Dremen, Tosko, Kelo, Bitxo Ma, Bman Zerowan, Tawas Mc & L.E. Flaco - Hasta El Final - Original Mix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dremen, Tosko, Kelo, Bitxo Ma, Bman Zerowan, Tawas Mc & L.E. Flaco - Hasta El Final - Original Mix

Hasta El Final - Original Mix
Until the End - Original Mix
Ey tu atento despierta
Hey, you, wake up and pay attention
Déjame que pulse la tecla
Let me hit the key
Que tenga el estilo que tenga
Whatever style it may have
Y llegue a la gente de forma directa
And reach people directly
No quiero tu oferta, que no es cierta
I don't want your offer, I know it's not true
Fuimos rebeldes por causa
We were rebels for a cause
Voy a hacer que me importa
I'm gonna make it matter
Después de la calma comento viene tormenta
After the calm, I comment, the storm is coming
Prepare el combate,
Prepare for combat,
Voy al arranque
I'm going to the start
Te vienes, Dremen y calle
You come, Dremen, and shut up
Voy a hacer lo que dije,
I'm gonna do what I said,
Da igual lo que hables
It doesn't matter what you say
La poli nos sigue así que
The police are following us so
Tu enchufa los cables, corre,
Plug in the cables, run,
Son actitudes o mueres puedes
It's attitudes or you die, you can
Conseguir lo que quieres si no dan opciones
Get what you want if they don't give options
Veremos que pasa en tus calles
We'll see what happens in your streets
Tout début à une fin,
Every beginning has an end,
Retiens bien ça man
Remember that, girl
Prends soin de toi et ne me blâmes pas.
Take care of yourself and don't blame me.
Papa papa, ne m'accuses pas,
Baby, baby, don't accuse me,
Arrêtes avec ton tralala
Stop with your nonsense
Gars ici pour être quelqu'un tu dois risquer jusqu'à la fin
Girl, here to be someone you have to risk until the end
évites de ne pas perdre
Avoid not losing
Des points gros sois rusé plus qu'un lapin,
Points, girl, be smarter than a rabbit,
Gardes les bras et la tête haute,
Keep your arms and head high,
Ne t'isole pas dans un coin,
Don't isolate yourself in a corner,
Fais travailler tes neurones
Make your neurons work
De temps en temps t'en aura besoin
From time to time you'll need them
Sans crainte, tu fringues,
Without fear, you dress up,
De bringue en bringue tu trinques,
From party to party you drink,
à la santé de ce que tu feintes
To the health of what you pretend
Sans chichis sois le plus malin
Without fuss, be the smartest
Cuando ya nadie cree que podamos continuar,
When nobody believes we can continue,
Sacamos la fuerza en cada reto al andar bwoy,
We bring out the strength in every challenge we face, girl,
Porque si algo empecé, algo he de terminar,
Because if I started something, I have to finish it,
Nada detendrá, mi lucha hasta el final...
Nothing will stop my fight until the end...
No pierdo una oportunidad para darte
I don't miss an opportunity to give you
Un motivo solido y otra razón por la que odiarme
A solid reason and another reason to hate me
Lo hago como yo quiero, complica o sencillo
I do it the way I want, complicated or simple
A veces no controlo contra quien voy...
Sometimes I don't control who I go against...
La inspiración surge tarde,
Inspiration comes late,
Y estamos siempre preparados para cuando arranque.
And we're always ready for when it starts.
Cuando ya nadie cree que podamos continuar,
When nobody believes we can continue,
Sacamos la fuerza en cada reto al andar bwoy,
We bring out the strength in every challenge we face, girl,
Porque si algo empecé, algo he de terminar,
Because if I started something, I have to finish it,
Nada detendrá, mi lucha hasta el final...
Nothing will stop my fight until the end...
En los días del "todo es tan rápido"
In the days of "everything is so fast"
Repaso recuerdos que olvido
I review memories I forget
Por cada victoria o fracaso
For every victory or failure
A la vida le debo un cumplido
I owe life a compliment
Quizá se lo debo por cada enseñanza
Maybe I owe it for every lesson
O por cada vez que ha sacudido el ego
Or for every time it has shaken my ego
Que no siempre ha soportado mi confianza
That hasn't always supported my confidence
Que sin darme cuenta maltrato y castigo
That I unknowingly mistreat and punish
Es el ciclo y nada lo impide
It's the cycle and nothing prevents it
Que tu lado rebelde lo asuma
That your rebellious side assumes it
Dijimos que el tiempo era el enemigo
We said time was the enemy
Pero él no es culpable de que se consuma
But he's not to blame for it being consumed
Conservo un corazón de cuero curtido
I keep a heart of tanned leather
Como defensa al mundo resentido
As a defense to the resentful world
Las canas me dan las palabras que escribo
The gray hairs give me the words I write
El cuaderno envejece conmigo
The notebook ages with me
Figting fi get the price,
Fighting to get the prize,
Full of mah pride
Full of my pride
Till the end
Till the end
A ligth inside fi shine,
A light inside to shine,
Nah waste your time
Don't waste your time
Destiny is defeat your final boss
Destiny is to defeat your final boss
Never give up for us
Never give up for us
Higer when you wont give a dawn yeh
Higher when you won't give a damn, yeah
Overcome yourself, even in bad days
Overcome yourself, even in bad days
Go reach the last level with a smile pon your face
Go reach the last level with a smile on your face
Between beegining and the end we rise
Between beginning and the end we rise
A go set in fayah fi lock up whole hipe a rat race.
We're gonna set fire to lock up the whole rat race.
Cuando ya nadie cree que podamos continuar,
When nobody believes we can continue,
Sacamos la fuerza en cada reto al andar bwoy,
We bring out the strength in every challenge we face, girl,
Porque si algo empecé, algo he de terminar,
Because if I started something, I have to finish it,
Nada detendrá, mi lucha hasta el final.
Nothing will stop my fight until the end.

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