool
Han kei luscht meh zum mich zäme nehm er träged all es chrütz mis esch aber secher zäh mal so schwer
I don't feel like pulling myself together anymore, everyone carries a cross, but mine is surely ten times heavier
Doch selbstmitleid hilft der nüme wiiter wenni mini problem met de andere vergliche
But self-pity doesn't help me anymore, when I compare my problems with others
Isch es lächerlech trotzdem hani die schmerze i mer han e wält wo i mir zämebricht
It's ridiculous, yet I have these pains inside me, I have a world collapsing within me
Me seit irgendwänn isch es ä s'erschte mal doch irgenwänn isch es letschte mal drumm
They say sometime it's the first time, but sometime it's the last time, therefore
Stahni ufrecht ahne leg mis ego ab und zeig de welt dasis besser chan
I stand upright, put my ego aside, and show the world that I can do better
Jetz lahni los jetz lahni los mache eifach nümme witer chume witer well ech mache nüme witer
Let me go now, let me go now, I just can't go on anymore, move on because I can't go on anymore
Nanai jetz lahni los jetz lahni los
No, no, let me go now, let me go now
Strophe 2:
Verse 2:
Ich han mich verrännt drum isch es schwerig stah z'blibe
I got lost, that's why it's hard to stay put
Ufgeh esch einiges herter als azgriffe
Giving up is a lot harder than attacking
Mis ego isch durebrennt wiene brandstifter
My ego is burned out like an arsonist
Jetz muesis ifange bevors no meh arichtet jah (...k.a. was da heisst)träge chan vor mir selber hani momentan am meiste angst jedes problem het en schlüssel wiemes löse chan drum suechi usem weg us dere geisterbahn ouoh das isch mini revolution ich lueg mich mal vo inne ah ouoh ond nebe all dene verzerrte belder hoffi dasi mis eigne fende chan ond de duenis iirahme ond hängs mer zmetts i mis herz ond immer wenich wanke den heb mi nüme fest nei
Now I have to start before it does more damage, yeah (... not sure what that means), I can bear it. I'm currently most afraid of myself, every problem has a key, a way to solve it, that's why I'm looking for a way out of this ghost train. Oh, this is my revolution, I'll take a look at myself from the inside, oh, and besides all these distorted images, I hope I can find my own and then frame it and hang it right in the middle of my heart, and whenever I falter, I won't hold myself up anymore, no
Denn lahni los Denn lahni los mache eifach nümme witer chume witer well ech mache nüme witer
Then let me go, then let me go, I just can't go on anymore, move on because I can't go on anymore
Denn lahni los denn lahni los mache eifach nümme witer chume witer well ech mache nüme witer
Then let me go, then let me go, I just can't go on anymore, move on because I can't go on anymore
Denn lahni los denn lahni los spele eifacht nümme mit i dem spili ohni mich ohni mich ohni mich
Then let me go, then let me go, I just won't play along anymore in this game, without me, without me, without me
Denn lahni los denn lahni los
Then let me go, then let me go
Wubububu... ende
Wubububu... end
P-Moll nd Depoo
P-Moll nd Depoo
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