Duran - Solo Una Oportunidad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Duran - Solo Una Oportunidad

Solo Una Oportunidad
Only One Chance
Como perderteee si nunca te tuveee
How can I lose you if I never had you?
Como tener tu amor si nunca lo ganeee
How can I have your love if I never won it?
Pero si tuviera la oportunidad no te dejaría escapar
But if I had the chance, I wouldn't let you get away
Si tan solo me dieras solo una oportunidad
If you would only give me just one chance
De llegar a tu corazón y no pensar en nadie mas
To reach your heart and not think of anyone else
Solamente en nosotros dos
Only about the two of us
Solo una oportunidad de llegar a tu corazón
Just one chance to reach your heart
Y no separarlos jamas ven te necesito pa calmar mi dolor
And never separate us again, come I need you to ease my pain
Ooohh pa calmar mi dolor
Ooohh to ease my pain
Yeee pa calmar mi dolor
Yeee to ease my pain
Para que negar que desde que te fuiste no me siento igual
There's no denying that since you left, I haven't felt the same
Lo unico que no cambia es que son para ti
The only thing that hasn't changed is that they are for you
Que en toditas mis canciones solo hablo de ti
That in all my songs I only talk about you
Me canse de que uses a tu amiga de intermediaria
I'm tired of you using your friend as an intermediary
Por qué no me hablas directo a mi
Why don't you talk to me directly?
Yo te busque tambien te escribí
I looked for you too, I wrote to you
He hecho lo imposible para saber de ti
I have done everything possible to hear from you
Contigo me siento ignorando aveces
With you, I feel ignored sometimes
Cuando me pompeo pa buscarte y lo hago
When I get pumped up to look for you and I do
Me doy de cuenta que mi esfuerzo ha sido en vano
I realize that my effort has been in vain
Yo se que se cumplen pero este lo veo lejano
I know they come true, but I see this one as distant
Solo una oportunidad
Just one chance
De llegar a tu corazón y no pensar en nadie mas
To reach your heart and not think of anyone else
Solamente en nosotros dos
Only about the two of us
Solo una oportunidad de llegar a tu corazón
Just one chance to reach your heart
Y no separarlos jamas ven te necesito pa calmar mi dolor
And never separate us again, come I need you to ease my pain
Ooohh pa calmar mi dolor
Ooohh to ease my pain
Yeee pa calmar mi dolor
Yeee to ease my pain
Un dia mas que no se nada de ti
Another day that I don't know anything about you
Acepto que pague con llantos
I accept that I pay with tears
Pero porque tu sigues asi
But why do you keep it up like this?
Si cuando tu te entera de algo de mi
If when you hear something about me
Tu te pones feliz me lo dice tu amiga
You get happy, your friend tells me
En la que tanto confias
The one you trust so much
La misma que tu sabes
The same one you know
Que sabe que cuando me fui
That when I left
Tu dejaste de ser la misma
You stopped being the same
Careces de carisma ese no fui yo fuiste tu misma
You lack charisma, it wasn't me, it was you yourself
Papa dios me perdono teniendo culpa
Papa God forgave me, even though I was guilty
Pero tu no aceptas ni la disculpa
But you don't even accept the apology
Fuiste toda para mi
You were everything to me
Cuando estuve junto a ti
When I was with you
Solo somos dos corazones
We are just two hearts
Jugando a ser feliz
Playing at being happy
Como perderteee si nunca te tuveee
How can I lose you if I never had you?
Como olvidar tu amor si nunca lo ganeee
How can I forget your love if I never won it?
Pero si tuviera la oportunidad no te dejaría escapar
But if I had the chance, I wouldn't let you get away
Si tan solo me dieras solo una oportunidad
If you would only give me just one chance
De llegar a tu corazón y no pensar en nadie mas
To reach your heart and not think of anyone else
Solamente en nosotros dos
Only about the two of us
Solo una oportunidad de llegar a tu corazón
Just one chance to reach your heart
Y no separarlos jamas ven te necesito pa calmar mi dolor
And never separate us again, come I need you to ease my pain

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