Dtrip - Todo o Nada - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dtrip - Todo o Nada

Todo o Nada
All or Nothing
Lo quise todo y
I wanted everything
No tengo nada
And I have nothing
Nadé en el lodo
I swam in the mud
Escupí mis dramas
I spat out my dramas
Final feliz
Happy ending
Salir de aquí
Get out of here
Eso no es pa mi
That's not for me
No lejos de mi trama
Not far from my plan
Hoy la verdad se esconde en lenguas desalmadas
Today the truth hides in heartless tongues
Mal intencionadas
Quieren a la gente adoctrinada
They want people to be indoctrinated
Y nada de eso
And none of that
Puede con el peso de realidad
Can withstand the weight of reality
Que va a golpear su cara
That will hit you in the face
Por las buenas o por las malas
By hook or by crook
Y qué decían?
And what were they saying?
Estado o Monarquía?
State or Monarchy?
Pa mi es la misma mierda
To me it's the same shit
Las cadenas de un mesías
The chains of a messiah
Pueden dañar mi carne pero nunca estas ideas mías
They can hurt my flesh but never these ideas of mine
El único lugar donde soy libre es la armonía de mi mente fría
The only place where I am free is the harmony of my cold mind
Yo se quién soy
I know who I am
No va a decirme
You're not going to tell me
A donde voy
Where I'm going
Mi paso es firme
My step is firm
Queda una bala
There's one bullet left
No creo en nada
I don't believe in anything
Ya no quién llama
I don't know who's calling anymore
Se fue con tu mirada
He left with your stare
Feelin' like that
Feelin' like that
You play so hard
You play so hard
I see myself on the floor
I see myself on the floor
I don't want to see you around anymore
I don't want to see you around anymore
Acting like I live in a fucking war
Acting like I live in a fucking war
Feelin' like that
Feelin' like that
You play so hard
You play so hard
I see myself on the floor
I see myself on the floor
I don't want to see you around anymore
I don't want to see you around anymore
Acting like I live in a fucking war
Acting like I live in a fucking war
De tanto en tanto voy olvidando
Every now and then I forget
No se si es calma o si estoy a salvo
I don't know if it's calm or if I'm safe
Duermo pensando
I fall asleep thinking
Y si estoy soñando?
What if I'm dreaming?
Acaso eso cambia algo?
Does that change anything?
Tal vez lo estoy imaginando
Maybe I'm imagining it
Yo desperté en el Cabo
I woke up in Cabo
Lejos de Santiago
Far from Santiago
Fue donde aprendí hay gente buenas en todos lados
That's where I learned there are good people everywhere
El tiempo es sabio y me di un descanso
Time is wise and I gave myself a break
Reflexionando, lejos de casa
Reflecting, far from home
Buscando algo
Looking for something
Y ya no se lo que me espera
And I don't know what's waiting for me anymore
Aún sigo dando vueltas en carreteras
I'm still driving around on these roads
Observo todo desde fuera
I observe everything from the outside
Y aunque muera
And even if I die
No hay dolor que pueda
There is no pain that can
Hacerme ver todo color de primavera
Make me see all the colors of spring
De luces blancas que reflejan en la cordillera
In the white lights that reflect on the mountain range
Feelin' like that
Feelin' like that
You play so hard
You play so hard
I see myself on the floor
I see myself on the floor
I don't want to see you around anymore
I don't want to see you around anymore
Acting like I live in a fucking war
Acting like I live in a fucking war
Feelin' like that
Feelin' like that
You play so hard
You play so hard
I see myself on the floor
I see myself on the floor
I don't want to see you around anymore
I don't want to see you around anymore
Acting like I live in a fucking war
Acting like I live in a fucking war

Авторы: Diego Fernandez

Dtrip - Todo o nada
Todo o nada
дата релиза

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