Dub Inc - See Di Youth - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dub Inc - See Di Youth

See Di Youth
See Di Youth
Alaaslama awine idmousene
Peace be upon you, hard-working people
Lâhodohanagh azazit awine itiswane awine itiswane awine itiswane
May God protect us from hardship and suffering, suffering, suffering
Asalam âalikome
Peace be upon you all
I'm singing roots, singing roots, singing roots in a di ghetto ouwo ouwo
I'm singing roots, singing roots, singing roots in the ghetto, ouwo ouwo
For di youth, for my youth for all youth, for di youth livin'in ghetto(now ya man shit)
For the youth, for my youth, for all youth, for the youth living in the ghetto (now you understand)
I search my roots, your roots, our roots, my roots in a di ghetto ouwo ouwo
I search my roots, your roots, our roots, my roots in the ghetto, ouwo ouwo
See di youth, see di youth, see di youth livin'in ghetto
See the youth, see the youth, see the youth living in the ghetto
Live in da city
Living in the city
Et si les rastaman se lèvent au combat,
And if the Rastamen rise up to fight,
C'est pour la haine, la misère qui ne baissera pas les bras, (yeah les rastamans)
It's because of the hate, the misery that won't give up, (yeah the Rastamen)
Algeria c'est faya, mon Africa est faya,
Algeria is fire, my Africa is fire,
Ils nourrissent la misère et tuent plus fort nos soldats
They feed the misery and kill our soldiers even harder
Bounraciat les pariats, les dictateurs, les visas
Damn the outcasts, the dictators, the visas
L'amertume prend le dessus mais youthman ne résistera pas
Bitterness takes over, but the youthman won't resist
Toujours militantes, nos paroles sont brutales
Always militant, our words are brutal
C'est pas moi qui l'invente, ce monde n'est pas normal
It's not me who's making it up, this world is not normal
Trop de frères dans l'attente de n'plus avoir la dalle
Too many brothers waiting to no longer be hungry
Et si je chante toujours plus radical
And if I sing even more radical
Pour tous ceux enfermé tous les jours dans des cages
For all those locked up every day in cages
Qui ont soif de justice, mais qui contiennent leur rage
Who thirst for justice, but contain their rage
La colère que j'esquisse j'te la jette au visage
The anger I sketch, I throw it in your face
And politiks dead, ahisthem is burn, all di blood suckers on di hearth man fiden
And politics dead, the system is burning, all the bloodsuckers are on the hearth, man believe it
Babylon dead, vampire burn, all di blood suckers on di hearth man fiden
Babylon dead, vampires burn, all the bloodsuckers are on the hearth, man believe it
I'm singing roots, singing roots, singing roots in a di ghetto ouwo ouwo
I'm singing roots, singing roots, singing roots in the ghetto, ouwo ouwo
For di youth, for my youth for all youth, for di youth livin'in ghetto(now ya man shit)
For the youth, for my youth, for all youth, for the youth living in the ghetto (now you understand)
I search my roots, your roots, our roots, my roots in a di ghetto ouwo ouwo
I search my roots, your roots, our roots, my roots in the ghetto, ouwo ouwo
See di youth, see di youth, see di youth livin'in ghetto
See the youth, see the youth, see the youth living in the ghetto
Live in da city
Living in the city
Si ma famille vient d'en bas, ici je ne suis pas chez moi
If my family comes from below, I don't feel at home here
Mais les jeunes des ghettos cherchent leurs racines sous le béton
But the youth of the ghettos search for their roots under the concrete
Ils regardent derrière eux mais ils ne les voient pas
They look behind them but they don't see them
Ils recherchent leurs repères mais ils ne voient plus leurs traditions
They search for their bearings but they no longer see their traditions
Sache d'où tu viens pour savoir tu vas
Know where you come from to know where you're going
Et savoir regarder derrière pour se remettre en question
And know how to look back to question yourself
Atil defegh til defegh til defegh...(See di roots see di roots ...)
Atil defegh til defegh til defegh... (See the roots, see the roots...)
For all my youth, all di youth, for our youth, in the roots
For all my youth, all the youth, for our youth, in the roots
So where my roots, so where my roots
So where are my roots, so where are my roots

Авторы: Abdenour Khennoussi, Aurelien Zohou, Frédéric Peyron, Gregory Mavridorakis, Hakim Meridja, Jérémie Grégeois, Mathieu Granjon

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