Armáda v zbroji za mnou tu stoji dve biele čiary mame na tvári
The army is in armor behind me, we have two white lines on our faces
My nie sme v tieni tam miesto neni som ta čo velí sme skoro v cieli
We are not in the shadows, there is no place there, I am the one who commands, we are almost at the finish line
Armáda ste moja armáda všetko to zapadá moja armáda
My army, you are my army, everything fits together, my army
Spolu to dáme svet v rukách mame spolu to dáme
Together we will do it, we have the world in our hands, together we will do it
Spolu to dáme kým seba máme spolu to dáme.
Together we will do it as long as we have each other, together we will do it.
Armáda v zbroji za mnou tu stoji dve biele čiary mame na tvári
The army is in armor behind me, we have two white lines on our faces
Armáda ste moja armáda nikto sa nevzdáva moja armáda.
My army, you are my army, no one gives up, my army.
Spolu to dáme svet v rukách mame spolu to dáme
Together we will do it, we have the world in our hands, together we will do it
Spolu to dáme kým seba máme spolu to dáme.
Together we will do it as long as we have each other, together we will do it.
Niektorý sú falošní a robia iba hejty ja sa neobzerám keď kričia na mňa heej ty som žena čo sa vracia z práce ako z flámu matka čo si líha k svojmu talizmanu mám muža ktorý ľúbi ma a maka 24 má srdce čo ma opraví vtedy keď sa mýlim a na vás moji verní teraz dvíham čašu nik nás nedobehne lebo majú malo času
Some are fake and only do hate, I don't look back when they scream at me, hey you, I'm a woman who comes home from work as if from a party, a mother who lies down to her talisman, I have a husband who loves me and works 24 hours a day, has a heart that fixes me when I'm wrong, and to my loyal ones now I raise a glass, no one will catch up with us because they have little time
Spolu to dáme svet v rukách mame spolu to dáme
Together we will do it, we have the world in our hands, together we will do it
Spolu to dáme kým seba máme spolu to dáme.
Together we will do it as long as we have each other, together we will do it.
Spolu to dáme svet v rukách mame spolu to dáme
Together we will do it, we have the world in our hands, together we will do it
Spolu to dáme kým seba máme spolu to dáme.
Together we will do it as long as we have each other, together we will do it.
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