Drill - Amore Eterno - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Drill - Amore Eterno

Amore Eterno
Eternal Love
Bolani doktor
Crazy doctor
Hodim svojo pot in ne gledam nazaj
I walk my path and don't look back
Kolko let je minilo, odkar sem prvič primu majk
How many years have passed since I first touched the mic
Se v muziko zaljubu, začutu to not v sebi
Fell in love with music, felt that note within myself
Nikoli ne bom pustil, da intuicija umre mi
I'll never let my intuition die
Palce in kamni lahko lomijo kosti mi
Thumbs and stones may break my bones
A ljubezni do te glasbe mi noben ne more spizdit
But nobody can steal my love for this music
Gledam, kje sem zdej in kaj sem dosegu, a?
I look at where I am now and what I've achieved, huh?
Kam sm prilezu, kaj sem povedal, a?
Where I've climbed, what I've said, huh?
Čas leti, čas je moj pravi sovražnik
Time flies, time is my true enemy
Vsaka pretekla sekunda je del njegove kazni
Every second that passes is part of its punishment
Zato ne čakaj, ne prelagaj, zmagaj
So don't wait, don't postpone, win
Osvoji dan, enkrat si mlad, lajf hitro reče: "Bye bye!"
Conquer the day, you're only young once, life quickly says: "Bye bye!"
Nimaš časa dosti, še ena punca mi leži na postlji
You don't have much time, another girl lies on my bed
Vem, prej al slej bo hotla čut oprosti
I know, sooner or later she'll want to hear sorry
Dok mi mama mora delat, nisem še uspel
While my mom has to work, I haven't succeeded yet
Ko plevel, iz betona ki bo zacvetel, mona! Yeah!
Like a weed, from the concrete that will bloom, come on! Yeah!
Ko prevozim avtocesto in tisoč milj
When I drive the highway and a thousand miles
Ko mine tisoč kilometrov in tisoč dni
When a thousand kilometers and a thousand days pass
Še vedno hodim svojo pot, morem prit na cilj
I still walk my path, I have to reach the goal
Ljubezen, ki jo čutim not, mi ne izhlapi, yeah
The love I feel inside doesn't evaporate, yeah
Ker vem, da to, kar delam
Because I know that what I do
Nikoli ni mi blo težko
Was never hard for me
Ljubezen ta je večna
This love is eternal
Amore eterno
Amore eterno
Še vedno hodim to pot, še vedno isti mam cilj
I still walk this path, I still have the same goal
Prehodu tisoče milj, kaj sploh misli ta Drill?
I cross thousands of miles, what does this Drill even think?
Se sprašujejo ljudje, ko da so smotani
People wonder as if they're stupid
Ni blo čez noč, prej ni tvoja bjoč hotla dick
It wasn't overnight, your girlfriend didn't want my dick before
Vidu dame spremenit se v kurbe, športnike v narkomane
I see ladies turn into whores, athletes into drug addicts
Da ti dih zastane, včasih morem bit na samem
It takes your breath away, sometimes I need to be alone
Lobanje razbite za strahospoštovanje in dneve
Broken skulls for respect and days
Ko sm iskal sranje al ko je našlo mene
When I was looking for trouble or when it found me
Hodil svojo pot, bežal od sirene
I walked my path, ran from the siren
Pri petnajstih letih prvič kupu folijo za sebe
At fifteen I bought foil for myself for the first time
Stari mi je našu v šolski torbi nož in bokser
My old man found a knife and brass knuckles in my school bag
Budne so mi vedno mele luknjo od teleskopske
My buttocks always had a hole from the telescopic baton
Ko si mlad in glup, ne veš, kam pelje pot te
When you're young and stupid, you don't know where your path leads
Tko te fura ukraden moped, v žepu poket
That's how a stolen moped drives you, a pocket in your pocket
Stotke na digitalne vage, motorje na kose, drita iz Italije
Hundreds on digital scales, engines in pieces, straight from Italy
Kdor se igra z ognjem, hitro bo zapaljen
Whoever plays with fire will quickly be burned
Lovili vrečo z dnarjem, a nikoli pozabli na svoje sanje!
They chased the bag of money, but never forget your dreams!
Ko prevozim avtocesto in tisoč milj
When I drive the highway and a thousand miles
Ko mine tisoč kilometrov in tisoč dni
When a thousand kilometers and a thousand days pass
Še vedno hodim svojo pot, morem prit na cilj
I still walk my path, I have to reach the goal
Ljubezen, ki jo čutim not, mi ne izhlapi, yeah
The love I feel inside doesn't evaporate, yeah
Ker vem, da to, kar delam
Because I know that what I do
Nikoli ni mi blo težko
Was never hard for me
Ljubezen ta je večna
This love is eternal
Amore eterno
Amore eterno
Tudi če porazi doletijo me in ptičke odletijo vse
Even if defeats befall me and all the birds fly away
Mikrofoni ugasnejo, reflektor več ne obsije me
Microphones go out, the spotlight no longer shines on me
Ču bom srca ritem in v ritmu srca rimanje
I will feel the rhythm of the heart and rhyme in the rhythm of the heart
Besede, ki ostanejo, ko da so vtetovirane
Words that remain as if tattooed
Mladi pesnik, s srečo v ljubezni
Young poet, lucky in love
Ne bi mogu brez njih, zaljubljen v te pesmi
I couldn't do it without them, in love with these songs
Še par let nazaj so mi pravli, naj se zresnim
A few years ago they told me to get serious
Zdej nardim v eni noči, ko oni v dveh mescih
Now I do in one night what they do in two months
Pri tem uživam, sama pozitiva
I enjoy this, pure positivity
Trud je poplačan, stroške za vse pokriva
The effort is paid off, it covers the costs for everything
In tudi, ko je trnjeva pot, se vračam zvesto
And even when the path is thorny, I return faithfully
Vem, kje začel sem, ljubezen mam za cesto
I know where I started, I have love for the road
Vedno to razmišljam, ko se zapiham
I always think about this when I get high
Al glihkar vračam iz koncertov
Or I'm just coming back from concerts
To je za vedno
This is forever
Amore eterno
Amore eterno

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