Dragon Ash - Humanity - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dragon Ash - Humanity

移り変わりの早いこの街 おきぬけに一服擦るマッチ
In this fast-paced city, I strike a match to light a cigarette.
生きてくために身につけた術 自分の存在意義の全て
It's a skill I've mastered for survival, the essence of my being.
握り締めまた見つける旅 扉を開けて歩き出す度
I set out on a quest, opening doors and forging ahead.
立ちはだかるのは多難の道 避けては通れぬ茨の道
The path is treacherous, but I must tread it and overcome the thorns.
突き進むなら傷は必至 承知の上で進むならいいし
Wounds are inevitable, but I'll bear them with pride.
高らかに歌い続ける この言葉盾に歩き続ける
With music as my shield, I'll continue to sing aloud.
僕達は歌い続ける キミ達も何かでここに並ぼう
We'll sing together, and you'll find your place here.
Beyond nihilism's grasp,
There's a way to express without inflicting pain.
唱えて止まない Give and Take
We'll chant the mantra of "Give and Take."
You'll find your place here, too.
日毎に増してくしがらみの数 消えては浮かび終わり訪れず
Obstacles multiply daily, but the quest continues.
キリキリ舞のこの生活 抜け出せずでも生きること止めず
Trapped in this cycle, yet determined to live on.
逃げ出そうとするその一歩 踏み止まってふと考える
I contemplate taking flight, but I pause and reconsider.
そしてまた歩き続ける 強くあることで自分の価値計る
And so, I keep walking, my strength defined by my resolve.
周りには仲間がいる 共闘してくれるキミ達がいる
I have comrades by my side, who fight alongside me.
それでも傷を舐め合うのではなく 共に誇らしく笑い合いたい
But let's not wallow in our wounds; together, we'll laugh with pride.
An awareness of who I am.
A way to fight without licking our wounds.
唱えて止まない Give and Take
We'll chant the mantra of "Give and Take."
I want to stand here, on my own.

Авторы: 降谷 建志, 降谷 建志

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