Dymytry - Homodlak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dymytry - Homodlak

Homodlak (Gaywolf)
Zas o světě nevíš, nic neříkáš,
You know nothing about the world, you say nothing,
bledý svit Tvé oči váže, skoro nedýcháš.
a pale light binds your eyes, you barely breathe.
V lednici myš oběšená, špajz jak po bílení,
A hanged mouse in the fridge, the pantry looks whitewashed,
jen z televize zní homodlačí kvílení.
only the gaywolf's whining comes from the TV.
Jednou jsem se taky kouk, pár vteřin, nedám dýl.
I took a look myself once, a few seconds, couldn't take more.
Po tom, co jsem tam uviděl, všechno jsem pochopil.
After what I saw there, I understood everything.
to řeknu, ano, je to tak,
I'll say it, yes, it's true,
naše ženy, vysál homodlak.
our women, sucked dry by the gaywolf.
Nikdo z nás ho nemusí se bát,
None of us needs to fear him,
on totiž radši nás chce sát.
he'd rather suck us dry instead.
Co ode čekáš? S Tebou se párat nebudu,
What do you expect from me? I won't argue with you,
hned tu bednu chytím a shodím ze schodů!
I'll grab that box and throw it down the stairs!
Jednou jsem se taky kouk, pár vteřin, nedám dýl.
I took a look myself once, a few seconds, couldn't take more.
Po tom, co jsem tam uviděl, všechno jsem pochopil.
After what I saw there, I understood everything.
to řeknu, ano, je to tak,
I'll say it, yes, it's true,
naše ženy, vysál homodlak.
our women, sucked dry by the gaywolf.
Nikdo z nás ho nemusí se bát,
None of us needs to fear him,
on totiž radši nás chce sát.
he'd rather suck us dry instead.
Hou, hou, chlapi jdou,
Hoo, hoo, the guys are coming,
klacky táhnou za sebou.
dragging clubs behind them.
Hou, hou, tamhle jsou
Hoo, hoo, there they are
a myslím, že jdou za Tebou.
and I think they're coming for you.
Hou, hou, chlapi jdou,
Hoo, hoo, the guys are coming,
chvíli trvá, než se naserou.
it takes a while for them to get pissed off.
Hou, hou, tu jsou
Hoo, hoo, they're here now
a řek bych, že zabijou.
and I think they'll kill you.
Hele, milej patisone, nech nám naše ženy,
Hey, dear pattypan, leave our women alone,
přece se nebudu malovat, abychom byli buzny stejný.
I'm not going to put on makeup just so we can be the same kind of queer.
Chlapi jdeme na něj, ne stříbrem, česnekem,
Guys, let's get him, not with silver, not with garlic,
udělám mu make up okovaným pendrekem.
I'll give him a makeover with a studded baton.
to řeknu, ano, je to tak,
I'll say it, yes, it's true,
naše ženy, vysál homodlak.
our women, sucked dry by the gaywolf.
Nikdo z nás ho nemusí se bát,
None of us needs to fear him,
on totiž radši nás chce sát.
he'd rather suck us dry instead.
On totiž radši nás chce sát!
He'd rather suck us dry instead!

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