I woke up the other day with no money in my wallet
N-am stat pe ganduri, m-am odihnit nitel
Didn't dwell on it, just took a little rest
Ma deranja parul, de-aia m-am tuns chel
My hair was bothering me, so I shaved my head bald
M-am tuns chel, de-aia m-am tuns chel
Shaved my head bald, yeah, I shaved it bald
L-am tuns pe Baxter, l-am tuns si pe catel
Shaved Baxter's head, even the dog's
Nu de altceva, tre′ sa fie frumusel
No reason, just gotta look good, you know?
Am vandut ce-aveam prin casa, acum urmeaza el
Sold everything in the house, now it's his turn
Citiți și: Don Baxter și Smiley au lansat videoclipul melodiei "Statul"Smiley, la un pas de a rămâne fără barbă în matinalul de la Radio 21Smiley a lansat videoclipul melodiei "I wish"
Read also: Don Baxter and Smiley release video for "Statul"Smiley, close to losing his beard on Radio 21 morning showSmiley releases video for "I wish"
Ce-ar fi s-o iau din loc
Maybe I should get out of here
Statul nu-mi poarta noroc
The state ain't bringing me any luck
Sase-s norocoase, nu
Sixes are lucky, not for me
Orice-as face, nu imi iese deloc
Whatever I do, it just doesn't work out
Asa ca
Eu stau degeaba, tu stai degeaba
I'm just chilling, you're just chilling
Noi stam degeaba, dar ne merge treaba
We're just chilling, but things are going well
Nu dam cu capul, nu dam cu sapa
Not breaking our backs, not digging ditches
Noi stam degeaba, dar ne merge treaba
We're just chilling, but things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
Vine ploaia, bine-mi pare
The rain is coming, I don't mind
In gradina am o floare
I have a flower in my garden
Doar la ea mai vad culoare
It's the only color I see
Cand afara nu e soare
When there's no sun outside
Stii ca o mai iau pe campii
You know I'm rambling sometimes
Cate frunze au copacii, da-le dracu de hartii
How many leaves are on the trees, screw those papers
Vreau doar o vorba sa retii
I just want you to remember one thing
Pe lumea cealalta n-o sa-ti iei bijuterii
You can't take your jewels to the other side
Mult, bun si ieftin, tu vrei de toate
A lot, good and cheap, you want it all
Dar n-ai cum sa le iei altfel decat in rate
But the only way to get it is in installments
Alergi, te-agiti sa obtii ce ai visat
You run, you hustle to get what you dreamed of
Cand, de fapt, toata miscarea pleaca de la stat
When, in fact, all the movement starts from the state
Ce-ar fi s-o iau din loc
Maybe I should get out of here
Statul nu-mi poarta noroc
The state ain't bringing me any luck
Sase-s norocoase, nu
Sixes are lucky, not for me
Orice-as face, nu imi iese deloc
Whatever I do, it just doesn't work out
Asa ca
Eu stau degeaba, tu stai degeaba
I'm just chilling, you're just chilling
Noi stam degeaba, dar ne merge treaba
We're just chilling, but things are going well
Nu dam cu capul, nu dam cu sapa
Not breaking our backs, not digging ditches
Noi stam degeaba, dar ne merge treaba
We're just chilling, but things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
Stai degeaba, stai degeaba, stai degeaba
Just chilling, just chilling, just chilling
Stai degeaba, stai degeaba, stai degeaba
Just chilling, just chilling, just chilling
Stai degeaba, stai degeaba, stai degeaba
Just chilling, just chilling, just chilling
Ne mergea treaba
Things were going well
Stai degeaba, stai degeaba, stai degeaba
Just chilling, just chilling, just chilling
Stai degeaba, stai degeaba, stai degeaba
Just chilling, just chilling, just chilling
Stai degeaba, stai degeaba, stai degeaba
Just chilling, just chilling, just chilling
Eu stau degeaba, tu stai degeaba
I'm just chilling, you're just chilling
Noi stam degeaba, dar ne merge treaba
We're just chilling, but things are going well
Nu dam cu capul, nu dam cu sapa
Not breaking our backs, not digging ditches
Noi stam degeaba, dar ne merge treaba
We're just chilling, but things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
Ne merge treaba, ne merge treaba
Things are going well, things are going well
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