Don Cheto - El Tatuado - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Don Cheto - El Tatuado

El Tatuado
The Tattooed Man
¡Ay! ¡No puede ser!
Oh! It can't be!
¡Lo veo y no lo creo!
I can't believe my eyes!
Después de cinco años lo teníamos de regreso
After five years, we had him back
M'hijo el mayor, que en el norte anduvo preso
My oldest son, who was locked up in the North
Fuimos al aeropuerto a recoger al hijo ausente
We went to the airport to pick up the absent son
Y que por culpa de las juntas andaba de delincuente
Who, because of bad company, was a delinquent
Teníamos la fiestecita allá en la casa preparada
We had the little party prepared there at the house
Pa' que cuando llegara se diera una atarragada
So that when he arrived, he could have a grand time
Por que andábamos gustosos, no lo podíamos creer
Because we were so happy, we couldn't believe it
Que m'hijo después de tanto estaba a punto de volver
That my son after so long was about to return
Más cuando vi a mi muchacho, que se bajo del avión
But when I saw my boy get off the plane
Ya no lo reconocía todo guangocho y pelón
I didn't recognize him anymore, all skinny and bald
Pero lo peor jue en la casa, cuando lo mire encuerao
But the worst was at home, when I saw him undressed
Ahi si me dio el ojillo al verlo todo tatuao
That's when it hit me, seeing him all tattooed up
¿Por qué te tatuatis?
Why did you get tattoos?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te pintatis?
Why did you get painted?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te rayatis?
Why did you get scratched up?
Pus nomás
Just because
Ya te desgraciatis, you stupid fat ass
You ruined yourself, you stupid fat ass
¿Por qué te tatuatis?
Why did you get tattoos?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te pintatis?
Why did you get painted?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te rayatis?
Why did you get scratched up?
Pus nomás
Just because
Ya te desgraciatis, you stupid fat ass
You ruined yourself, you stupid fat ass
En la parte de la nuca una "L" y una "A"
On the back of his neck, an "L" and an "A"
Y abajo en el pescuezo el nombre de su mamá
And below on his neck, his mother's name
Tenia una cruz pintada en uno de sus brazos
He had a cross painted on one of his arms
Con el nombre de un amigo al que mataron a balazos
With the name of a friend who was shot to death
Luego trae otro tatuaje que son dos caras pintadas
Then he has another tattoo that's two painted faces
Una de ellas esta llorando y la otra puras carcajadas
One of them is crying, and the other is pure laughter
En el otro brazo trae a color una bandera
On the other arm, he has a flag in color
Y una vieja con sombrero charro y las chichis de fuera
And a woman with a sombrero and her boobs hanging out
Anda todo bien pintao desde el codo a la muñeca
He's all painted up from his elbow to his wrist
Trae un carro, una muerte y un calendario azteca
He has a car, a Grim Reaper, and an Aztec calendar
En el pecho trae Westside que creo que ese es un barrio
On his chest he has Westside, which I think is a neighborhood
Y también dos manos juntas que sostiene un rosario
And also two hands clasped together holding a rosary
Unas letras chinas tiene y la cabeza de un dragón
He has some Chinese letters and the head of a dragon
Unos da'os y entre lumbre al sagrao corazón
Some dice and, amidst flames, the Sacred Heart
En la panza trae escrita la palabra bato loco
On his belly it's written, "Crazy Dude"
En la espalda mi apellido y una lagrima en el ojo
On his back, my last name and a tear in his eye
¿Por qué te tatuatis?
Why did you get tattoos?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te pintatis?
Why did you get painted?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te rayatis?
Why did you get scratched up?
Pus nomás
Just because
Ya te desgraciatis, you stupid fat ass
You ruined yourself, you stupid fat ass
¿Por qué te tatuatis?
Why did you get tattoos?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te pintatis?
Why did you get painted?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te rayatis?
Why did you get scratched up?
Pus nomás
Just because
Ya te desgraciastis, you stupid fat ass
You ruined yourself, you stupid fat ass
¡Ay, ay, ay!
Oh, oh, oh!
Por eso es que a uno le dan las enfermedades
That's why you get sick
Por esos sustos
Because of these frights
Esas penas que le hacen pasar a uno
These pains that they make you go through
Miren mi muchacho me llego más rayao
Look, my boy came back more scribbled on
Que una pared ahí del este los Angeles
Than a wall over there in East Los Angeles
Y es que tengo miedo que con esas garras y con tanto tatuaje
And I'm scared that with those claws and so many tattoos
Me lo vaya a confundir algún policía con un, con un cholo
Some policeman is going to mistake him for a, for a cholo
Le dije: ¿Por qué se pinta?
I said to him, "Why did you get painted?"
Y no contesto nada
And he didn't answer anything
Me dan ganas de bañarlo con pura agua oxigenada
I feel like bathing him with pure hydrogen peroxide
Voy a remojarlo en cloro y a tallarlo con jabón
I'm going to soak him in bleach and scrub him with soap
Miren nomás cuanta letra, ya parece pizarrón
Look at all these letters, he looks like a blackboard
Ahi lo traen de boca en boca esa gente mitotera
Those gossipy people have him on everyone's lips
Que anda mas rayao que un baño de la central camionera
That he's more scribbled on than a bathroom at the bus station
No hagas eso con tu cuerpo, haber dime: ¿Tu que le hayas?
Don't do that to your body, tell me: What do you think?
Tu crees que te vez muy bien andando lleno de rayas
Do you think you look good walking around covered in lines?
Por más que quiero muchacho, yo no te puedo entender
As much as I try, son, I can't understand you
Se me hace que te tatuastis hasta allá en el over there
It seems to me like you got tattoos even over there in the over there
¿Por qué te tatuatis?
Why did you get tattoos?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te pintatis?
Why did you get painted?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te rayatis?
Why did you get scratched up?
Pus nomás
Just because
Ya te desgraciatis, you stupid fat ass
You ruined yourself, you stupid fat ass
¿Por qué te tatuatis?
Why did you get tattoos?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te pintatis?
Why did you get painted?
Pus nomás
Just because
¿Por qué te rayatis?
Why did you get scratched up?
Pus nomás
Just because
Ya te desgraciatis, you stupid fat ass
You ruined yourself, you stupid fat ass

Авторы: Jose Francisco Garza, Juan Carlos Razo

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