Andar por la ciudad me enferma, percibo la maldad, recuerda, sufro de ansiedad, mi vida es como posesion infernal. Yo no hablo con nadie, a mi no me deja esa obsesion, es como violar a un subnormal y de repente perder la fe. Siento como degollan bebes, veo que cruzan, se dan media vuelta despues. Hablo lenguas muertas hay veces que no me crees, el dolor respira detras de mi puerta y aun no se por que. No puedo mas, estoy arto, tengo el estomago revuelto, noto cada sufrimiento en mi cuerpo y no quiero salir de mi cuarto. El miedo me roba el aliento, la muerte observa en los partos, vuestro rencor y envidia me afectan, oigo voces que se lamentan. El mundo agoniza en mi cabeza, es este don y su realeza,
Walking through the city makes me sick, I perceive evil, remember, I suffer from anxiety, my life is like infernal possession. I don't talk to anyone, that obsession doesn't let me, it's like raping a retard and suddenly losing faith. I feel like they're slitting babies' throats, I see them crossing, they turn around afterwards. I speak dead languages, sometimes you don't believe me, the pain breathes behind my door and I still don't know why. I can't take it anymore, I'm fed up, I have a churning stomach, I feel every suffering in my body and I don't want to leave my room. Fear steals my breath, death watches over births, your resentment and envy affect me, I hear voices that lament. The world is agonizing in my head, it is this gift and its royalty,
Es el profeta en la biblia confiesa que el demonio baila cuando reza. Es esta angustia, me atraviesa, soy presa del temor en mi interior, por esos sentimientos, expresan con intensidad y fervor.
It is the prophet in the bible who confesses that the devil dances when he prays. It is this anguish, it pierces me, I am a prisoner of fear inside me, for those feelings, they express with intensity and fervor.
A veces salgo de mi casa y me siento como en Guantanamo, una pieza forzada pa' que quepa aprisionao y andando. Ya no ando en juventud te juro no me identifico, me agobio en los sitios grandes, no me traten dejar a su aire. Me mantenia lejos de ustedes en la clase, y no era por casualidad, no se de motos, me agobia hasta el aire. No te comprendo y tus amigas hacen hipica,
Sometimes I leave my house and I feel like I'm in Guantanamo, a forced piece to fit imprisoned and walking. I no longer walk in youth, I swear I don't identify, I feel overwhelmed in large places, don't try to leave me to your own devices. I kept away from you guys in class, and it wasn't by chance, I don't know about motorcycles, even the air overwhelms me. I don't understand you and your friends do horseback riding,
Yo solo escupo metrica, tu novio vende quimica,
I just spit metrics, your boyfriend sells chemicals,
El portero me dice intentalo mañana idiota. Asi te explote el pecho, me quedo en la sombra, cuantos como tu podrian hacerlo como yo. Cuantos jodernos de tu club pueden joder a este renglon. Aborta, no encajo en tu pandilla en tu local de ambiente, en tu sede del PP tampoco, guapito pierdete. Y
The doorman tells me try tomorrow, idiot. So your chest explodes, I stay in the shadows, how many like you could do it like me. How many fuckers from your club can fuck this line. Abort, I don't fit in your gang, in your ambient place, in your PP headquarters either, pretty boy get lost. And
Yo solo soy un antisocial de mierda, me escondo en esta musica y pongo a tu madre enferma.
I'm just a fucking antisocial, I hide in this music and make your mother sick.
No relacionen juventud al antisocial, esta detras una pieza forza sin encajar. No cabe duda, no es broma, todo por olvidar. No relacionen tendencia al antisocial, habilidad no va de fan de nada en especial. No cabe duda, no es broma, nada que celebrar.
Don't relate youth to antisocial, behind it is a forced piece without fitting in. There is no doubt, it is no joke, all to forget. Don't relate tendency to antisocial, skill doesn't go from fan of anything in particular. There is no doubt, it is no joke, nothing to celebrate.
Creo firmemente, yo llegue a este mundo por equivocacion, solamente estoy agusto y me estabilizo en mi propia habitacion. Este tema es como una especie de meditacion, es opresion,
I firmly believe, I came to this world by mistake, I am only comfortable and I stabilize in my own room. This topic is like a kind of meditation, it is oppression,
Soy un antisocial y no me acarrea ningun tipo de preocupacion. No, simplemente es que nunca estoy de acuerdo, y nunca me muerdo la lengua, porque no pierdo nada porque creais que no estoy cuerdo.
I am an antisocial and it does not cause me any kind of concern. No, it's just that I never agree, and I never bite my tongue, because I have nothing to lose because you think I'm not sane.
Para algunas somos cerdos, para otros estamos enfermos, no tenemos solucion pero crecemos como la polucian. La pequeña parcela que tengo en el infierno ya esta ardiendo, no quiero perdon, sigo jodiendo aunque te este sonriendo. Mi cuaderno plasma evolucion, desarollo de una realidad,
For some we are pigs, for others we are sick, we have no solution but we grow like pollution. The small plot I have in hell is already burning, I don't want forgiveness, I keep fucking around even though I'm smiling at you. My notebook reflects evolution, development of a reality,
Un cambio de mentalidad, saltear los escollos, consegui la estabilidad. Por el momento si no estas atento no te daras cuenta de que el 90% de este puto mundo no me representa. No encajo no me identifico con ninguno de tus prototipos, mi culo no esta en venta por eso a un cielo...
A change of mentality, overcoming obstacles, I achieved stability. For now, if you're not careful, you won't realize that 90% of this fucking world does not represent me. I don't fit in, I don't identify with any of your prototypes, my ass is not for sale, that's why to a sky...
Me llaman antisocial, meo en rincones como un animal. Tengo feos nikis, cara de friki, no soy un principe ni un sultan. Mi cara asusta y levanta hasta a los muertos, tengo tiempo de demostrar que no soy un pervertido sentado en un puesto. Llevo chaqueta de lana y pantalon de pana, no me dan fama, pero me corro y me revuelco como un cerdo encima de mi cama. No me mires con esa cara, yo voy pa' casa de la Encarni, soy el tipico fracasao que veranea en la campus party. Generalmente ando desnudo y me toco entre la gente, no me asocies con ningin grupo, pajo, soy un poco diferente.
They call me antisocial, I pee in corners like an animal. I have ugly nicknames, a geek face, I'm not a prince or a sultan. My face scares and raises even the dead, I have time to prove that I'm not a pervert sitting in a stall. I wear a wool jacket and corduroy pants, they don't give me fame, but I cum and wallow like a pig on my bed. Don't look at me with that face, I'm going to Encarni's house, I'm the typical loser who spends the summer at the campus party. I usually walk around naked and touch myself among people, don't associate me with any group, dude, I'm a little different.
La concepcion de mi es confusion cuando intento vivir, soy excentrico, lamentable, hoy mi ego no intenta subir. Una luz me alumbra y no viene del cielo, en mi habitacion a oscuras, estoy acostado en el suelo. Mi objetivo no es dinero, es estabilidad emocional, gilipollas, dejar de mirarme, me llaman antisocial.
The conception of me is confusion when I try to live, I am eccentric, pitiful, today my ego does not try to rise. A light illuminates me and it does not come from the sky, in my dark room, I am lying on the floor. My goal is not money, it is emotional stability, asshole, stop looking at me, they call me antisocial.
No relacionen juventud al antisocial, esta detras una pieza forza sin encajar. No cabe duda, no es broma, todo por olvidar. No relacionen tendencia al antisocial, habilidad no va de fan de nada en especial. No cabe duda, no es broma, nada que celebrar.
Don't relate youth to antisocial, behind it is a forced piece without fitting in. There is no doubt, it is no joke, all to forget. Don't relate tendency to antisocial, skill doesn't go from fan of anything in particular. There is no doubt, it is no joke, nothing to celebrate.
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