Dyn el Heredero - Confronte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dyn el Heredero - Confronte

He visto mucha gente por las redes confundida
I have seen many people confused by the networks
Adaptando el evangelio a su forma de vida
Adapting the gospel to their way of life
Interpretando a conveniencia la palabra sin revelación
Interpreting the word at will without revelation
Sino conforme a los deseos de su corazón
But according to the desires of their hearts
Escudriñan en la palabra disque para volverse sabios
They scrutinize the word they claim to become wise
Pero es puro veneno lo que sale de sus labios
But it is pure poison that comes out of their lips
Hablan de comunión pero le sirven al diablo
They talk about communion but serve the devil
Excusando su pecado con la frase no soy santo
Excuses their sin with the phrase I am not a saint
Si vengo y los exhorto entonces soy legalista
If I come and exhort them then I am a legalist
Y me llaman religioso por tener un punto de vista diferente
And they call me religious for having a different point of view
A lo que consideran que es un artista
To what they consider an artist
Pero es que mi llamado es de ser evangelista
But my calling is to be an evangelist
Por eso ya no me importa que no esté entre los más visto
That's why I don't care anymore that I'm not among the most seen
4 a me escuchan que en mi vean a Cristo
If 4 listen to me that Christ in me them may see
Somos carta leída como decía Pablo
We are a letter read as Paul used to say
Así que ten cuidado con lo que sale de tus labios
So be careful what comes out of your mouth
El ministerio es mucho mucho más de lo que ves en tarima
Ministry is much much more than what you see on stage
Más que levantar la mano y decir que el rey se aproxima
More than raising your hand and saying that the king is approaching
Más que postear en tu Facebook que Jesús está contigo
More than posting on your Facebook that Jesus is with you
Es renunciar a los placeres para poder ser su amigo
It is renouncing pleasures to be able to be his friend
Hablan de madurez cuando en su mente abunda el odio
They talk about maturity when their minds are filled with hatred
Amadores de mismos con falsos testimonio
Lovers of themselves with false testimony
Son falsos maestros con un mensaje erróneo
They are false teachers with an erroneous message
Vestidos de Luz pero por dentro son demonios
Dressed in light but inside they are demons
Muchos me miran mal y no quieren que los confronte
Many look at me badly and don't want me to confront them
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them
Me tiran la mala porque dicen que esto es fronte
They throw the evil at me because they say this is wrong
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them
Muchos me miran mal y no quieren que los confronte
Many look at me badly and don't want me to confront them
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them
Me tiran la mala porque dicen que esto es fronte
They throw the evil at me because they say this is wrong
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them
Navegando por las redes viendo lo que no deben
Surfing the networks seeing what they should not
Sin darse cuenta sutilmente al enemigo ceden
Without realizing they subtly give in to the enemy
Cuidado con lo que vez puede ser que tal vez
Be careful what you see, you may perhaps
Estés abriendo puertas que cerraste alguna vez
You are opening doors that you once closed
Trastornan la palabra pa justificar sus actos
They distort the word to justify their actions
Confunden al que escucha pues no hay un mensaje exacto
They confuse the hearer for there is no exact message
Hoy son luz mañana sombra no hay temor ya nada asombra
Today they are light tomorrow shadow there is no fear anymore
Se a perdido el valor de la palabra honra
The value of the word has been lost
Recuerda somos ejemplo de su gloria somos templo
Remember we are an example of his glory we are a temple
Lo que siembras dará frutos con el tiempo
What you sow will bear fruit in time
Por eso debes ser sabio en lo que dice
That's why you must be wise in what you say
Porque un día darás cuenta de lo que hoy prediques
Because one day you will give an account of what you preach today
Muchos me miran mal y no quieren que los confronte
Many look at me badly and don't want me to confront them
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them
Me tiran la mala porque dicen que esto es fronte
They throw the evil at me because they say this is wrong
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them
Muchos me miran mal y no quieren que los confronte
Many look at me badly and don't want me to confront them
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them
Me tiran la mala porque dicen que esto es fronte
They throw the evil at me because they say this is wrong
Que los confronte... Que los confronte
To confront them... To confront them

Авторы: Edgard Borge

Dyn el Heredero - Confronte
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