Dorival Caymmi - O Mar - Remastered - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dorival Caymmi - O Mar - Remastered

O Mar - Remastered
The Sea - Remastered
O mar quando quebra na praia
The sea when it breaks on the beach
É bonito, é bonito o mar
Is beautiful, the sea is beautiful
Pescador quando sai
Fishermen when they go out
Nunca sabe se volta
Never know if they'll come back
Nem sabe se fica
Or even if they'll stay
Quanta gente perdeu
How many people have lost
Seus maridos seus filhos
Their husbands, their children
Nas ondas do mar
In the waves of the sea
O mar quando quebra na praia
The sea when it breaks on the beach
É bonito, é bonito
Is beautiful, it's beautiful
Pedro vivia da pesca
Pedro lived from fishing
Saia no barco
Would go out on his boat
Seis horas da tarde
At six in the evening
vinha na hora do sol raiá
Only coming back at sunrise
Todos gostavam de Pedro
Everyone liked Pedro
E mais do que todas
And more than all
Rosinha de Chica
Rosinha de Chica
A mais bonitinha
The prettiest
E mais bem feitinha
And most well made
De todas as mocinha
Of all the young girls
do arraiá
From the village
Pedro saiu no seu barco
Pedro went out in his boat
Seis horas da tarde
At six in the evening
Passou toda a noite
Spent the whole night
Não veio na hora do sol raiá
Didn't come back at sunrise
Deram com o corpo de Pedro
They found Pedro's body
Jogado na praia
Thrown up on the beach
Roído de peixe
Gnawed by fish
Sem barco sem nada
Without a boat, without anything
Num canto bem longe
In a far away corner
do arraiá
Of the village
Pobre Rosinha de Chica
Poor Rosinha de Chica
Que era bonita
Who was beautiful
Agora parece
Now it seems
Que endoideceu
Has gone mad
Vive na beira da praia
Lives on the shore
Olhando pras ondas
Looking at the waves
Andando rondando
Walking around
Dizendo baixinho:
Saying softly:
"Morreu, morreu, morreu, oh..."
"He died, he died, he died, oh..."
O mar quando quebra na praia
The sea when it breaks on the beach

Авторы: Dorival Caymmi, Paulo Cesar F Pinheiro

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