Se rompen lazos, el odio se dispara, agobios sin saber que hacer. Joder, odio, estas a flor de piel. Dolor, el tiempo se para y gritas, si violan a tu mujer no hay salida porque nadie lo evita. Venga. Da igual lo que te digan, estas mal, el miedo da grima, tienes fatiga. esto no se quita, es un calvario que tienes encima. Si. Tu te muerdes el labio, en esta vida ni siquiera imaginas lo que es que tu hijo tenga el sida y que coma pollas por heroina. Ostia.
Ties are broken, hatred flares, anxieties with no escape. Fuck, the hate, it's right beneath the surface. Pain, time stands still and you scream, if they violate your woman there's no way out, no one can prevent it. Come on. It doesn't matter what they tell you, you're in a bad way, fear makes you grimace, you're exhausted. This doesn't go away, it's a Calvary you carry on your back. Yeah. You bite your lip, in this life you can't even imagine what it's like for your son to have AIDS and suck dick for heroin. Damn.
El estomago te duele, se que te importa una mierda todo, recuerda que de cualquier modo entre las cuerdas tu no te mueves. Tu solo llora, no te pierdas, rompe algo pero no te quemes. Ancianos sin familia en asilos a diario se mueren. Mierda. Es un sentimiento intenso, te desorientas, solo intentas sacar todo lo que tienes dentro. El aire es denso y el alivio lento, vamos, la impotencia entra por el centro, yo simplemente os lo advierto. No se puede esquivar, lo lamento, lloraras por un amigo muerto.
Your stomach hurts, I know you don't give a shit about anything, remember that no matter what, you can't move between the ropes. Just cry, don't get lost, break something but don't burn yourself. Elderly people without families die every day in nursing homes. Shit. It's an intense feeling, you're disoriented, you just try to get everything out that you have inside. The air is thick and relief is slow, come on, impotence enters through the core, I'm simply warning you. It can't be avoided, I'm sorry, you'll cry for a dead friend.
Es como ver como se matan entre ellos sin poder hacer nada, es como andar a ciegas por la ciudad de Bagdad recien bombardeada. En cada situacion nadas bajo presion, y en mi interior la sangre hierve y hiere su paz anterior. Ya esta envenenada,
It's like watching them kill each other without being able to do anything, it's like walking blindly through the newly bombed city of Baghdad. In every situation you swim under pressure, and inside me the blood boils and wounds its previous peace. It's already poisoned,
Tienes maltratadas y violadas, esto no es el final. Que va. La justicia por tu mano, no lo dejes mas en manos del tribunal, nunca te ayudaran y dejaran pasar el tiempo hasta que el mal que esta cerca, aparezca y crezca, y desangra en el sofa perezca. No creo que nadie se merezca todo esto, por eso no protesto, lo hago porque me siento casi siempre impotente frente al resto,
You have them mistreated and raped, this is not the end. No way. Justice by your hand, don't leave it any longer in the hands of the court, they will never help you and they will let time pass until the evil that is close, appears and grows, and bleeds to death on the sofa. I don't think anyone deserves all this, that's why I don't protest, I do it because I feel almost always powerless in front of the rest,
Que pasa tres kilos de lo que ocurre a su alrededor.
Who don't give a damn about what happens around them.
Yo solo necesito un pino, un par de folios, el odio fluye mucho mejor. Dimelo, vamos, venga, escupelo puerco, quiero escucharlo. Te sientes por el cuerpo cuando ves suicidas entre lazos volando, y llevandose por delante todo el que pille. Onda expansiva, personas muertas o vivas, les da igual injusticia que hacen que escriba, que siga odiando a la raza humana, en particular a mi mismo, por no poder solucionar muchas cosas que quisiera como el terrorismo. Pero no al estilo americano, asesinos en masa, falso mecanismo; solo microhumano, apunto y disparo sobre este ritmo.
I just need a pen, a couple of sheets of paper, the hate flows much better. Tell me, come on, spit it out, pig, I want to hear it. You feel it through your body when you see suicides hanging by ropes, taking everyone they catch with them. Shock wave, dead or alive people, they don't care about the injustice that makes me write, that makes me keep hating the human race, especially myself, for not being able to solve many things I would like to, like terrorism. But not American style, mass murderers, false mechanism; just micro-human, I aim and shoot over this rhythm.
Aprietan los dientes en mirillas corrientes, y mi potencia presente delante mia. Simpatizantes del horror y la agonia, mentes que guian su vida en la oscuridad incluso de dia. No deberian, lo sabian, es posible que nunca mas sonrian. Aprietan los dientes en mirillas corrientes, y mi potencia presente delante mia. Simpatizantes del horror y la agonia, mentes que guian su vida en la oscuridad incluso de dia. No deberian, lo sabian, es posible que nunca mas sonrian.
They clench their teeth in ordinary peepholes, and my power is present before me. Sympathizers of horror and agony, minds that guide their lives in darkness even in daylight. They shouldn't, they knew it, they may never smile again. They clench their teeth in ordinary peepholes, and my power is present before me. Sympathizers of horror and agony, minds that guide their lives in darkness even in daylight. They shouldn't, they knew it, they may never smile again.
Vestirse de luto la primera paliza que te pegan, la angustia se desliza y te ciegan. Ante eso no puedes hacer nada, de pronto llegas, saliva tragas. Con fuerza abrazas almohada, sabes que es cierto, pero niegas que tu padre maltrata a tu hermana, depresivo ademas, y enfermo. Recuerdo que estabas en jaque. Sufres con tantas ganas que quieres ahorcarte en el vater.
Dressing in mourning the first time they hit you, the anguish slides and blinds you. You can't do anything about it, suddenly you arrive, you swallow saliva. You hug your pillow tightly, you know it's true, but you deny that your father abuses your sister, who is also depressed and sick. I remember you were in check. You suffer so much that you want to hang yourself in the toilet.
En parte no hay posible rescate del ataud color mate en el que viste como caiste de forma cristal robar un escape. Ni siquiera lo comprendes, esperas que alguien te lo explique. Dentro de ti algo se enciende si a tu novio le rompen el tabique. No dejes que la gente te indique el camino, tu sigue de frente. ¿Por que las niñas de Alcacer y no la hija del presidente?.
Partly there is no possible rescue from the matte-colored coffin in which you saw how you fell in a crystal way to steal an escape. You don't even understand it, you wait for someone to explain it to you. Something lights up inside you if your boyfriend's nose is broken. Don't let people tell you the way, keep going straight. Why the girls of Alcasser and not the daughter of the president?.
Voy a contar hasta tres por si sirve de algo, si ilusion es estres, mas de treinta cada mes. Si no puedo aguantarlo me largo, este es el individuo con mas paciencia que conozcas. ¿De verdad crees que lo residuos de este mundo me ofuscan? Solo atraen a las moscas. Lo que de veras hace que se deduzca mi estabilidad mental, no es solo la preocupacion del bienestar del planeta, es algo mas trascendental. Es explotar por dentro por no poder afrontar tanto sufrimiento, es no poder soportar tantos fallos en vuestros movimientos.
I'm going to count to three in case it helps, if illusion is stress, more than thirty every month. If I can't take it, I'm leaving, this is the most patient individual you'll ever meet. Do you really think the waste of this world confuses me? They only attract flies. What really makes my mental stability deductible is not just the concern for the well-being of the planet, it's something more transcendental. It's exploding inside for not being able to face so much suffering, it's not being able to bear so many failures in your movements.
Se que pudisteis elegir y no lo hicisteis bien, joder. Visteis sufrir a vuestro alrededor y volviste la cara al desaste, bombardeaste y ni siquiera os inmutasteis. Son celos humanos, ponen en una plaga lo que exterminasteis, se que disfrutasteis. Yo desde aqui, desde mi escritorio,
I know you could have chosen and you didn't do it right, damn it. You saw suffering around you and you turned your face to the disaster, you bombed and you didn't even flinch. It's human jealousy, you put in a plague what you exterminated, I know you enjoyed it. I from here, from my desk,
Un pobre infeliz que plasma al escribir su mas profundo sentimientos de impotencia y odio.
A poor wretch who captures in writing his deepest feelings of helplessness and hatred.
Escribiria y llenaria de folios tu ciudad entera
I would write and fill your entire city with pages
Si la solucion fuera, pero en esta era, la gente con nada se desespera.
If that were the solution, but in this era, people despair with nothing.
Aprietan los dientes en mirillas corrientes, y mi potencia presente delante mia. Simpatizantes del horror y la agonia, mentes que guian su vida en la oscuridad incluso de dia. No deberian, lo sabian, es posible que nunca mas sonrian. Aprietan los dientes en mirillas corrientes, y mi potencia presente delante mia. Simpatizantes del horror y la agonia, mentes que guian su vida en la oscuridad incluso de dia. No deberian, lo sabian, es posible que nunca mas sonrian.
They clench their teeth in ordinary peepholes, and my power is present before me. Sympathizers of horror and agony, minds that guide their lives in darkness even in daylight. They shouldn't, they knew it, they may never smile again. They clench their teeth in ordinary peepholes, and my power is present before me. Sympathizers of horror and agony, minds that guide their lives in darkness even in daylight. They shouldn't, they knew it, they may never smile again.
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