Dreams Come True - Anatani Salad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dreams Come True - Anatani Salad

Anatani Salad
Anatani Salad
夕方もう6時を回り 閉店まであと30分足らず
It's past six in the evening, and there's less than 30 minutes until closing time.
デパートは夕飯の買い物の おばさま達でごった返す
The department store is crowded with ladies out shopping for dinner.
私もその波に紛れて 食料品売場までやってきたの
I blended in with the crowd and made my way to the grocery department.
サラダの大好きなあの人に とびきりのやつ作ってあげるの
I'm going to make a special salad for my loved one, who loves salads.
レタスはなるべく青くて 柔らかそうなのを選んで
I chose lettuce that was very green and looked fresh.
トマトは形の揃った 3つ入りのパックをひとつ買うわ
I bought a three-pack of tomatoes that were all the same size.
横入りするおばちゃまにも負けず やっとレジまでたどりついたら
I finally made it to the checkout counter after enduring the pushy old ladies cutting in line.
今度はお財布が見当たらない 紅い顔してポケット探る
But then I couldn't find my wallet! I blushed as I frantically searched my pockets.
やっと見つけたお財布の中から 慌てて払ってひと息ついて
I finally found my wallet, paid my bill, and took a deep breath.
大きな紙袋2つに入れて 脇に小さな花束を足す
I put everything in two big paper bags and added a small bouquet of flowers on the side.
キャベツは細く細くきざんで お水をしっかりきらなきゃ
I finely shredded the cabbage and made sure to drain off all the water.
リンゴがウサギに変身 1っこは食べて7つ飾るわ
I turned the apple into a rabbit, ate one, and set out seven pieces.
もうすぐあなたが帰って来る ただいまのキスは必ずしてね
You'll be home soon, and I can't wait to be greeted with a kiss.
特製ドレッシングには私の 愛もたっぷり注いでシェイク
I lovingly poured my special dressing over the salad and shook it all up.
Tomato, apple, green pepper
Tomato, apple, green pepper
Lettuce, water cress, tuna
Lettuce, water cress, tuna
Bean and onion with mayonnaise, please?
Bean and onion with mayonnaise, please?
はっきり言ってかんたんなサラダ 切って盛るだけのかんたんサラダ
Frankly, this is a simple salad with easy preparation.
誰でもつくれる それを残さず 食べてくれるあなたが好きよ
Anyone can make it, but I especially like seeing you enjoy it.
You are the one I love most in the world.
Isn't it the tastiest salad in the world?
神様 今日もシアワセ ありがとう
Thank you, God, for another wonderful day.

Авторы: Yoshida Miwa

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