Duško Kuliš - Hani - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Duško Kuliš - Hani

Svitat će zore, zore
Dawns will break, will break
Prolazit će dani
Days will pass by
A ja i srce moje
And my heart and I
Ostajemo sami
Will remain alone
A ja i srce moje
And my heart and I
Ostajemo sami
Will remain alone
Kunem ti se životom
I swear to you by my life
I ranjenom dušom svom
And by my wounded soul
Kunem ti se, kunem
I swear, I swear
Ubi me tuga za tobom
The grief for you is killing me
Kunem ti se životom
I swear to you by my life
I ranjenom dušom svom
And by my wounded soul
Kunem ti se, kunem
I swear, I swear
Ubi me tuga za tobom
The grief for you is killing me
Ubi me tuga za tobom
The grief for you is killing me
Opet će cvijeće, cvijeće
Flowers will bloom again, will bloom
Mirisom da mami
With their enticing fragrance
A ja i srce moje
And my heart and I
Ostajemo sami
Will remain alone
A ja i srce moje
And my heart and I
Ostajemo sami
Will remain alone
Kunem ti se životom
I swear to you by my life
I ranjenom dušom svom
And by my wounded soul
Kunem ti se, kunem
I swear, I swear
Ubi me tuga za tobom
The grief for you is killing me
Kunem ti se životom
I swear to you by my life
I ranjenom dušom svom
And by my wounded soul
Kunem ti se, kunem
I swear, I swear
Ubi me tuga za tobom
The grief for you is killing me
Ubi me tuga za tobom
The grief for you is killing me
Pričaj mi o njoj
Tell me about her
Pričaj sve što znaš
Tell me everything you know
Reci dal' je boli
Tell me if it hurts her
Sad rastanak naš
Our parting now
Ali nemoj lažnu
But don't give me false
Nadu da mi daš
Pričaj mi o njoj
Tell me about her
Pričaj sve što znaš
Tell me everything you know
Reci dal' je boli
Tell me if it hurts her
Sad rastanak naš
Our parting now
Ali nemoj lažnu
But don't give me false
Nadu da mi daš
Pozdravi je, pozdravi
Greet her, greet her
Volim je ko prije
I love her as before
Eh da mogu poslati joj suze
If only I could send her my tears
Suze bi joj rekle sve
My tears would tell her everything
Pozdravi je, pozdravi
Greet her, greet her
Volim je ko prije
I love her as before
Eh da mogu poslati joj suze
If only I could send her my tears
Suze bi joj rekle sve
My tears would tell her everything
U malenoj krčmi
In a small tavern
Sjedim sam za stolom
I sit alone at a table
U mislima kao da sam s tobom
In my thoughts, it's as if I'm with you
Kao da me grli ruka tvoja
As if your hand is embracing me
Ali to je samo želja moja
But that's just my wish
Kao da me grli ruka tvoja
As if your hand is embracing me
Ali to je samo želja moja
But that's just my wish
Ti si žena mog života
You are the woman of my life
Našu pjesmu noćas sviraju
They're playing our song tonight
A ja krijem svoje suze
And I hide my tears
Ja ih krijem one padaju
I hide them, they are falling
Ti si žena mog života
You are the woman of my life
Našu pjesmu noćas sviraju
They're playing our song tonight
A ja krijem svoje suze
And I hide my tears
Ja ih krijem one padaju
I hide them, they are falling
Ako ikad prođeš tuda
If you ever pass by here
U proljetne ove dane
On these spring days
Nek' te prođe želja luda
May a crazy desire pass through you
Ne diraj mi jorgovane
Don't touch my lilacs
Nek' te prođe želja luda
May a crazy desire pass through you
Ne diraj mi jorgovane
Don't touch my lilacs
Ne diraj mi jorgovane
Don't touch my lilacs
Još su svježe moje rane
My wounds are still fresh
Zaspale su oči njene
Her eyes have fallen asleep
Možeš tražit sve od mene
You can ask anything of me
Ne diraj mi jorgovane
Don't touch my lilacs
Ne diraj mi jorgovane
Don't touch my lilacs
Još su svježe moje rane
My wounds are still fresh
Zaspale su oči njene
Her eyes have fallen asleep
Možeš tražit sve od mene
You can ask anything of me
Ne diraj mi jorgovane
Don't touch my lilacs
Zaspale su oči njene
Her eyes have fallen asleep
Možeš tražit sve od mene
You can ask anything of me
Ne diraj mi jorgovane
Don't touch my lilacs
Uz tebe sam htio ljubav biti
With you, I wanted to be love itself
Crne oči 'mjesto vina piti
To drink your dark eyes instead of wine
Uz tebe sam htio ostariti
With you, I wanted to grow old
Uz tebe sam htio ostariti
With you, I wanted to grow old
Jutro je, jutro je
It's morning, it's morning
Kad te nema bolje da se nisam ni probudio
When you're not here, it's better I hadn't woken up at all
Nema mjesta na jastuku kojeg nisam ljubio
There's no place on the pillow I haven't kissed
Željo moja, željo moja, željo moja
My desire, my desire, my desire
Kad te nema bolje da se nisam ni probudio
When you're not here, it's better I hadn't woken up at all
Nema mjesta na jastuku kojeg nisam ljubio
There's no place on the pillow I haven't kissed
Željo moja, željo moja, željo moja
My desire, my desire, my desire
Prolaze noći, prolaze dani
Nights pass, days pass
A tebe nema moja Hani
And you're not here, my Hani
Prolaze noći, prolaze dani
Nights pass, days pass
Gdje si večeras moja Hani
Where are you tonight, my Hani
Zašto mi bol nanese
Why do you cause me pain
Zašto mi dušu rani
Why do you wound my soul
Ljepoto mojih snova
Beauty of my dreams
Prelijepa moja Hani
My beautiful Hani
Zašto mi bol nanese
Why do you cause me pain
Zašto mi dušu rani
Why do you wound my soul
Ljepoto mojih snova
Beauty of my dreams
Prelijepa moja Hani
My beautiful Hani
Ljepoto mojih snova
Beauty of my dreams
Prelijepa moja Hani
My beautiful Hani

Авторы: Ivo Lesic, Ibro Bublin, Cvetin Todorovic

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