Dos Monos - OCCUPIED! - перевод текста песни на английский

OCCUPIED! - Dos Monosперевод на английский

暗順応 暗闇に落とす声
Adaptation to the dark, a voice that makes me collapse
一度きいたら 二度目は無いと思え
If you hear it once, you'll think you'll never hear it again
2つ目玉がフィルムに赤く燃えて burn
The second eye burns red on the roll
ベースラインが煽る火事 Deep purple
Aggressive bass lines spark the fire, Deep Purple
Invade 土地には限りがある
Invading land is limited
AT フィールド・トリップ 広がるgap
AT field trip, expanding gap
At night, you and I don't change much
Merdoが花束 食い切るまた
Merdo's bouquet eats again
We′re the fearless babies
We're the fearless babies
まだ平気 平均以上の闇耐性持ち
Still alright, Those with darkness tolerance above average
Wear a mask immediately after birth
We never gonna learn how to shout
We'll never learn to shout
Hi, Alexa!
Hello, Alexa!
A comic cross-talk starts
P and Gマフィアとパンピーの馬鹿し合い
P and G mafias and idiots fighting
Watch Netflix at double speed
腹満たす チキン or フリスク
Fills the stomach, chicken or Fresca
Concerned with only deadlines
Point P that moves in search of an extracted tooth
How to use Excell and Powerpoint and Word faster...
How to use Excel, Powerpoint and Word faster...
教えて goo あるいは Yahoo! 知恵袋
Google teaches me, or Yahoo! Wisdom bag
If hit with a dead ball, an undisturbed wind
Kincade making bases as expected
An antidepressant is given to a painless patient
騙し騙しBody fullブリキ化
Deception, Full body armor
Oh my key!
I want to feel alive
If possible, I also want Fukuzawa Yukichi
Worrying about more than 108 worldly desires
A fake catching Baba in Berserk
We're the fearless babies
We're the fearless babies
まだ平気 平均以上の闇耐性持ち
Still alright, Above average darkness tolerance
Since 暗闇に放置され絶えず吐く胞子
Since they spit spores continuously, abandoned in the dark
転落防止の鉄格子ごしに書く手紙 44
A letter written behind iron bars to prevent falls, 44
A Chinese hopping vampire makes advances
お札剥がしても recycle forever
Even if the talisman is peeled off, it's recycled forever
スメアゴルのリング 忍び寄る影になる
Smeagol's ring becomes a lurking shadow
Invade now リベンジする G.B.H
Invade now, G.B.H. takes revenge
皆信じたかる蠅の王like ゴールディング
Everyone is piled up like Golding's Lord of the Flies
All day all night 拘泥する
Detained all day and night
A predictable story
I'm sorry, I'm not responsible
特に意味はない ポリフォニー
Polyphony with no specific meaning
耳貸すno need
No need to listen
Was it something I expected halfway through?
Rather than the fool of Owari, I prefer the Bishamonten of Echigo
やってこうぜ でもno強制
Let's get through it, but it's not mandatory
やれてます小生 You know I′m saying
We can do it, you know what I'm saying
The truth that Zhuangzi wanted to see
Even that is a desire
But I'll keep believing that forever
Feel like a butterflyで舞いたい
I want to dance like a butterfly
Better lifeのOne night
One night of a better life
I'm a motherfucker, I need Jesus
I'm a motherfucker, I need Jesus

Авторы: Zo Zhit

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