Don Cheto - Vámonos Pa'l Rancho - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Don Cheto - Vámonos Pa'l Rancho

Vámonos Pa'l Rancho
Let's Go to the Ranch
(Hay le va muchacho maceton abra el hocico, haber
(Here it goes, big boy, open your mouth, let's see
Si así agarra la onda, hay te va en tu idioma pa'que'ntiendas,
if you get the vibe, here it is in your language so you can understand,
Haber si así agarra la onda muchacho)
Let's see if you get the vibe, boy)
Mira muchacho
Look, son
No me haces caso
You don't listen to me
Regañándote el día entero me lo paso
I spend the whole day scolding you
Apaga ese aparato
Turn off that device
Me esta desesperando
It's driving me crazy
Esa mendiga música de perros ladrando
That lousy music of barking dogs
No ayudas en la casa
You don't help around the house
No quieres trabajar
You don't want to work
Y ni siquiera bueno eres para estudiar (ni siquiera pa'eso sirves)
And you're not even good at studying (you're not even good for that)
Ya no'ste regañando
I'm done scolding you
A usted todo le molesta
Everything bothers you
La música que escucho
The music I listen to
La ropa que llevo puesta
The clothes I wear
Con quien me junto
Who I hang out with
Que's lo que hago
What I do
Se'mehace que usted quiere verme como su esclavo
I think you want to see me as your slave
Que te vistas decente
Dress decently
Yo siempre lo he soñao
I always dreamed of it
Y con esos pantalones parece que andas cagao
And with those pants, it looks like you're shitting yourself
Ya que te crezca el pelo
Let your hair grow
Y péinate decente
And comb it decently
Así el pelo como andas
The way your hair is
Pareces delincuente
You look like a delinquent
Nada le parece y nada sabe usted de moda
You don't like anything, and you don't know anything about fashion
Andar pelón a rapa es lo que rifa hora
Being bald is what's cool now
Con mis pantalones wangos
With my baggy pants
De tez oscuros
Of dark complexion
Usted es flanco
You're basic
No quero que te juntes
I don't want you hanging out
Con esos wandajones
With those thugs
Esa bola de flojos que andan todos pelones
That bunch of bums who all go around bald
Todos haciendo señas
All making signs
Tatuaos de las manos
Tattooed on their hands
Toda la gente sabe
Everyone knows
Que son remariwanos
That they are marijuana smokers
(Hijo, no quieres irte conmigo pal rancho? Vamos pal rancho) (you dad are you crazy?)
(Son, don't you want to go to the ranch with me? Let's go to the ranch) (you dad are you crazy?)
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Que nos vayamos pal rancho
That we go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Aquí es donde he nacido
This is where I was born
Aquí es donde he crecido
This is where I grew up
No quiero ir a México porque esta muy aburrido
I don't want to go to Mexico because it's very boring
Muchacho atarantao
Silly boy
No sabes lo que dices
You don't know what you're saying
Aya'stan tus afueros
There are your privileges
Aya'stan tus raíces
There are your roots
Ya nos'te molestando
Stop bothering me
No ve que'stoy jugando
Can't you see I'm playing
Con ese PlayStation te la pasas webiniando
You spend your time messing around with that PlayStation
Cuando yo tenía tu edad
When I was your age
Ya andaba yo sembrando
I was already sowing
Deje de interrumpirme
Stop interrupting me
Que no ve que'stoy ganando
Can't you see I'm winning
Ya bajale a tu radio que quero descansar
Turn down your radio, I want to rest
Mañana muy temprano tengo que trabajar
Tomorrow I have to work very early
Esa bola de prietos
That bunch of darkies
No se que'stan cantando
I don't know what they're singing
A veces hasta pienso que me la'stan rayando
Sometimes I even think they're making fun of me
Todos'tan bien mentones
They're all so cocky
Con sus cadenas de oro
With their gold chains
En el surco yo quisiera
In the furrow I would like
Verlos llenos de lodo
To see them covered in mud
Los tiempos han cambiado
Times have changed
Es lo que'sta peinando
That's what's playing
Y se llama rap lo que estamos escuchando
And it's called rap what we're listening to
Ya no me de carria que ya me'stoy cansando
Stop bothering me, I'm getting tired
Y yo a sus hilerias nunca le ando criticando
And I never criticize their jokes
Ya siéntate a comer
Come sit down to eat
Hay frijoles en la mesa
There are beans on the table
No tengo ganas de'so
I don't feel like eating that
Yo quero una hamburguesa
I want a hamburger
Eso no te hace bien
That's not good for you
Es pura cochinada
It's pure filth
Entonces quero pizza
Then I want pizza
O un burrito de azada
Or a steak burrito
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna ni la ley
I don't wanna go, not even by law
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
Vamonos pal rancho
Let's go to the ranch
I don't wanna me haley
I don't wanna go, really
(Aquí nadie entiende, nadie comprende)
(Here no one understands, no one understands)
Yo ya me voy pal rancho
I'm going to the ranch
Ando muy awitao
I'm very sad
Porque aquí en este norte parece que estoy pintao
Because here in this north it seems that I'm invisible
Voy a sembrar mi tierra
I'm going to sow my land
A cuidar el ganao
To take care of the cattle
Entiende más un burro
A donkey understands more
Que'ste mendigo chulao
Than this damn dude

Авторы: Jose Francisco Duron

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