Duško Kuliš - Nije Ona Svemu Kriva - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Duško Kuliš - Nije Ona Svemu Kriva

Nije Ona Svemu Kriva
It's Not All Her Fault
Šta da kažem ocu kad me pita
What can I tell my father when he asks
Gdje sam, s kim sam
Where I am, who I'm with
Kako sam, šta radim
How I am, what I'm doing
Šta da kažem, šta da slažem sad
What can I say, what can I lie about now
A da ga ne rastužim
So as not to sadden him
Da mu bol ne pričinim
So as not to cause him pain
Šta da kažem majci što me nema
What can I tell my mother, since I haven't called
Da se javim, u dom da joj svratim
To let her know I'm okay, to visit her home
Šta da kažem, šta da slažem sad
What can I say, what can I lie about now
A da je ne rastužim
So as not to sadden her
Da joj bol ne pričinim
So as not to cause her pain
Nedjelja i svi ste tu
It's Sunday and you're all here
Sve podsjeća na sreću
Everything reminds me of happiness
Nedjelja, a više vas ja
It's Sunday, but I won't
Zagrliti neću
Embrace you anymore
Nedjelja i svi ste tu
It's Sunday and you're all here
A mene s vama nema
But I'm not with you
Daleko negdje sad
Somewhere far away now
Na put bez povratka
On a road of no return
Vaš sin se sada sprema
Your son is now preparing
Nedjelja i svi ste tu
It's Sunday and you're all here
Sve podsjeća na sreću
Everything reminds me of happiness
Nedjelja, a više vas ja
It's Sunday, but I won't
Zagrliti neću
Embrace you anymore
Nedjelja i svi ste tu
It's Sunday and you're all here
A mene s vama nema
But I'm not with you
Daleko negdje sad
Somewhere far away now
Na put bez povratka
On a road of no return
Vaš sin se sada sprema
Your son is now preparing
Moje bi pjesme pobijedile znaj
My songs would win, you know
A sretna duša otišla u raj
And my happy soul would go to heaven
Eh, kad bi ti
Oh, if only you
Eh, kad bi ti
Oh, if only you
Rekla mi volim te
Would tell me you love me
Moje bi usne ljubile te znaj
My lips would kiss you, you know
I našoj sreći ne bi došo kraj
And our happiness would never end
Eh, kad bi ti
Oh, if only you
Eh, kad bi ti
Oh, if only you
Rekla mi volim te
Would tell me you love me
Eh, kad bi ti
Oh, if only you
Eh, kad bi ti
Oh, if only you
Rekla mi volim te
Would tell me you love me
Tri sam je zime volio
I loved her for three winters
Tri sam je zime ljubio
I kissed her for three winters
Tri zime duge, preduge
Three long, too long winters
Pa je izgubio
And then I lost her
Tri zime duge, preduge
Three long, too long winters
Pa je izgubio
And then I lost her
Voljela me tri godine
She loved me for three years
Ljubila me zime tri
She kissed me for three winters
Sad je tuđa, a na srcu
Now she's someone else's, and on my heart
Dvije rane ostavi
She left two wounds
Voljela me tri godine
She loved me for three years
Ljubila me zime tri
She kissed me for three winters
Sad je tuđa, a na srcu
Now she's someone else's, and on my heart
Dvije rane ostavi
She left two wounds
Al' je bilo tuge, one hladne zime
Oh, there was sadness, that cold winter
Ti me ljubiš, daš, pa nestaneš
You kiss me, you give yourself, then you disappear
Ako nemaš kuda opet mi se javi
If you have nowhere to go, come back to me
Ja ne mogu dana bez tebe
I can't go a day without you
Šetali bi gradom, ulicama dugim
We would walk through the city, along the long streets
Dok nam vino dušu opija
While the wine intoxicates our souls
Nek' nas ljudi vide zagrljene, sretne
Let people see us embraced, happy
Kako ljubav bitku dobija
How love wins the battle
Sjećaš li se one noći
Do you remember that night
Kad si meni rekla ne
When you told me no
To su bile moje oči
Those were my eyes
Što su s tobom plakale
That cried with you
Sjećaš li se one noći
Do you remember that night
Kad si meni rekla ne
When you told me no
To su bile moje oči
Those were my eyes
Što su s tobom plakale
That cried with you
Nije ona svemu kriva
It's not all her fault
Mnogo čemu kriv sam ja
I'm to blame for a lot of things
Pa zar nije i ona majko
Didn't she also, mother
Pored mene patila
Suffer beside me
Pa zar nije i ona majko
Didn't she also, mother
Pored mene patila
Suffer beside me
U njenu ljubav još uvijek vjerujem
I still believe in her love
U to me moje srce ubjeđuje
My heart convinces me of that
Sad odoh majko koju da popijem
Now I'm going, mother, to have a drink
Nek' sklone čaše sve ću da razbijem
Hide the glasses, I'm going to break them all
Sad odoh majko koju da popijem
Now I'm going, mother, to have a drink
Nek' sklone čaše sve ću da razbijem
Hide the glasses, I'm going to break them all

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