Dubosky - Prohibido Canelearse - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dubosky - Prohibido Canelearse

Prohibido Canelearse
Forbidden to Get Played
Hay varios llorando que le has roto el corazón,
There are several crying that you've broken their heart,
Pero ¿dónde estaban ellos cuando jugaron con tu amor?
But where were they when they played with your love?
Cuando eras la que siempre se enamoraba,
When you were the one who always fell in love,
Pero todos los hombres contigo jugaban.
But all the men just played with you.
Dile, que te toca a ti,
Tell them, that it's your turn,
Que te cansaste de sufrir,
That you're tired of suffering,
Que se pongan sus lente 3D,
To put on their 3D glasses,
Que esta es tu película y la van a viví.
That this is your movie and they're going to live it.
Que eres la mala,
That you're the bad girl,
Que siendo buena no ganaste nada,
That being good you didn't gain anything,
Que ya no ta' pa' equivocate ni pa' enamorate
That you're not here to make mistakes or fall in love
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse.
And the movie is called forbidden to get played.
Que eres la mala,
That you're the bad girl,
Que siendo buena no ganaste nada,
That being good you didn't gain anything,
Que ya no ta' pa' equivocate ni pa' enamorate
That you're not here to make mistakes or fall in love
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse, prohibido canelearse
And the movie is called forbidden to get played, forbidden to get played
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse, prohibido canelearse
And the movie is called forbidden to get played, forbidden to get played
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse.
And the movie is called forbidden to get played.
Que se acabaron esos tiempos de santita,
That those times of being a saint are over,
Que te pagaban mal y tu seguías juicisosita,
That they treated you badly and you kept acting all innocent,
Que ahora ere' la mala, la mala maldita,
That now you're the bad one, the wicked one,
Mortal como el veneno de serpiente te pica.
Deadly like snake venom if it bites you.
Que todos los hombres son perros sin dueño y
That all men are stray dogs and
Pa' que llores tú, pues mejor que lloren ellos.
If you have to cry, then it's better that they cry.
Que se cambio el despacho y dile a los muchachos
That the office has changed and tell the boys
Que ahora son las mujeres las que ponen los cachos.
That now it's the women who are cheating.
Y... la mala
And... the bad girl
Que siendo buena no ganaste nada,
That being good you didn't gain anything,
Que ya no ta' pa' equivocate ni pa' enamorate
That you're not here to make mistakes or fall in love
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse.
And the movie is called forbidden to get played.
Que eres la mala
That you're the bad girl
Que siendo buena no ganaste nada,
That being good you didn't gain anything,
Que ya no tas pa' equivocate ni pa' enamorate
That you're not here to make mistakes or fall in love
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse.
And the movie is called forbidden to get played.
Que se cayó la venda que te tenía cegada,
That the blindfold that had you blinded has fallen,
Que hay príncipes azules y cuentos de hadas,
That there are blue princes and fairy tales,
Que la única historia que tu viviste seria
That the only story you lived seriously
Es que eras una bella y te encontraste puras bestias.
Is that you were a beauty and you only found beasts.
Que no tienes tiempo pa' ta' enamora,
That you don't have time to be in love,
Que con amor no se puede comprar el bolso MK,
That you can't buy the MK bag with love,
Que ahora, eres mucho más sumadora
That now, you're much more of a mathematician
Y que cambiaste el corazón por una calculadora.
And that you traded your heart for a calculator.
Que eres la mala,
That you're the bad girl,
Que siendo buena no ganaste nada
That being good you didn't gain anything
Que ya no ta' pa' equivocate ni pa' enamorate
That you're not here to make mistakes or fall in love
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse.
And the movie is called forbidden to get played.
Que eres la mala
That you're the bad girl,
Que siendo buena no ganaste nada,
That being good you didn't gain anything
Que ya no ta' pa' equivocate ni pa' enamorate
That you're not here to make mistakes or fall in love
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse,
And the movie is called forbidden to get played,
Prohibido canelearse
Forbidden to get played
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse,
And the movie is called forbidden to get played,
Prohibido canelearse
Forbidden to get played
Y la película se llama prohibido canelearse.
And the movie is called forbidden to get played.

Авторы: Edwin Ricardo Dubos Rios

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