Dohzi-T - Z魂 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dohzi-T - Z魂

Z of Soul
Z I N G I...
Z I N G I...
HAPPPY BIRTHDAYあれから20年 TRIBE外伝からも来年で10年
HAPPPY BIRTHDAY from then on 20 years and 10 years from now from TRIBE spin-off too
不良少年もそりゃもう中年 けど未だ変わらず我道列伝
Delinquent boys have become middle-aged men, but still, my life story remains unchanged.
別名ごぞんじ闇夜鴉 今じゃシリアスに愛も話す
My pseudonym is Mr. Crow of the night. Now I even talk about love seriously.
今も言葉と戯れるライム遊戯 すっかりピースの住人?
Still playing with words, a rhyming game. Have I become a total pacifist?
Tokyo"Z"Family DJ BASS 魔梵 KAZ 童子-T GUY MC仁義
Tokyo"Z"Family DJ BASS Mabon KAZ Dohzi-T GUY MC Jingi
行けるところまで みな行っとけ 暴走デンジャラスさ 邪魔なら崩せ
Go as far as you can, everyone, drive recklessly. Break through if it gets in your way.
五臓六腑 染みわたったHip Hop 住めば都に いつかきっと
Hip-hop has permeated my body and soul. If you live in a place, you'll eventually get used to it.
渋谷無宿もセルフディストラクション 英雄志願も夢の中でしょう
Like the homeless in Shibuya and self-destruction, my ambition to be a hero must have been a dream.
東京ゾンビTRIBEのあいつ! ブラックPUNK・HIPHOPスタイル!
That guy from Tokyo Zombie TRIBE! Black PUNK HIPHOP style!
貫く不死身のオヤジのチャイム! 2XXXが合図!
An immortal old man's unwavering chime! 2XXX is the signal!
Z・I・N・G・I 仁義! しっかりめぐり逢い信じ!
Z・I・N・G・I Loyalty! Find each other and believe firmly!
絆が固いCITTA'!WATCH ME! 戻ってきたぞ この地に!
CITTA's bond is strong! WATCH ME! I'm back here!
(MC Jingi)
時代が 俺達を出逢わせた 時間が 再び引き寄せたのか?
Time brought us together. Has time brought us together again?
俺達(ZINGI) 何が出来るのか! 憧れた 大人になれてるのか?
What can we (ZINGI) do! Have we become the adults we yearned to be?
目指した景色は 何色だった? 欲しいモノは いくつ手に入れた?
What color was the scenery we aimed for? How many of the things we wanted did we get?
そいつはホントに輝いてるか? ヘッ バカヤローYo! いつでも さすらうぜ
Are they really shining? Hey, you idiot! I'm always wandering around.
Z I N G I...
Z I N G I...
40も過ぎたオッサン達がダラダラ はなっから文句 タラタラ
Men in their 40s complaining and whining.
くたばってねえぜ まだまだ つーかまったりやってんだってば ほら
We're still alive. Calm down and relax. Don't get worked up.
あまり焦らせんじゃねえってんだ 今の若いもんやにゃホンマわからんかな
Don't be so impatient. I wonder if the young people of today can understand that.
HARD硬派なような坊やは 今じゃどんだけ 増えたもんかな
Aren't there a lot more tough guys these days?
運命のZINGIのルーレット まわってるよ 20年も
ZINGI's roulette of fate has been spinning for 20 years.
最初は出し続けた挑戦状 今は遠くで覗く望遠鏡
At first, we kept throwing down challenges. Now, we watch from afar with a telescope.
だがたまにかますLIVEは最強 やっぱZINGI あんたが大将
But the LIVE shows you occasionally put on are the best. You're still the leader, ZINGI.
いい夢 見させてもらったよ 最後はこれだろ「アバヨ」
You've given me some great dreams. This is the end: "See you later."
上がろうって誓い青い話さ M.I.C回した 朝日探した
We vowed to rise, a hopeful tale. We spun mics and looked for the sunrise.
真夜中掲げた逆さピース ポケットにゃ小銭 片手にはビール
In the dead of night, we held up the peace sign and had some spare change in our pockets.
何か欲しかったけど何もいらなかった コール&レスポンス響き渡った
We wanted something, but we didn't need anything. The call and response resounded.
まだまだ叫び声高らか この絆が一生の宝さ
Our voices are still loud and clear, and this bond is a treasure for life.
(MC Jingi)
若さが 俺たちを引き裂いた 絆が 仲間を繋いでいた
Our youth tore us apart. Our bond kept us together.
俺達(ZINGI)また遊びはじめた のんびり歩くことに おびえはないか?
We (ZINGI) started playing again. Are you scared to take it slow?
仲間が再び波間に集う ビートの海には自由が漂う
Friends gather again on the waves of rhythm. Freedom flows in the sea of beats.
泳ぎ切る いや波に乗らず 生き残れる証を刻む
We'll swim through it, ride the waves, and leave a mark of our survival.
ゆずれないモノが! プライドかぁ?
Something we can't give up! Pride, maybe?
そんなもん いつかの朝 忘れちまった コノヤロー
I forgot about that one morning. You jerk.
Z I N G I...
Z I N G I...

Авторы: Dohzi-t, G.m-kaz, Guy, Mar, Mc仁義

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