Dspekt - O Luna Plina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dspekt - O Luna Plina

O Luna Plina
O Luna Plina
Ce venin, ca-i lumea plina
This venom, as the world is full
Inima, o luna plina
My heart, a full moon
Poate un sentiment de vina
Perhaps a sense of guilt
Noaptea in intuneric aud ganduri ce suspina
In the darkness of the night I hear thoughts sighing
Ce venin, ca-i lumea plina
This venom, as the world is full
Inima, o luna plina
My heart, a full moon
Poate un sentiment de vina
Perhaps a sense of guilt
Noaptea in intuneric aud ganduri ce suspina
In the darkness of the night I hear thoughts sighing
Cum sa le fac pe toate
How to do it all
Cum sa ma impart
How to share myself
Atat cat am timp, o s-o fac, nu o sa cad
As long as I have time, I will do it, I will not fall
Din intuneric vezi lumina si-o sa stii
From the darkness see the light, and you will know
Cand e momentul, e momentul sa te aprinzi
When it's time, it's time to light up
Si ard, ii vad atat de clar
And I burn, I see them so clearly
Joaca murdar, si zarul lor e fara har
Playing dirty, and their dice are without grace
Am drumul meu in fata
I have my own path ahead
Fata mea neclara in oglinda asta patata
My face unclear in this stained mirror
Iara a mia oara
My thousandth time
Si am zis ca n-o sa cad vreodata
And I said I would never fall
Stiu ca n-o sa scap vreodata
I know I will never escape
Dar talentu' umbla emancipat pe strada
But talent walks emancipating on the street
Si-am voci in cap, una ma striga noaptea cand apare
And I have voices in my head, one calls me at night when it appears
Luna pe cer, una din stele-i cazatoare si
The moon in the sky, one of the stars is shooting, and
Drumul de gheata, il lumineaza fix de sus
The icy path, it illuminates it from above
Si viata este cum ti-o faci
And life is what you make it
Toarna Havana si o tigara blues
Pour Havana and a blues cigarette
Si peste toate stau si privesc cam cata ura in lume
And over all this I stand and look at how much hatred there is in the world
Am pus apusu' in versuri, stralucesc peste un negru dens
I put the sunset in my verses, I shine over a dense black
Ce venin, ca-i lumea plina
This venom, as the world is full
Inima, o luna plina
My heart, a full moon
Poate un sentiment de vina
Perhaps a sense of guilt
Noaptea in intuneric aud ganduri ce suspina
In the darkness of the night I hear thoughts sighing
Ce venin, ca-i lumea plina
This venom, as the world is full
Inima, o luna plina
My heart, a full moon
Poate un sentiment de vina
Perhaps a sense of guilt
Noaptea in intuneric aud ganduri ce suspina
In the darkness of the night I hear thoughts sighing

Авторы: Dspekt Dspekt

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