Dubosky - La Que Cose Es María - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dubosky - La Que Cose Es María

La Que Cose Es María
The One Who Sews is Maria
BK! ponle salsa al pescao
BK! spice up the fish
Ayer me paro un policia
Yesterday a policeman stopped me
Y me decia disque que yo andaba en chacaleria
And he was telling me that I was up to no good
Disque que yo ando caliente
That I'm hot
Que atras de mi me persigue la muerte (como)
That death is after me (like)
Viene me arresta y cuando me tiene preso
He comes, arrests me, and when he has me locked up
Disque ciudadano agase confeso
He tells me to confess
De la ak la uzi y la Smith & Wesson
About the AK, the Uzi, and the Smith & Wesson
Y yo vengo y le digo yo no se de eso.
And I come and tell him I don't know anything about that.
Ni de hilo ni de aguja la que cose es maria
Neither with thread nor needle, the one who sews is Maria
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
Pero el quiere lleva pa fiscalia
But he wants to take me to the DA
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
Lo mio es la mujeres y tomarme un par de frias
My thing is women and having a couple of cold ones
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
C y el bendito policia me insistia
And the damn policeman insisted
Y yo no se nada de la maleanteria
And I don't know anything about the thug life
Me acusa de un tiroteo que se formo
He accuses me of a shootout that happened
Y en medio de la balacera alguien se murio
And in the middle of the shooting someone died
Disque el homicida nunca aparecio
That the killer never showed up
Y ahora ese muerte disque lo cargo yo
And now that death is on me
Que como eso paso que como yo ise eso
That how did that happen, how did I do that
Y que como lo mate y que como no toy preso
And how did I kill him, and how am I not in jail
Y que en mi conciencia no tengo ese peso
And that I don't have that weight on my conscience
Y yo vengo y le digo yo no se de eso
And I come and tell him I don't know anything about that.
Ni de hilo ni de aguja la que cose es maria
Neither with thread nor needle, the one who sews is Maria
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
Pero el quiere lleva pa fiscalia
But he wants to take me to the DA
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
Lo mio es la mujeres y tomarme un par de frias
My thing is women and having a couple of cold ones
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
C y el bendito policia me insistia
And the damn policeman insisted
Y yo no se nada de la maleanteria
And I don't know anything about the thug life
Lo mio es salsa pal salsero rumba pal rumbero
My thing is salsa for the salsa dancer, rumba for the rumba dancer
Traeme las maracas los timbales y los cueros
Bring me the maracas, the timbales, and the congas
Donde es la fiesta yo llego de primero
Wherever the party is, I'm the first one there
Asi que ami no me confudas con ningun pandillero
So don't confuse me with any gangster
Yo le digo eso y me entra a toletaso
I tell him that and he starts hitting me
Lo que me molesto es que el tongo era un raso
What bothered me is that the idiot was a rookie
Llego al cuartel de nuevo toletaso
I get to the station, more hitting
Y ellos me meten en la celda de los casos
And they put me in the cell for serious cases
Como la del animal llega un subteniente
Like out of a movie, a lieutenant arrives
A la sala de guardia y me abre el expediente
At the guard room and opens my file
Si no tiene prueba y motivo suficiente
If he doesn't have enough evidence and reason
Me tiene esposado como un delincuente
He has me handcuffed like a criminal
Despues me interroga como si yo fuera un sapo
Then he interrogates me as if I were a snitch
Que conosco un man y el man es un capo
That I know a guy and the guy is a kingpin
Que tiene una tropa de menores tesos
That he has a crew of tough minors
Y yo vengo y le digo yo no se de eso
And I come and tell him I don't know anything about that.
Ni de hilo ni de aguja la que cose es maria
Neither with thread nor needle, the one who sews is Maria
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
Pero el quiere lleva pa fiscalia
But he wants to take me to the DA
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
Lo mio es la mujeres y tomarme un par de frias
My thing is women and having a couple of cold ones
Yo no se nada de la maleanteria
I don't know anything about the thug life
C y el bendito policia me insistia
And the damn policeman insisted
Y yo no se nada de la maleanteria
And I don't know anything about the thug life
Me dan calle voy feliz como una lombriz
They let me go, I'm happy as a clam
Porque no me aparecio nada en el pelepolis
Because nothing appeared on my record
El raso taba bravo cuando yo sali
The rookie was angry when I left
Yo lo miro y con burla me le echo a reir
I look at him and mockingly start laughing
Se pone bravo y me abla de que lo que es
He gets angry and tells me what's up
Que adonde me coja en la calle me va lleva otra ves
That wherever he catches me on the street, he's taking me in again
Yo weno aga lo que tenga que hacer
Okay, do what you have to do
Que de nuevo le dire yo no se de eso
That I'll tell him again, I don't know anything about that.
Ni de hilo ni de aguja la que cose es maria
Neither with thread nor needle, the one who sews is Maria
Yo soy juanito alimaña y pedro navaja
I'm Juanito Alimaña and Pedro Navaja
Ni de hilo ni de agua la que cose es maria
Neither with thread nor water, the one who sews is Maria
Ehh yo no se nada porque el que sabe paga
Ehh I don't know anything because the one who knows pays
Ni de hilo ni de aguja la que cose es maria
Neither with thread nor needle, the one who sews is Maria
Lo que saben son los sapos y viven en la sanja
The ones who know are the snitches and they live in the gutter
Ni de hilo ni de aguja la que cose es maria
Neither with thread nor needle, the one who sews is Maria
Sigue tu ronda y que el maleante se te esconda
Keep doing your rounds and let the thug hide from you
Ahh y que el maleante se te esconda
Ahh and let the thug hide from you
Tongo y que el maleante se te esconda.
Rookie, and let the thug hide from you.

Авторы: Edwin Ricardo Dubos Rios

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