Doel Sumbang - Awewe Sapi Daging - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Doel Sumbang - Awewe Sapi Daging

Awewe Sapi Daging
Women Of Beef Cattle
Sanés atuh, Ibu
Excuse me, my Lady
Saterang abdi mah sanés kitu
I'm not the type of guy who is like that
Kedah tiasa ngabéntenkeun
That can do what you just said
Mana émansipasi, numana éman si sapi
Where is the emancipation, is it about cow emancipation?
Upami modél kieu mah éman si sapi
If you think like that, then cows should be emancipated.
Aya awéwé jaman ayeuna
There are women today
Ngaku awéwé modéren
Claiming to be modern women
Berkarier penuh obsesi
With a career full of obsessions
Sagala hayang siga lalaki
Wanting to be like men
(Halah! Bade ngalawan kodrat wae neng?
(Well! Do you really want to go against nature?
Gering! Gering!)
That's terrible! Terrible!)
Ceunah émansipasi
Apparently, it's emancipation
Bari uteukna teu ngarti
But they don't understand its meaning
Bisnis beurang peuting
Doing business day and night
Bisnis naon duka téh teuing
What kind of business is that?
Salakina di imah ngajaga tulak panto
Their husbands stay home guarding the door
Anakna diasuh cukup ku suster jeung babu
Their children are only raised by nannies and maids
Hayang mobil méwah ngabelaan jadi runtah
Wanting a luxurious car, they sacrifice their health
Ngarepkeun ti salaki ceunah duitna teu cukup waé
Hoping for their husbands' money, saying it's not enough
Emas berlian renceum ngaku bati tina bisnis
Bragging about gold and diamonds, claiming they're from their business
Padahal mah hadiah ti rupa-rupa bayawak
When in fact, they're gifts from all sorts of lizards
Awéwé nu kieu lain awéwé modéren
Women like this are not modern women
Tapi sapi daging peunciteun tukang jagal
They're beef cows, targets of butchers
Nganut émansipasi kaluar tina aturan
Following emancipation, straying from the rules
Montong ngawalan kodrat
Don't go against nature
Bisi ngadon jadi bejad
Or you'll end up becoming corrupted
Kadé, Téh
Listen, Honey
Émansipasi teh persamaan hak laki-laki dengan perempuan
Emancipation is the equality of rights between men and women
Tapi hanya yang positif-positifnya saja
But only the positive sides
Ari nu goréng patutna mah montong atuh euy
As for the negative ones, we should avoid them
Da teu meunang ngalawan kodrat hirup mah euy
Because we can't go against the laws of nature, okay?
Heeh lah
Oh yeah
Paribasa hayang maju maké jeung hayang jadi bapa sagala rupa
It's like the saying, "If you want to progress, you have to be a father to everyone"
Single parent téték bengek
Single parents, breastfeeding, and all
Kumaha éta kebutuhan biologis ari teu gaduh carogé mah
How can you fulfill your biological needs if you don't have a partner?
Heh! Alah, si étéh mah éteh étéh
Oh, come on, honey, you're just being ridiculous
Aya awéwé jaman ayeuna
There are women today
Ngaku awéwé modéren
Claiming to be modern women
Berkarier penuh obsesi
With a career full of obsessions
Sagala hayang siga lalaki
Wanting to be like men
(Moal bisa atuh)
(It's impossible, honey)
(Istri mah janten istri pameget janten pameget nya)
(A wife should be a wife and a breadwinner should be a breadwinner
(Kitu da di mana-mana ogé)
(That's just the way it is everywhere)
Ceunah émansipasi
Apparently, it's emancipation
Bari uteukna teu ngarti
But they don't understand its meaning
Bisnis teu beurang teu peuting
Doing business all the time
Bisnis naon duka téh teuing
What kind of business is that?
Salaki di imah ngajaga tulak panto
Their husbands stay home guarding the door
Anak diasuh cukup ku suster jeung babu
Their children are only raised by nannies and maids
Hayang mobil méwah ngabelaan jadi runtah
Wanting a luxurious car, they sacrifice their health
Ngarepkeun ti salaki ceunah mah teu cukup waé
Hoping for their husbands' money, saying it's not enough
(Teu bisa tumarima nya euy)
(That's unacceptable, honey)
Emas berlian renceum majar ngaku tina bisnis
Bragging about gold and diamonds, claiming they're from their business
Padahal mah hadiah ti rupa-rupa bayawak
When in fact, they're gifts from all sorts of lizards
Awéwé nu kitu lain awéwé modéren
Women like this are not modern women
Tapi sapi daging peunciteun tukang jagal
They're beef cows, targets of butchers
Nganut émansipasi kaluar tina aturan
Following emancipation, straying from the rules
Montong ngawalan kodrat
Don't go against nature
Bisi ngadon jadi bejad
Or you'll end up becoming corrupted
Awéwé nu kitu lain awéwé modéren
Women like this are not modern women
Tapi sapi daging peunciteun tukang jagal
They're beef cows, targets of butchers
Nganut émansipasi kaluar tina aturan
Following emancipation, straying from the rules
Montong ngawalan kodrat
Don't go against nature
Bisi ngadon jadi bejad, Nyai
Or you'll end up becoming corrupted, My Lady
Awéwé nu kitu lain awéwé modéren
Women like this are not modern women
Tapi sapi daging peunciteun tukang jagal
They're beef cows, targets of butchers
Nganut émansipasi kaluar tina aturan
Following emancipation, straying from the rules
Montong ngawalan kodrat
Don't go against nature
Bisi ngadon jadi bejad
Or you'll end up becoming corrupted
Awéwé nu kitu lain awéwé modéren
Women like this are not modern women
Tapi sapi daging peunciteun tukang jagal
They're beef cows, targets of butchers
Nganut émansipasi kaluar tina aturan
Following emancipation, straying from the rules
Montong ngawalan kodrat
Don't go against nature
Bisi ngadon jadi bejad
Or you'll end up becoming corrupted

Авторы: Wachyoe Affandi

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