Drill feat. Erik Felicijan - S Tabo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Drill feat. Erik Felicijan - S Tabo

S Tabo
With You
S tabo dobro je bit
It's good to be with you
Kamorkoli greva skupaj, kamorkoli nas zanesejo poti, ker
Wherever we go together, wherever the roads take us, because
Ti daješ mi ljubezen, ne sovraštvo
You give me love, not hate
Daješ mi nekaj, kar mi samo ti lahko
You give me something that only you can
Pesnik piše o čustvih
A poet writes about feelings
In pesnik ne bi bil pesnik, če v pesmih
And a poet wouldn't be a poet if in his poems
Ne bi opisal tega, kar čuti, ker
He wouldn't describe what he feels, because
čutim tebe, ti čutiš mene
I feel you, you feel me
Tople, pristne objeme, ne razmišljava na jutri
Warm, genuine embraces, we don't think about tomorrow
In kolko sva prežurala v klubih
And how much we've partied in clubs
Dobro je bit mlad in zaspat nag ob lepi punci
It's good to be young and fall asleep naked next to a beautiful girl
Gledam slike, kje vse sva bla skupaj
I look at pictures of where we've been together
In ko sem te rabu, ti si vedno bla tukaj
And when I needed you, you were always there
Za roko me držala, ko sva bla v gužvi skupaj
Holding my hand when we were in the crowd together
Znala skuhat, spucat in vedno dala
You knew how to cook, clean and always gave
To je besedilo kot fotoalbum lepih spominov
This is a text like a photo album of beautiful memories
Ker s tabo dobro je bit in prijetno delit tišino
Because it's good to be with you and it's nice to share silence with you
S tabo dobro je bit, baby
It's good to be with you, baby
S tabo delit tedne
To share weeks with you
Mesce in leta, ko si tu
Months and years when you are here
In zvečer, ko si sama
And in the evening, when you are alone
Pomisli kdaj name
Think of me sometime
Spomni se naju kot nekoč
Remember us as we used to be
Tudi če se včasih zdi, da se ne da
Even if it sometimes seems impossible
Veva jaz in ti, da jaz in ti nisva dva
You and I know that you and I are not two
Ta leta minevajo, bolj sva eno
The years are passing, we are becoming one
Raje, ko da grem v diskoteko, sem s tabo doma pod deko
I'd rather stay home with you under the covers than go to a disco
Ljubim te, čutim te, voham te, ližem te nago
I love you, I feel you, I smell you, I lick you naked
Vedno zate poskrbim pred sabo
I'll always take care of you before myself
Zato sva mela v vseh stanovanjih vedno probleme z vlago
That's why we always had problems with dampness in all our apartments
Jim zmajala pralne stroje, prvič sva bla na svojem
We shook their washing machines, it was our first time on our own
V Jadransko morje skakala, potapljala v dvoje
We jumped into the Adriatic Sea, dived together
Jedla nore gobe skupaj, se spomneš, kako nam blo je
Ate crazy mushrooms together, remember how we felt
Ko zaspala sva pod zvezdami in seksala na plaži
When we fell asleep under the stars and made love on the beach
Od S budget paštet pa do najboljših restavracij
From S budget whores to the best restaurants
Čutim besede v tvoji sapi
I feel the words in your breath
Pijan sem od tebe, to so Amorjevi hlapi
I'm drunk on you, these are Cupid's fumes
In te oči, tako zelene kot smaragdi
And those eyes, as green as emeralds
Da želim si te ob sebi vsaj še zadnjič, poslušaj
That I want you by my side at least one last time, listen
S tabo dobro je bit, baby
It's good to be with you, baby
S tabo delit tedne
To share weeks with you
Mesce in leta, ko si tu
Months and years when you are here
In zvečer, ko si sama
And in the evening, when you are alone
Pomisli kdaj name
Think of me sometime
Spomni se naju kot nekoč
Remember us as we used to be
Ona je tabletke, je vsak dan eno
She's the pill, she's one every day
Da ne bi zanosila, cilj porihtat ma življenje njeno
So she doesn't get pregnant, her goal is to fix her life
Tudi če dela ob faksu in dobiva preživnino
Even if she works alongside college and gets alimony
Komaj, komaj gre skozi z bencinom, najemnino
She barely gets by with gas, rent
In kaj se naredi, ko iz dveh ratajo tri
And what happens when two become three
Kako naj ustvarim lajf, kje naj dvignem kredit?
How can I create a life, where can I get a loan?
Kako naj na svet prinesem otroka
How can I bring a child into the world
če me mečejo vn iz bloka, ko mi šef ne nakaže plače do roka
When they throw me out of the block when my boss doesn't pay me on time
Da so otroci tarče posmeha, v šoli od drugih klincev
So that children are the target of ridicule, in school from other kids
Da ma vse iz druge roke, da ga strižem na mašinco
That he has everything second-hand, that I cut his hair with a clipper
Ker nimam za frizerja, ker nimam za obleke
Because I don't have money for a barber, because I don't have money for clothes
Skužu prvi dan srednje, da prvo morem po eure
I understand on the first day of high school that I have to go for euros first
Oba sva iz razbitih družin
We both come from broken families
In veva, da zveza ni nujno pravljica al pa nek romantičen film
And we know that a relationship is not necessarily a fairy tale or some romantic movie
A tebi sem dal srce, zate odprl dušo
But I gave you my heart, I opened my soul to you
Tej spomini, ko si delala mi družbo, ker
These memories, when you kept me company, because
S tabo dobro je bit, baby
It's good to be with you, baby
S tabo delit tedne
To share weeks with you
Mesce in leta, ko si tu
Months and years when you are here
In zvečer, ko si sama
And in the evening, when you are alone
Pomisli kdaj name
Think of me sometime
Spomni se naju kot nekoč
Remember us as we used to be
S tabo dobro je bit, baby
It's good to be with you, baby
S tabo delit tedne
To share weeks with you
Mesce in leta, ko si tu
Months and years when you are here
In zvečer, ko si sama
And in the evening, when you are alone
Pomisli kdaj name
Think of me sometime
Spomni se naju kot nekoč
Remember us as we used to be

Авторы: Andrej Bučar

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