Dyango - La Mare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dyango - La Mare

La Mare
El nen es petit
The child is tiny
I mig adomit
And tames me
La mare se'l mira
Mother looks at him
I junt al bressol
And by the cradle
No el deixa mai sol
Never leaves him alone
Joios suspira
Joyfully sighs
I vetllant les seu somni amb amor
And watching over his sleep with love
I pensa tranquila i ditjosa
And thinks peacefully and joyfully
El meu fill val un mon i un treosr
My son is worth a world and a treasure
I l'adormi tot cantat-li amorosa
And I lull him to sleep singing lovingly
Fes nones reiet
Sleep, my little king
Fes nones fill meu
Sleep, my son
Quye ets un angelet
For you are a little angel
Que m'ha enviat Deu
That God has sent me
Li besa la cara
She kisses his face
El besa al front
She kisses him on the forehead
Petons d'una mare
Kisses from a mother
Lo més gran del món
The greatest in the world
El nen és més gran
The child is older
La mare plorant
The mother sadly
Li diu cada dia
Tells him every day
No surtis de nit
Don't go out at night
I fuig dels brogits
And escape the troubles
Treballa, estudia
Work, study
I tapant-li els defectes què
And hiding the flaws that he has
L' aconsella amb carinyo
Advises him with affection
I el guia
And guides him
Pel camí del treball i del
On the path of work and good
Que és lo que ella desitja i ànsia
That is what she desires and longs for
Perdona 'm fill meu
Forgive me, my son
Però jo t 'haig de dir
But I have to tell you
Que el meu cor et veu
That my heart sees you
Per molt mal camí
On a very bad path
Quin mal t 'aconsella?
Who gives you bad advice?
Deu ser algun ningú
It must be a nobody
Fes cas d'una vella
Listen to an old lady
Que sols viu per tu
Who lives only for you
Veien-te perdut
Seeing you lost
Per tots despreciat
By all despised
Per què no has vingut
Why have you not come
Aquí al meu costat?
Here to my side?
No abaixis la cara
Don't lower your face
Aixeca el front
Raise your head
Que et queda una mare
For you have a mother
Lo més gran del món!
The greatest in the world!

Авторы: Joan Costa

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