Duch feat. Mateo - 6 (feat. Mateo) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Duch feat. Mateo - 6 (feat. Mateo)

6 (feat. Mateo)
6 (feat. Mateo)
Spíme iba kvôli snom
We sleep just for dreams
Včera sa mi zdalo o tom že nikdy nebudem broke
Yesterday I dreamt that I would never be broke
Teraz sa mi pred očami točí milión a pól
Now a million and a half is spinning in front of my eyes
Pozri sa do mojej hlavy, zažiješ neurálny šok
Look into my head, you'll have a neural shock
Dávam víťazný shot a mám výraz jak cvok
I'm giving a winning shot and I have an expression like a nut
Dvadsaťštyri sedem ballin, nezmestíš sa mi do bot
Twenty-four seven ballin', you can't fit into my shoes
Moji zmrdi idú all in, moji zmrdi sýtia blok
My dudes go all in, my dudes feed the block
Tvoji zmrdi sa ma boja, vedia kto mi kryje bok
Your dudes are afraid of me, they know who's got my back
Toto je sídlisko a je úplne jedno aký je rok
This is the ghetto and it doesn't matter what year it is
Zapamätaj si že frajer budem
Remember that I'll be a dude
Aj keby som nemal ani cent
Even if I don't have a penny
Vstávam s pocitom že čaká na mňa
I wake up with the feeling that it's waiting for me
Každá jedna vec, čo som vždy chcel
Every single thing I've always wanted
Po-po-po-počul som tak veľa úst, videl som tak veľa očí
I-I-I-I've heard so many mouths, I've seen so many eyes
Koľko krát mi hovorili úplne opačné veci
How many times have they told me completely different things
Žijem presne to čo som, hovorím len to čo žijem
I live exactly what I am, I only say what I live
More nie je horší zločin ako klamať sám seba
The sea is not a worse crime than lying to yourself
Zavrite všetci piču, neviete nič, ani piču
Shut up, you don't know anything, not a damn thing
Koľko ma to stálo sa dostať sem
How much did it cost me to get here
Čo som obetoval aby som opustil Zem
What did I sacrifice to leave Earth
Ja to viem
I know it
Ja som milý, robim milly a ostatné jebať
I'm nice, I make milly and I don't give a damn about the rest
Ešte dnes, daj mi cash, žiadne že sa nedá
Even today, give me cash, no "it's not possible"
Chceš mi kryť môj back, hm to si vedľa
You want to cover my back, huh, you're wrong
Rick Owens môj swag, taký že dovidenia
Rick Owens my swag, so goodbye
Wo-work and chillin', im so litty, stále dymím
Wo-work and chillin', I'm so litty, still smokin'
They so silly, žiadne seno, oni tak mini
They so silly, no hay, they are so mini
Idem up, neberiem posily
I'm going up, I'm not taking reinforcements
Že si wannabe a pomalý boy, ja to vidím
That you're a wannabe and a slow boy, I can see it
A-Áno dymím, veľa dymím
A-Yes I'm smokin', smokin' a lot
A ty ma súdiš a si povrchný a plytký
And you judge me and you're superficial and shallow
Len sedíš, píšeš tweety
You're just sitting there, writing tweets
Ja idem all day dreamin', idem drifty
I'm going all day dreamin', I'm going drifty
Nehovor mi bro, keď tvoj názor nie je tvoj, ale printscreen
Don't call me bro, when your opinion is not yours, but a printscreen
Ste rovnakí jak TWiiNSky, ste všetci takí istí a spálim vás jak blizny
You're all the same as TWiiNSky, you're all so alike and I'll burn you like scars
Brate jebať je to manifest
Brother, fuck it, it's a manifest
Daj mi hotovosť, daj mi päsť
Give me cash, give me a fist
Daj mi check
Give me a check
Rozdelíme sa a rozídeme po dobrom
We'll split it up and go our separate ways
Chlapci myslia že rap, ale nie
Boys think they're rap, but they're not
Zatiaľ čo ja plním trezor
While I'm filling the safe
Oni plnia moneybag
They're filling the moneybag
Je to manifest
It's a manifest
Cítim sa tak nažive
I feel so alive
Áno ráno pálim gas
Yes, I'm burning gas in the morning
Na potkanov dávam iba body scan
I'm only giving body scans to rats

Авторы: Stanislav Kubica

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