DrefQuila - Mmbb - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский DrefQuila - Mmbb

Mucho mucho mucho bla bla
Lots and lots of blah blah
Yo relax en la playa
I'm relaxing on the beach
Esos haters fallan
Those haters fail
No cruzan no cruzan la raya
They don't cross, they don't cross the line
Sigo aqui y de pie
I'm still here and standing
Dime ami y la hare
Tell me and I'll do it
Ese dream cumplire
I will fulfill that dream
You're shit lose
You're shit out of luck
Mucho mucho mucho bla bla
Lots and lots of blah blah
Yo relax en la playa
I'm relaxing on the beach
Esos haters fallan
Those haters fail
No cruzan no cruzan la raya
They don't cross, they don't cross the line
Sigo aqui y de pie
I'm still here and standing
Dime ami y la hare
Tell me and I'll do it
Ese dream cumplire
I will fulfill that dream
You're shit lose
You're shit out of luck
So clean
So clean
La llama derrite tu ice cream
The flame melts your ice cream
Me llevo a la de medellin
I'm taking the girl from Medellin
Forever I win
Forever I win
Esta que reviente su jeans
She's about to burst out of her jeans
Y Aunque no sea halloween
And even though it's not Halloween
Se ponen ello la corana
They put on the crown
Y se nombran el king
And call themselves the king
Es roble contra acerrin
It's oak against sawdust
No tienen ni código
They don't even have a code
y va a decifrar este pin
and they're gonna crack this pin
Claro ya no tengo fear
Of course, I have no fear anymore
Llegando llegando al lider
Getting closer to the leader
En potencias de ejercito führer
In powers of the army, like a führer
De mi cara baby no te fies
Don't trust my face, baby
Mano como freddy krueger
Hand like Freddy Krueger
Ganando ganando everyday
Winning, winning everyday
Entrenando de lunes a lunes
Training from Monday to Monday
Pa poder mantenerme de pie
To be able to stay on my feet
Mini o bikini? modela morena skinny
Mini or bikini? Model that skinny morena
Te busco por toda la city
I'm looking for you all over the city
Le dicto tu nombre a la siri
I dictate your name to Siri
De los hijos de bob
Of the sons of Bob
A ella le gusta ziggy
She likes Ziggy
Aqui relax tranquilini
Relaxed and calm here
Problemas smalls como biggie
Small problems like Biggie
Mucho mucho mucho bla bla
Lots and lots of blah blah
Yo relax en la playa
I'm relaxing on the beach
Esos haters fallan
Those haters fail
No cruzan no cruzan la raya
They don't cross, they don't cross the line
Sigo aqui y de pie
I'm still here and standing
Dime ami y la hare
Tell me and I'll do it
Ese dream cumplire
I will fulfill that dream
You're shit lose
You're shit out of luck
Mucho mucho mucho bla bla
Lots and lots of blah blah
Yo relax en la playa
I'm relaxing on the beach
Esos haters fallan
Those haters fail
No cruzan no cruzan la raya
They don't cross, they don't cross the line
Sigo aqui y de pie
I'm still here and standing
Dime ami y la hare
Tell me and I'll do it
Ese dream cumplire
I will fulfill that dream
You're shit lose
You're shit out of luck
Jugamos con fuego
We play with fire
Y no nos quemamos
And we don't get burned
Esto es solo un juego
This is just a game
por es que estamos
that's why we are here
Tu sabe que nosotros acabamos
You know that we finish
Lo que tu no sabe
What you don't know
es que tambien empezamos
is that we also start
Claro que no, no somos los malos
Of course not, we're not the bad guys
Somos los buenos
We are the good ones
el fuego apagamos
we put out the fire
Lo necesita aquí se lo damos
If you need it, we'll give it to you here
Pero no regalamos
But we don't give it away
Esto no es easy
This is not easy
A veces se torna difícil
Sometimes it gets difficult
Esto es trap no rap explicit
This is trap, not explicit rap
Tu y tu estilo de oferta en el izit
You and your style on offer at the Izzit
Cuido mi clan cuido lo que tengo
I take care of my clan, I take care of what I have
Cuando ellos van
When they go
Amigo yo ya vengo
Friend, I'm already coming
Les digo que ya, no sabe a mi lata que me
I tell them that already, they don't know how much it annoys me
Cuando escucho esos bla bla
When I hear that blah blah
Ya no sorpenden siempre se da
They no longer surprise, it always happens
Paseo de noche por la ciudad
I walk the city at night
Rompimos las leyes de la gravedad
We broke the laws of gravity
Subimo y subimo y no bajamo
We go up and up and we don't go down anymore
Arriba de la nubes no se escucha na
Above the clouds, you can't hear anything
Mucho mucho mucho bla bla
Lots and lots of blah blah
Yo relax en la playa
I'm relaxing on the beach
Esos haters fallan
Those haters fail
No cruzan no cruzan la raya
They don't cross, they don't cross the line
Sigo aqui y de pie
I'm still here and standing
Dime ami y la hare
Tell me and I'll do it
Ese dream cumplire
I will fulfill that dream
You're shit lose
You're shit out of luck
Mucho mucho mucho bla bla
Lots and lots of blah blah
Yo relax en la playa
I'm relaxing on the beach
Esos haters fallan
Those haters fail
No cruzan no cruzan la raya
They don't cross, they don't cross the line
Sigo aqui y de pie
I'm still here and standing
Dime ami y la hare
Tell me and I'll do it
Ese dream cumplire
I will fulfill that dream
You're shit lose
You're shit out of luck

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