Estan buscando al legendario. Hemorragia musical de Accion Sanchez, Block Massacre, Dogma Crew. 2003, aja.
They're searching for the legendary. Musical hemorrhage from Accion Sanchez, Block Massacre, Dogma Crew. 2003, yeah.
Pasa rapido, selectivo como un amante, se las sabe. es agil, va a escaparse sin tramites. Tu grupo arriba solo daba un drama estetico, el juez levanto el cuerpo y dicto un homicidio metrico.
It passes quickly, selective like a lover, it knows the ropes. It's agile, it's gonna escape without formalities. Your group up there only offered an aesthetic drama, the judge lifted the body and declared a metric homicide.
Pasa rapido, selectivo como un amante, se las sabe. Es agil, va a escaparse sin tramites. Buscan su pista desde Sevilla hasta Mexico, otro caso abierto, de nuevo un homicidio metrico.
It passes quickly, selective like a lover, it knows the ropes. It's agile, it's gonna escape without formalities. They're searching for its tracks from Seville to Mexico, another open case, once again a metric homicide.
Yo tampoco te crei cuando me dijiste 'eres especial'. Se que luego paso el recuerdo ahogado en algun vaso. Mal difuso en clave, recuerdo que manche mi ropa y mi cabeza dio la orden de aquella mirada inhospita. No vine a declarme, mi intencion no es un misterio. Ya conoces el ciclo de sobra, el modo y el proceso. Soy preso de esa mirada, oculto en un renglon, y luego un homicidio metrico me alivia hasta que duermo. Mejor tu novia invitandote a coca que yo.
I didn't believe you either when you told me 'you're special'. I know the memory drowned in some glass later. Badly diffused in code, I remember I stained my clothes and my head gave the order of that inhospitable look. I didn't come to declare myself, my intention is no mystery. You already know the cycle well, the mode and the process. I'm a prisoner of that look, hidden in a line, and then a metric homicide relieves me until I sleep. Your girlfriend inviting you to coke is better than me.
Dime que quieres a estas horas de este corazon de invierno. ¿Solo la sal, o que me abran ante ti como un armario? En ese todo mal, y te escribio que ni Romario. Algunos miran por mi, otros quieren romperme un litro. Yo solo se que te clave seis frases en el mismo sitio si estas resentido. Yo estoy rapeando y sonriendo, y me olvido de rencor justo cuando cierro el cuaderno. Jodido invierno, es cuando el tiempo pasa lento, y el veneno no sale chupando y se acomoda dentro.
Tell me what you want at this hour from this winter heart. Just the salt, or for them to open me up before you like a closet? In that whole mess, she wrote you that not even Romario. Some look out for me, others want to break a liter on me. I only know that I'll stick six phrases in the same spot if you're resentful. I'm rapping and smiling, and I forget about resentment just when I close the notebook. Damn winter, it's when time passes slowly, and the poison doesn't come out sucking and settles inside.
Vinieron a estafar a los B-Boys las multicionales, y los B-Boys dijeron 'jodanse, mamen y bailen'. Es el Block Massacre, AKA, terapia extrema. Cristalizo el aire y se vuelve un problema al respirar. Llegan si avisar como un derrame, no los va a parar la fe, asi que descanse. Manos en el aire.
The multinationals came to rip off the B-Boys, and the B-Boys said 'screw you, suck it and dance'. It's the Block Massacre, AKA, extreme therapy. The air crystallizes and it becomes a problem to breathe. They arrive without warning like a spill, faith won't stop them, so rest. Hands in the air.
Pasa rapido, selectivo como un amante, se las sabe. es agil, va a escaparse sin tramites. Tu grupo arriba solo daba un drama estetico, el juez levanto el cuerpo y dicto un homicidio metrico.
It passes quickly, selective like a lover, it knows the ropes. It's agile, it's gonna escape without formalities. Your group up there only offered an aesthetic drama, the judge lifted the body and declared a metric homicide.
Pasa rapido, selectivo como un amante, se las sabe. Es agil, va a escaparse sin tramites. Buscan su pista desde Sevilla hasta Mexico, otro caso abierto, de nuevo un homicidio metrico.
It passes quickly, selective like a lover, it knows the ropes. It's agile, it's gonna escape without formalities. They're searching for its tracks from Seville to Mexico, another open case, once again a metric homicide.
Nunca un CD de rap latino se partio con tanta furia, no podria dejarte aparte aunque quisiera.
Never has a Latin rap CD broken with such fury, I couldn't leave you aside even if I wanted to.
A veces veo tu cara entre el hielo y el limon, y me conmueve, luego se bebe y, con algo de suerte, se devuelve. Tu no eres tan astuto ni de cerca, que va, la estetica es tu baza. El homicido metrica te alcanza y tu alma se alcoholiza. Aqui un 'quizas' te sirve y necesito un farmaco, dispuesto a esclavizarte de este lexico. Antipatico, descansa.
Sometimes I see your face between the ice and the lemon, and it moves me, then it drinks and, with some luck, it comes back. You're not so clever, not even close, come on, aesthetics are your trump card. The metric homicide reaches you and your soul gets drunk. Here a 'maybe' serves you and I need a drug, willing to enslave you to this lexicon. Unpleasant, rest.
Soy el relevo eterno, importancia es tanta como le deis, hasta que compareis con Francia. Soy el eficiente, el legendario. Si, alguno me conoce, un daño irreversible en tu deporte, en tu satelite. Me sigue esta trompeta, invito a la tormenta, a alguna le manche las sabanas con tinta esquizofrenica. Destreza escenica, dislexica, apuntame el tanto, rapeo con la crudeza y la frialdad; un desengaño.
I am the eternal relay, the importance is as much as you give it, until you compare with France. I am the efficient, the legendary. Yes, some know me, irreversible damage in your sport, in your satellite. This trumpet follows me, I invite the storm, I stained some sheets with schizophrenic ink. Scenic dexterity, dyslexic, score me the point, I rap with the rawness and coldness; a disappointment.
A veces bien, a veces mal, a veces ni siquiera salgo. No me castigan con bozal si ladro. Mierda escupe El Largo, es por ser B-Boy original; busca un apodo y la suerte te mira mal. Tu olvidala y apuesta todo, es la habilidad imposible. Nube toxica es cuando salta el fusible, y luego el miedo se mastica. Llegan si avisar como un derrame, no los va a parar la fe, asi que descanse. Manos en el aire.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes I don't even go out. They don't punish me with a muzzle if I steal. El Largo spits shit, it's for being an original B-Boy; look for a nickname and luck looks at you badly. Forget about her and bet everything, it's the impossible skill. Toxic cloud is when the fuse blows, and then the fear is chewed. They arrive without warning like a spill, faith won't stop them, so rest. Hands in the air.
Pasa rapido, selectivo como un amante, se las sabe. es agil, va a escaparse sin tramites. Tu grupo arriba solo daba un drama estetico, el juez levanto el cuerpo y dicto un homicidio metrico.
It passes quickly, selective like a lover, it knows the ropes. It's agile, it's gonna escape without formalities. Your group up there only offered an aesthetic drama, the judge lifted the body and declared a metric homicide.
Pasa rapido, selectivo como un amante, se las sabe. Es agil, va a escaparse sin tramites. Buscan su pista desde Sevilla hasta Mexico, otro caso abierto, de nuevo un homicidio metrico.
It passes quickly, selective like a lover, it knows the ropes. It's agile, it's gonna escape without formalities. They're searching for its tracks from Seville to Mexico, another open case, once again a metric homicide.
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