Dusan Vlk - APN - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dusan Vlk - APN

Nesledujem pornografiu, nemam rad ked mi klamu
I don't watch pornography, I don't like being lied to
Daj mi mixer do ruky, kym napustime vanu
Give me a mixer in my hand, while we fill the bathtub
Bezobalovy biznis, nasyp to do dlane
Zero-waste business, pour it into your palm
Potom zatoc do papiera, vymodeluj z toho faklu
Then twist it into paper, mold it into a torch
Nenechaj sa zahasit a nenechaj sa zapalit
Don't let yourself be extinguished and don't let yourself be ignited
A nenechaj sa chytit, ale nebud velmi rychly
And don't let yourself be caught, but don't be too fast
Bud lahostajny, ale nemaj velmi v pici
Be indifferent, but don't give a damn too much
Jebat kto co vravi, ale pocuvaj, bud ticho
Fuck what anyone says, but listen, be quiet
Nesledujem pornografiu, nemam rad ked mi klamu
I don't watch pornography, I don't like being lied to
Daj mi mixer do ruky, kym napustime vanu
Give me a mixer in my hand, while we fill the bathtub
Nesledujem pornografiu, nemam rad ked mi klamu
I don't watch pornography, I don't like being lied to
Daj mi mixer do ruky, kym napustime vanu
Give me a mixer in my hand, while we fill the bathtub
V druhej faze odlietame, v tretej vidim pentagramy
In the second phase we fly away, in the third I see pentagrams
Zavolajte mojej mame, ze som tu zivy a zdravy
Call my mother, tell her I'm here alive and well
Menim sa na cigaretu, kamo dymi sa mi z hlavy
I'm turning into a cigarette, dude smoke is coming out of my head
Neber si ma do ust, len mi povedz co ti vadi
Don't put me in your mouth, just tell me what's bothering you
V druhej faze odlietame, v tretej vidim pentagramy
In the second phase we fly away, in the third I see pentagrams
Zavolajte mojej mame, ze som tu zivy a zdravy
Call my mother, tell her I'm here alive and well
Menim sa na cigaretu, kamo dymi sa mi z hlavy
I'm turning into a cigarette, dude smoke is coming out of my head
Neber si ma do ust, len mi povedz co ti vadi
Don't put me in your mouth, just tell me what's bothering you
Vonku tisic MCs, kazdy prisiel zmenit svet
Outside a thousand MCs, each one came to change the world
Tvoje veci mi nepisu, volame ich CBD
Your things don't write to me, we call them CBD
Rychly tancek na tiktoku jebat, otacame borku
Fast dance on the Tiktok fuck, we turn the bark
Veda neni nahrat sloku, klucom je neznasat rap
Science is not recording a verse, the key is to hate rap
Vonku tisic MCs, kazdy prisiel zmenit svet
Outside a thousand MCs, each one came to change the world
Tvoje veci mi nepisu, volame ich CBD
Your things don't write to me, we call them CBD
Rychly tancek na tiktoku jebat, otacame borku
Fast dance on the Tiktok fuck, we turn the bark
Veda neni nahrat sloku, klucom je neznasat rap
Science is not recording a verse, the key is to hate rap
Nesledujem pornografiu, nemam rad ked mi klamu
I don't watch pornography, I don't like being lied to
Daj mi mixer do ruky, kym napustime vanu
Give me a mixer in my hand, while we fill the bathtub
Nesledujem pornografiu, nemam rad ked mi klamu
I don't watch pornography, I don't like being lied to
Daj mi mixer do ruky, kym napustime vanu
Give me a mixer in my hand, while we fill the bathtub
Ziadne beefy, bo som vegan, ziadne pozy, nemam season
No beefs, because I'm vegan, no poses, I don't have a season
Dusan je alternativa, navzdy v existencnej krize
Dusan is an alternative, forever in an existential crisis
Suicidal tendecie, heavy bars, bolia ma krize
Suicidal tendencies, heavy bars, because my back hurts
Dones metlu, sound je spinavy, snad nemas alergiu
Bring a broom, the sound is dirty, hope you don't have allergies
Ziadne beefy, bo som vegan, ziadne pozy, nemam season
No beefs, because I'm vegan, no poses, I don't have a season
Dusan je alternativa, navzdy v existencnej krize
Dusan is an alternative, forever in an existential crisis
Suicidal tendecie, heavy bars, bolia ma krize
Suicidal tendencies, heavy bars, because my back hurts
Dones metlu, sound je spinavy, snad nemas alergiu
Bring a broom, the sound is dirty, hope you don't have allergies
Nenechaj sa zahasit a nenechaj sa zapalit
Don't let yourself be extinguished and don't let yourself be ignited
A nenechaj sa chytit, ale nebud velmi rychly
And don't let yourself be caught, but don't be too fast
Bud lahostajny, ale nemaj velmi v pici
Be indifferent, but don't give a damn too much
Jebat kto co vravi, ale pocuvaj, bud ticho
Fuck what anyone says, but listen, be quiet
Nenechaj sa zahasit a nenechaj sa zapalit
Don't let yourself be extinguished and don't let yourself be ignited
A nenechaj sa chytit, ale nebud velmi rychly
And don't let yourself be caught, but don't be too fast
Bud lahostajny, ale nemaj velmi v pici
Be indifferent, but don't give a damn too much
Jebat kto co vravi, ale pocuvaj, bud ticho
Fuck what anyone says, but listen, be quiet

Авторы: Denis Klucerovsky

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