Dramatik feat. La Dame & Rashym - Enuff - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dramatik feat. La Dame & Rashym - Enuff

À l'école primaire, le kung-fu, c'était comme une passion
In elementary school, kung-fu was like a passion
J'aimais les films d'action, cool, mais dans la cour, j'ai fait de l'intimidation
I loved action movies, cool, but in the schoolyard, I bullied others
C'est pas que j'aimais semer la honte
It's not that I liked causing shame
J'ai subi la peine étant garçon
I suffered pain as a boy
Violence conjugale, la main dans le plâtre
Domestic violence, a hand in a cast
Toujours rabaissé, jamais de "bien, félicitations"
Always put down, never a "good job, congratulations"
La haine dans l'éducation, vaine justification
Hatred in education, a vain justification
C'est bien de pointer le père, mais j'avais la même réputation
It's good to point at the father, but I had the same reputation
Je questionne mes relations
I question my relationships
On m'appelle Mister le poing d'interrogation, je souffre
They call me Mr. Question Mark Fist, I suffer
Ça me tient, ça s'enchaîne, ça me peine
It holds me, it chains me, it pains me
I'm a man, moi, je t'aime malgré mes façons de ouf
I'm a man, I love you despite my crazy ways
Damn que c'est pas facile
Damn, it's not easy
Vaincre c'que je crains, c'est bien mon talon d'Achille
Overcoming what I fear, that's my Achilles' heel
Mon cœur fait bang, saigne sous le diachylon
My heart is banging, bleeding under the band-aid
Danger, tu crois que tout baigne, mais j'en ai assez, donc j'me dis
Danger, you think everything is fine, but I've had enough, so I say to myself
Assez, c'est over (that's enough)
Enough, it's over (that's enough)
Too much on my shoulders (that's enough)
Too much on my shoulders (that's enough)
Fini ce rôle-là (hey that's enough)
This role is finished (hey that's enough)
So many times I cried (that's enough)
So many times I cried (that's enough)
Le cœur est que trop lourd (oh that's enough)
My heart is too heavy (oh that's enough)
The world is so cruel (hey that's enough)
The world is so cruel (hey that's enough)
So many times I tried (oh that's enough)
So many times I tried (oh that's enough)
That's enough
That's enough
J'viens d'me rappeler, ça' dérapé quand j'ai parlé d'thérapie
I just remembered, things went off the rails when I mentioned therapy
Une heure après, c'était rapide, j'étais KO au tapis
An hour later, it was quick, I was KO'd on the floor
J'tais étalée sur le pavé, parce que j'avais osé dire
I was sprawled on the pavement, because I dared to say
C'qui me fâchait, il le savait, il s'en lavait les mains, pire (shit)
What was upsetting me, he knew it, he washed his hands of it, worse (shit)
Il me blâmait pour ses manies dont j'étais victime
He blamed me for his quirks that I was a victim of
Pourtant, il disait qu'j'étais sa queen, son everything
Yet, he said I was his queen, his everything
Dans les magazines, j'avais des rêves de ring
In magazines, I had dreams of a ring
Mais ce dream partait en éclat telle une belle vitrine
But that dream shattered like a beautiful shop window
Ç'a été éprouvant, parfois même émouvant
It's been trying, sometimes even moving
Des étés étouffants, par la foi, j'devais move on
Suffocating summers, by faith, I had to move on
Pourquoi attendre, tout est grillé, y a que des cendres
Why wait, everything is burnt, there's only ashes left
Le cœur fendu, I'm 'a tell you what's going on
My heart is broken, I'm 'a tell you what's going on
N-nuff assez, n-nuff, affaire classée
Enough, enough, case closed
C'est tuff, ruff, mais y a personne qui va m'entasser
It's tough, ruff, but no one's gonna pile on me
Il sait pas faire autrement, te frappe ouvertement
He doesn't know how to do it any other way, hits you openly
Mais la vérité sera pas aspirée comme un avortement
But the truth won't be sucked away like an abortion
Assez, c'est over (that's enough)
Enough, it's over (that's enough)
Too much on my shoulders (that's enough)
Too much on my shoulders (that's enough)
Fini ce rôle-là (hey that's enough)
This role is finished (hey that's enough)
So many times I cried (that's enough)
So many times I cried (that's enough)
Le cœur est que trop lourd (oh that's enough)
My heart is too heavy (oh that's enough)
The world is so cruel (hey that's enough)
The world is so cruel (hey that's enough)
So many times I tried
So many times I tried
That's enough
That's enough
Tu vis dans une relation abusive, tu connais la musique, il va te dire "I love you", mais
You live in an abusive relationship, you know the music, he'll tell you "I love you", but
Enuff is enuff
Enough is enough
Elle est colérique, alcoolique, te dit qu'elle t'aime à la folie, mais chaque nuit, y a la police
She is angry, alcoholic, tells you she loves you madly, but every night, the police are there
T'es dans un dilemme
You're in a dilemma
Ton cœur te dit "pardonne-lui" et ta tête te dit "ça suffit"
Your heart tells you "forgive her" and your head tells you "that's enough"
Enuff is enuff
Enough is enough
J'ai connu l'enfer au foyer d'accueil, à sept ans, j'ai pris ma vie en main, j'suis parti
I went through hell in the foster home, at seven years old, I took my life into my own hands, I left
Enuff is enuff
Enough is enough
Si tu t'enterres sans ciel, sans l'essentiel, au nom de ta dignité, fais-le
If you bury yourself without a sky, without the essentials, in the name of your dignity, do it
Enuff is enuff
Enough is enough
Et si t'es pris dans le même pattern de vingt-quatre heures que t'aimes pas, que tu connais par cœur
And if you're stuck in the same 24-hour pattern that you don't like, that you know by heart
Enuff is enuff
Enough is enough
Les gars du street disent 'fuck it and get a life'
The guys on the street say 'fuck it and get a life'
Comme si la génétique était hackée, bloquée dans le ghetto life
As if genetics were hacked, stuck in the ghetto life
Dans mon cas, ce love est une offre
In my case, this love is an offer
Y aurait moins d'misère si tout l'monde disait "enuff is enuff"
There would be less misery if everyone said "enough is enough"
That's enough
That's enough
That's enough
That's enough
Hey, that's enough
Hey, that's enough
That's enough
That's enough
Oh, that's enough
Oh, that's enough
Hey, that's enough
Hey, that's enough
That's enough
That's enough
That's enough
That's enough
That's enough
That's enough
Si ton cœur pleure et ton iris saigne
If your heart cries and your iris bleeds
C'est que tu te meurs comme une fleur dans ce world inhumain
It's because you're dying like a flower in this inhumane world
I saw a girl with a man distancés pour toujours
I saw a girl with a man distanced forever
Comme les rails d'un train
Like the rails of a train
Homme cherche femme, femme cherche homme
Man seeks woman, woman seeks man
Sur le net
On the net
L'amour est à l'envers comme Maryjane et Spiderman
Love is upside down like Maryjane and Spiderman
Un an plus tard, chaque soir, ils s'battent jusqu'à demain
A year later, every night, they fight until tomorrow
L'âme à l'abdomen
Soul in the abdomen
Et j'feel que l'amour, c'est pas de même
And I feel that love, it's not the same

Авторы: Jocelyn "dramatik" Bruno

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