Don Kalavera - Mil Y Un Veces (feat. Bart) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Don Kalavera - Mil Y Un Veces (feat. Bart)

Mil Y Un Veces (feat. Bart)
A Thousand And One Times (feat. Bart)
Mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh valia la pena pero te fuiste
A thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh it was worth it but you left
Atragantaste tu alma de tu puena mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh
You choked your soul with your sorrow a thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh
Valia la peta pero te fuiste atragantaste tu alma con tu pena
It was worth it but you left you choked your soul with your sorrow
Darte lo que soy fue como darle un diamante a un pecato,
Giving you what I am was like giving a diamond to a sinner,
Dartelo para que terminara en finaza,
Giving it to you so that it would end up in hock,
Por un gramo por un rato,
For a gram for a little while,
Cambiaste nuestro furuto por un sueño fantasma
You traded our future for a phantom dream
Cuandro abrazes lo que no existe vendras por mas
When you embrace what doesn’t exist you will come for more
E luchado contra todo y todos desde que naci
I have fought against everything and everyone since I was born
Naci para la guerra clandestino ilegal
I was born for war clandestine illegal
Desde que vi el mundo por primera ves estuve corrompiendo su emvoltura
Since I saw the world for the first time I was corrupting its shell
Sin mentira yo creci como mi barrio de la ravia de no poder ser feliz
Without a lie I grew up like my neighborhood from the rage of not being able to be happy
Y la soledad del horario de oficina de mi apa
And the loneliness of my dad's office hours
Yo creci escondiendo las cawamas de mama y entre
I grew up hiding mom's packs and between
Remolinos de mal viaje de de diazepam
Whirlpools of diazepam bad trip
Tenia un plan y fue irme a donde no estan
I had a plan and it was to go where they are not
Los que decian que no iba a cambiar
Those who said I wasn't going to change
Yo desde el otro lado del mar los veo llorar
I see them crying from the other side of the sea
Mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh valia la pena pero te fuiste
A thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh it was worth it but you left
Atragantaste tu alma de tu puena mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh
You choked your soul with your sorrow a thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh
Valia la pena pero te fuiste atragantaste tu alma con tu pena
It was worth it but you left you choked your soul with your sorrow
Creci aqui escuchando el tri, molotov, caifanes, cypress hill
I grew up here listening to the tri, molotov, caifanes, cypress hill
Soy un puño de tierra como toni
I am a fistful of dirt like toni
Soy un inadaptado sere un inadaptado toda mi vida como toni soprano
I am a misfit I will be a misfit all my life like tony soprano
Porque aqui la justicia es una puta gorda apestosa billetes viejos
Because here justice is a fat disgusting whore old bills
Y agatas recives en el cuerpo de marrano
And agates you receive in the body of a pig
Soy la soledad de mi hermanos soy mi soledad gritando auyando
I am the loneliness of my brothers I am my loneliness screaming helping
Vamos apintar encuerados encima del gobierno
Let's go paint skulls on top of the government
Porque no hay gobierdo pa mi infierno
Because there is no government for my hell
Mi rap es sacrilegio y este mundo me hiso mi camino me hiso necio
My rap is sacrilege and this world made me my way made me foolish
Y este mundo es mio este mundo es parte de mi como yo
And this world is mine this world is part of me like me
Como cualquiera camina por aqui
Like anyone walks around here
Como caniso nike cortes cual juez puede juzgarme
Like caniso nike cuts which judge can judge me
Uno que vive en mi alma siempre a de ampararme
One who lives in my soul will always protect me
Apulina me dejo cañon se perdio
Apulina left me cannon was lost
El jetta se jodio y en mi trabajo arrecio
The jetta fucked up and at my job it got stronger
La suerte de joderme y sin envargo los peiso tquines susurran
The luck of fucking myself and yet the skinny pesos whisper
Aguanta viene la nuestra y bamos a joderle
Hold on ours is coming and we are going to fuck it up
Y si me cain mil pesos yo me sigo sintiendo millonario
And if a thousand pesos fall on me I still feel like a millionaire
Boy me compro una nivera en 10 minutos escribo otro track legendario
Boy I buy myself a refrigerator in 10 minutes I write another legendary track
Mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh valia la pena pero te fuiste
A thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh it was worth it but you left
Atragantaste tu alma de tu puena mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh
You choked your soul with your sorrow a thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh
Valia la pena pero te fuiste atragantaste tu alma con tu pena
It was worth it but you left you choked your soul with your sorrow
Y asi te quise tanto yo que quise dar mi hermosura mi ternura corazon
And so I loved you so much that I wanted to give my beauty my tenderness heart
Con todo mi locura tu te fuiste de mi
With all my madness you left me
Te quise buscar pero yo compredi que no valia la pena ya
I wanted to look for you but I understood that it was not worth it anymore
Que te queria abrasar hay en mi corazon porque te fuiste
That I wanted to hug you there in my heart because you left
Y aora te empieso a olvidar
And now I'm starting to forget you
Y mil veses me despido y las lagrimas que cain son de alegira
And a thousand times I say goodbye and the tears that fall are of joy
Porque te vas
Because you're leaving
Mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh valia la pena pero te fuiste
A thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh it was worth it but you left
Atragantaste tu alma de tu puena mil y un veses, mil y un veses uh uh
You choked your soul with your sorrow a thousand and one times, a thousand and one times uh uh
Valia la pena pero te fuiste atragantaste tu alma con tu pena
It was worth it but you left you choked your soul with your sorrow

Авторы: Manuel Mendoza Reyes

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