Dtoke - No Es V de Vendetta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dtoke - No Es V de Vendetta

No Es V de Vendetta
It's Not "V" for Vendetta
No es "V" de Vendetta
It's not "V" for Vendetta
Tampoco es "V" de venganza
Nor is it "V" for vengeance
Puede cambiar tu faceta
It can change your appearance
Sigo aumentando mi confianza
I continue to grow my confidence
Dejar a todos careta
Leave everyone in the lurch
Que no sea por alabanzas
Not for the sake of praise
Completar esas letras
Complete those letters
Que sujetan mi esperanza
That hold my hope
Atrapa el Track
Catch the Track
El Zone me pone el beat
Zone gives me the beat
Fino como un cognac
Fine as a cognac
En cada pista clavar un hit
Налейте one hit
No quiero repeat
I don't want a repeat
Tampoco tus fit
Nor do I want your features
El esfuerzo es asi
The effort is like this
Ponete las pi-las
Get your shit together
Ver quien se va aguantar el mambo que se viene (Ahhh)
See who's gonna put up with the mambo that's coming
Ver quien se va a bancar el trapo y te conviene (Ahhh)
See who's gonna hold the rag and what suits you
Que tienes que otras tienen se confinen
That you have what others have is confined
Sean quienes suben en el pais otro eslabon de rap en su adn
Be whoever climbs the next rung of rap in their DNA in the country
El eeee-scenario se respeta
The stage is respected
Impregno fenomenal igual que tu carpeta
I permeate phenomenal, like your folder
Son, cosas concretas
Things are concrete
Cocinero y su receta
Chef and his recipe
Como en rimas que la liman
Like in rhymes that file them
No lastiman tu libreta
They don't hurt your notebook
Mar de lagrimas
Sea of tears
Mata sequía una tormenta
Drought kills a storm
Y mas te imaginas
And you imagine more
Ratas de día que aparentan
Daytime rats that pretend
Ser quienes ya no son filosofía secreta
To be who they are no longer a secret philosophy
De quien toma las decisiones y no son correctas
Of who makes decisions and they are not correct
Tarde activas
Active evenings
Las melodias que respetan
The melodies that respect
Tras el clan iras
After the clan anger
Las cacerias que comienzan
The hunts that begin
Activa situaciones que muy poco te convengan
Activate situations that suit you very little
Igual corres una carrera y tu suerte esta renga
You might as well run a race and your luck is lame
Y yo lo intento aunque me digan que no puedo
And I try even though they tell me I can't
Y represento a mi gente voy sin miedo
And I represent my people without fear
No hay Rapper millonario en este ruedo
There is no millionaire rapper in this ring
El oro liquido se les escapa entre los dedos
The liquid gold slips through their fingers
Haz de las rimas
Make rhymes
En profecías que se acercan
In prophecies that approach
Las estampidas
The stampedes
De hipocresia que se cierran
Of hypocrisy that close
Buscando escapar de las mentiras mas sinceras
Seeking to escape the most sincere lies
Se plantan en la esquina freestylers y mil viceras
They stand on the corner freestylers and a thousand guts
Caminas y das
You walk and give
Otra vuelta por la vereda
Another turn by the sidewalk
Te animas y vas
You get up and go
Por la revancha otra no queda
For revenge, there is no other way
Con frio o calor una botella y una seda
With cold or heat a bottle and a silk
Son los fluidos en la orgia de palabras que se enriedan
They are the fluids in the orgy of words that get tangled up
No es "V" de Vendetta
It's not "V" for Vendetta
Tampoco es "V" de venganza
Nor is it "V" for vengeance
Puede cambiar tu faceta
It can change your appearance
Sigo aumentando mi confianza
I continue to grow my confidence
Dejar a todos careta
Leave everyone in the lurch
Que no sea por alabanzas
Not for the sake of praise
Completar esas letras
Complete those letters
Que sujetan mi esperanza
That hold my hope

Авторы: Gaston Sebastian Serrano

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